I am diabetic last 20 years my tab. Glimepiride (2MG) | Metformin (500MG) | Pioglitazone (15MG) in the morning & in the evening Glimepiride (1MG) | Metformin (500MG) | Pioglitazone (15MG) I have BP but no tab at this time my sugar fasting 122 pp.188. what i can do now.
I am diabetic last 20 years . what i can do . - Diabetes India
I am diabetic last 20 years . what i can do .

my friend who is working a medicine company given guarented treat this deseas by stem cell technic. you can contact me on 09649501924 or8107021704
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I am also a diabetic for about 18 years,now under control.I am sharing with you some general suggestions based on my personal experience.
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which is a result of the pancreatic gland in our body either produces little or no insulin or the body has developed resistance to insulin. In both cases,the body cells do not receive the glucose needed for production of energy because insulin is essential for glucose to enter the cells. This results in the blood sugar levels to increase beyond acceptable levels,though your body cells are starved for glucose. This condition is very bad for our well being and over long term may result in severe complications.
Controlling blood sugar levels is a tough job but it is not impossible if you realize that every thing is in your own hands. This is so,because though you may get good advise from doctors and dieticians,it is ultimately Y O U that will have to take all the necessary steps to successfully control diabetes.I am giving certain general suggestions based on my personal experience which you may consider and adopt based on your personal choice.
Diet plays a very important role in managing diabetes. You should reduce intake of foods that are rich in carbohydrates like sweets, rice,wheat,other grains ,potato,beet and other root vegetables rich in starch. You should eat more of vegetables,sprouts,greens and salads that give you lot of fiber,vitamins and minerals. Each meal you take should be smaller but you may have 5 or 6 meals instead 3 meals a day.
Exercise is very important to control diabetes. Daily brisk walking or jogging for at least 40 to 60 minutes is ideal. Such exercise will consume lots of energy and sugar levels come down accordingly.
Mental stress aggravates diabetes. Lead a stress free life by adopting relaxation techniques like music meditation,yoga and breathing exercises.
Consult a diabetologist and get prescribed for medication if necessary and comply with the doctor's advise scrupulously.
Pioglitazone was recently banned by Govt.of India.Please consult your doctor and consult him about the ban.
Please remember that the most important person in managing your diabetes is Y O U.
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Pioglitazone and its fixed drug combinations with other anti-diabetic drugs :The drug is banned in India. By a notification on 18 June 2013, Indian government has suspended manufacture and sale of this drug in India with immediate effect. This drug may cause heart failure and bladder cancer. However you can use Glimepiride and Metformin.
Change your medicine in consultation your doctor.
However you have maintained blood sugar level below 200 mg/dL. This is good. But you have to maintain desired blood sugar level. (FBS <100 mg/dL; PPBS < 140 mg/dL.)
Even with so much medicines you have FBS 122 & PPBS 188. There is something or many things wrong in your diet & life style. If you give details here I may be able to help you bring down your blood sugar to normal level. If we discuss here it may become useful for others also. If you do not want to discuss in public you can use the MESSAGE option here & discuss in private. Then it will be useful for you alone.
If you follow the LWMDR with present medication you will see blood sugar coming down every day.
Along with Metformin tablets (or other medicines) we should also have control on our diet, do exercise and yoga. In our diet, we should add dishes, which provide good amount of fiber. As part of salad, it is advisable to add one onion & tomato. Cut these two in to small pieces, add some lemon juice, little salt and mix it. Avoid taking direct sweets as far as possible. Do regular check up including HBA1C (three months average). Walk 4 to 5 km daily, bring down weight (in case of overweight).