My Parents are diabetic. Am 37 years old male. Married having a kid. Suddenly My weight has been lost to from 72 kg to 62 kg in 6 months. Assuming will have blood sugar, since my parents are diabetic. Still I have taken any blood test. Please help me to improve my insulin naturally and to increase my weight. recommend me with natural supplementary.
Prediabetic: My Parents are diabetic. Am 3... - Diabetes India

blood test is a must
I am also diabetic since last 4 years. you can enjoy your life with no worry. my suggestion just to follow as below:
1. Never be panic of diabetic.
2. discipline lifestyle
3. leave sugar.
4.walk daily 3-4 km.
5. take methi daily in empty stomach.
6. very important, donot worry for anything. the destiny is made by god, we only need to obey our duty.
What is meaning of Methi
if follow LCHF DIET in the initial stage itself, you can altogether avoid dangerous medicines and diabetic complications.
What is your height. You must calculate your BMI. The method is your height in centimetrs minus hu ndred , gives the desired weight. If you are above that number your BMI is high, then reduction in weight is not problem. Check your fasting glucose and post prandial glucosese, urinary glucose. Check your HB1Ac.lipid profile. If they are abnormal check your kidney function, lliver function test.
Molecular endocrinologist
Hi g79sudhakar, have a look at this FREE Diabetes report and take advantage of the information found in it. Here it truly is FREE.
I would welcome hearing back from you on this.
God loves you! God bless you!
The chance is that your weight is now nearer normal - 1 KG per 1 Inch height so 5 ft = 60 inch = 60 kg. What is your height? Diabetics have higher action rates perhaps high Thyroid activity - Please consult an Endocrinologist, specialist in thyroid & hormones etc. Is there any special stress factors like marriage, house building, ill health of elders, Careers of juniors? Please scroll down your anxiety, often causing weight loss. The test to find your Blood Sugar levels for the last 90 days is called HB1 AC. It will give the history and record if diabetes was present then or now. 37 years is ripe for onset of diabetes as your activity level is half of 6-10 years back unfortunately the diet does not reduce with the drop of actions - please coordinate, all the best. Have you changed your food habits in these times?
Please recommend me what to be done?
Without a HbA1C and 3-4 checks on glucometer (fasting, 1 hour and 2 hour post breakfast and one random three hours after lunch would be the minimum to hypothesize you are in the pre diabetic/ IGT range. You could be full blown diabetic!) you do not your blood glucose range!

Post about your BS levels, diet, lipids etc.
It nice information about BMI regarding Asians. This could be attribute to high intake of carbohydrate by Asians. Hence controlling carbohydratre in take is important. It is recommended that 55-60% of calories sholud come from carbohydratre. This seems to more in this population, particulatly refine carbohydrates loosing vitamins and fiber
Molecular endocrinologist.
According to a leading endocrinologist you have unfortunately 50% more chances of having BS