Hi I m 38 yrs old I m diabetic from 1 and half year in this time my weight is reduced by 20 kg I don't want to go with allopathy plz anyone suggest me about ayurvedic medicine.
Suggest any Ayurvedic medicine : Hi I m 3... - Diabetes India
Suggest any Ayurvedic medicine

Any particular reason why you do not want to try allopathic medicine?
Diabetes seems to be caused due to taking more food than required by our body. As per Indian Vedic System of diet, one needs to consume as much food as much one can take in BRAHMCHARY ASHRAM( 0-25 YEARS), 32 kore in GRAHASTHA ASHRAM(25-50 YEARS), 16 Kore in VANPRASHA ASHRAM ( 50-75 YEARS) and 8 Kore in SANYAS ASHRAM( 75-100 YEARS)
But since every body’s life style is different so this theory can not be blindly followed but one has to do some experiments to find out the correct quantity of food to be taken at his age and for his body.
I was suffering from type-2 diabetes since 2003 and I could maintain my blood sugar level by completely stopping sugar and taking herbs till 2008 without taking any medicine but from Jan, 2009, it became impossible to keep my blood sugar in normal level.
No matter what effort I made, it did not come down. Then I came across the VEDIC STYLE OF DIET. I started reducing my diet by 10 % then I felt hungry immediately but after 15 days ,HUNGER STOPPED AUTOMATICALLY . The reason for this hunger was my brain and not body. The brain behaves like a computer . It keeps record of our diet. Once we reduce it even by 10 percent , it gives a signal of hunger. I again reduced my diet by 10 % after 15 days and keep doing it for one year every month till I felt little dizziness or weakness . This was the message from my body which told me that my diet is now less then my body's food requirement . This was the message from my body and not from brain. I increased my diet by 10 percent then this diet. I became fully healthy then.
I presumed that quantity of food to be the right diet for my age and for my body. NOW MY BLOOD SUGAR IS 80\110 AND BLOOD PRESSURE IS 70\110 FOR THE LAST 8 YEAR WITHOUT TAKING ANY KIND OF MEDICINE OR HERBS EVEN.
ONE MAY CONTACT ME FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION by posting your comments or requests in this page of this web site.
Can you share your diet chart.
Dear Mr. Karan,
Let me tell you frankly , My body, my life style, my age and so many other things are different in you and me. Our life style is different so we should not follow each other's diet since it is not going to help us.
We have to find out our own diets by doing experiments with our bodies . I can only tell you how I experimented with my body to find out my correct food requirement and then followed it which made me disease free. You will be surprised to know that my BP WAS 90\140 AT THE AGE OF 50 YEARS IN 2003 but now at the age of 64 years it is either 70\110 or maximum 80\120 only.
First of all I reduced my diet by 10 percent , I started feeling hungry but after 15 days, this hunger stopped without doing any thing. The reason was , this hunger was due to my brain, The brain works like a computer , it keeps the record of all of our body's activities. When ever we reduce our diet , brain gives a signal that we have reduced our diet but our body does not say any thing. I kept reducing my diet for a year after that my body lost 15 kg weight and after one year I started feeling physical weakness and I could not do all of my daily activities then I understood that now my body is saying that my diet is less then required then I increased it by 10 percent.
After finding my right diet , my sugar became 80\140 and my bp became 70\110 or 80\120 only.
So you need to find out the right kind and right quantity of food for your body . Once you take right quantity of food for your body , you will become so healthy that no diseases will come to you.
can you share your diet chart
Let me tell you what kind of diet I am taking but let me tell you frankly that my age is 64 years and obviously the structure of out bodies may be different so one should not copy other's diet. All what I can say is that you must find out the requirement of diet for your body by making experiments the way I made 7 years back. Once you are able to find out your body's diet requirement then no disease will ever come to you. As I understand the main cause of diseases is Ghee\oil, if we minimise it to few drops per day , our major disease will go away.
I take 500 cc milk in the morning and 500 cc milk in the evening but I
take toned milk only. I eat 2 pieces of bread in the morning along
with the milk and during lunch , I take 3 chapatis without any ghee
and I take any vegetable and Dal but I use only one \two drops of Ghee
or Oil for preparation of Dal and vegetable. During nIght I take only
2 Chapatis and vegetables\Dal.
I eat Dalia without any ghee\oil some times for lunch \dinner . I have
stopped eating any thing prepared with Ghee\oil such as cutlet\samosa
and other such items.
I eat all kinds of fruits in the evening.
Since our bodies and life style are different so I request you to find your diet requirement and do not follow my diet system.
Diabetes seems to be caused due to taking more food than required by our body. As per Indian Vedic System of diet, one needs to consume as much food as much one can take in BRAHMCHARY ASHRAM( 0-25 YEARS), 32 kore in GRAHASTHA ASHRAM(25-50 YEARS), 16 Kore in VANPRASHA ASHRAM ( 50-75 YEARS) and 8 Kore in SANYAS ASHRAM( 75-100 YEARS)
But since every body’s life style is different so this theory can not be blindly followed but one has to do some experiments to find out the correct quantity of food to be taken at his age and for his body.
I was suffering from type-2 diabetes since 2003 and I could maintain my blood sugar level by completely stopping sugar and taking herbs till 2008 without taking any medicine but from Jan, 2009, it became impossible to keep my blood sugar in normal level.
No matter what effort I made, it did not come down. Then I came across the VEDIC STYLE OF DIET. I started reducing my diet slowly till I felt little dizziness or weakness once in a week.
I presumed that quantity of food to be the right diet for my age and for my body. NOW MY BLOOD SUGAR IS 80\110 AND BLOOD PRESSURE IS 70\110 FOR THE LAST 8 YEAR OR SO WITHOUT TAKING ANY KIND OF MEDICINE OR HERBS EVEN.
ONE MAY CONTACT ME FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION by posting your comments or requests in this page of this web site. One can contact me at XXXXXX@gmail.com
Dear gssengar
Very convincing information. Let food be medicine. Thanks. can you please share your daily intake food recipes and ingredients and dry weights which go in your stabilized diet schedule now for mentioned readings of BS 80/110 and BP 70/110? This will help us find out Carbs-Protein-fat content as well s calories per day consumed by you. A little team work in arranging these mathematical details of food intake will help scores of layman patients in overcoming their illness.
B T Shah
Make sure that he posts what you have asked for.
Let me tell you frankly , My body, my life style, my age and so many other things are different in you and me. Our life style is different so we should not follow each other's diet since it is not going to help us.
We have to find out our own diets by doing experiments with our bodies . I can only tell you how I experimented with my body to find out my correct food requirement and then followed it which made me disease free. You will be surprised to know that my BP WAS 90\140 AT THE AGE OF 50 YEARS IN 2003 but now at the age of 64 years it is either 70\110 or maximum 80\120 only.
First of all I reduced my diet by 10 percent , I started feeling hungry but after 15 days, this hunger stopped without doing any thing. The reason was , this hunger was due to my brain, The brain works like a computer , it keeps the record of all of our body's activities. When ever we reduce our diet , brain gives a signal that we have reduced our diet but our body does not say any thing. I kept reducing my diet for a year after that my body lost 15 kg weight and after one year I started feeling physical weakness and I could not do all of my daily activities then I understood that now my body is saying that my diet is less then required then I increased it by 10 percent.
After finding my right diet , my sugar became 80\140 and my bp became 70\110 or 80\120 only.
So you need to find out the right kind and right quantity of food for your body . Once you take right quantity of food for your body , you will become so healthy that no diseases will come to you.
Please leave that to us. Just post your diet and the way you reduced your diet . Principle don't change but the diet.
Let me tell you what kind of diet I am taking but let me tell you frankly that my age is 64 years and obviously the structure of out bodies may be different so one should not copy other's diet. All what I can say is that you must find out the requirement of diet for your body by making experiments the way I made 7 years back. Once you are able to find out your body's diet requirement then no disease will ever come to you. As I understand the main cause of diseases is Ghee\oil, if we minimise it to few drops per day , our major disease will go away.
I take 500 cc milk in the morning and 500 cc milk in the evening but I
take toned milk only. I eat 2 pieces of bread in the morning along
with the milk and during lunch , I take 3 chapatis without any ghee
and I take any vegetable and Dal but I use only one \two drops of Ghee
or Oil for preparation of Dal and vegetable. During nIght I take only
2 Chapatis and vegetables\Dal.
I eat Dalia without any ghee\oil some times for lunch \dinner . I have
stopped eating any thing prepared with Ghee\oil such as cutlet\samosa
and other such items.
I eat all kinds of fruits in the evening.
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5 hours agoajaywadhwa
Thank you sir
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I'm sorry i can't agree with your diet. My knowledge and understanding about D doesn't allow me me to agree.
We are basically not metabolising carbs efficiently. Your food is loaded with carbs.
I never told any body to follow my diet pattern since our bodies are different so we can not follow each other's diet pattern. One has to find out one's own diet by experimenting with one's body and if one is able to find his own diet and consumes only that diet then he will be free from all kinds of diseases.
Our bodies are different but follow almost same metabolic processes barring few aberrations peculiar to individuals. That's why dietary to health and medical advises have relevance across the globe. If one is D pathophysiology remains same more or less. Dietary advises remain more or less same. You are D because you are unable to metabolise carbs as others. This is no difference.
I got my complete body check up at Apolo Hospital, Gurgaon in 2011 when I was 58 year old and doctors could not find any disease\defect in any of my organs that time. Now When I shifted to Bangalore now, My daughter once again asked me to get health check up done at Fortis Hospital, Bangalore. I got my body organs once again checked up at Fortis Hospital on Saturday(10\06\2017) and got the complete report today, No disease\defect was found in any of my organs and my blood pressure was found to be 80\110 and my blood sugar was found to be 85\136. Now I am 64 years old
Though I am suffering from diabetes type 2 since 2003 and I have never taken any kind of medicine for the last 14 years. I have controlled my sugar level by diet control only.
I got my complete body check up at Apolo Hospital, Gurgaon in 2011 when I was 58 year old and doctors could not find any disease\defect in any of my organs that time. Now When I shifted to Bangalore now, My daughter once again asked me to get health check up done at Fortis Hospital, Bangalore. I got my body organs once again checked up at Fortis Hospital on Saturday(10\06\2017) and got the complete report today, No disease\defect was found in any of my organs and my blood pressure was found to be 80\110 and my blood sugar was found to be 85\136. Now I am 64 years old
Though I am suffering from diabetes type 2 since 2003 and I have never taken any kind of medicine for the last 14 years. I have controlled my sugar level by diet control only.
I got my complete body check up at Apolo Hospital, Gurgaon in 2011 when I was 58 year old and doctors could not find any disease\defect in any of my organs that time. Now When I shifted to Bangalore now, My daughter once again asked me to get health check up done at Fortis Hospital, Bangalore. I got my body organs once again checked up at Fortis Hospital on Saturday(10\06\2017) and got the complete report today, No disease\defect was found in any of my organs and my blood pressure was found to be 80\110 and my blood sugar was found to be 85\136. Now I am 64 years old
Though I am suffering from diabetes type 2 since 2003 and I have never taken any kind of medicine for the last 14 years. I have controlled my sugar level by diet control only.
I got my complete body check up at Apolo Hospital, Gurgaon in 2011 when I was 58 year old and doctors could not find any disease\defect in any of my organs that time. Now When I shifted to Bangalore now, My daughter once again asked me to get health check up done at Fortis Hospital, Bangalore. I got my body organs once again checked up at Fortis Hospital on Saturday(10\06\2017) and got the complete report today, No disease\defect was found in any of my organs and my blood pressure was found to be 80\110 and my blood sugar was found to be 85\136. Now I am 64 years old
Though I am suffering from diabetes type 2 since 2003 and I have never taken any kind of medicine for the last 14 years. I have controlled my sugar level by diet control only.
you can try this herbal treat ment .you have to soak two lady fingers(bhindi)after have long cut lenght wise and cut doen her heads both side ,Drink this water empty stomach and do not consume any food till half an hour .you can take IME 9 or RIGHT SUGR tablet along with this bhindi water
This practice of reducing diet intake is most effective,until and unless it is reduced to bare minimum, eat even then balance diet,heart healthy.