What should be time gap between dinner and BS fasting test? Some say that it should be 8 hours while others say it should be 11-12 hours.
Time gap for BS fasting test: What should be... - Diabetes India
Time gap for BS fasting test

Just a thought. Anyone going for lab test at say 11 hours should check it out on home glucometer @ hours 8, 9, 10 & 11 and report it here along with lab test find.
At least 12 hours

They wait to go FBS bad by then PPBS is definitely bad. So there is one more diabetic for treatment.
The persons blood alaysflctulates hence every moment the BS levl scilates similarily for BP also. So there is no any test isauthentic . But test isnecessary to found out the BS level
1 For which FBS is fixed at least 8 hours from previous night. and PPBS alsofixed as norm agterbreakfast 2 hours time.
But here also various congfusing found.
If we test by Glucometer at home geneally lab is so much away if we go to lab by walking it coss at least 1 or 1 /1/2 kms. then whether BSlevel raises or decreases ?
further even in glucometer every hour FBS 7 8 910 then various figures found.
can u explain please if we test 7 Am for FBS if it comes EX. 98 THEN AFTER 8 aM 9 aM 10 am etc whether Blood glucose raise ornormal what is the reason as per medical theory ?
similarily for PPBS if we test after FBS we may drink immediately after FBS because lab is beyond 1 km after we came to house and finish thebath and after we may take breakfast after2 hour PPBS is done if we go to lab again 1 km by walk.
So any rule is not applcable as accurate.
Only accurate solution is HBA!C if we done there is no time restricted and it givesaverage value of 2 months if we take so much of sweets or heavy food or low food it tallies.
Here also one disadvantage is found if we attack illness like infection or decentry or fever etc thenthe tablets and antibiotic and multivitamin tables consumed here also the 2 months average HBA1C is may come differ.
Any further infirmation from learned members may please share hre in friendly discussion Thanks

For a diabetic FBS must be tested as soon as the person wakes up. As time passes for most of the diabetics BS starts rising. So if there is gap in testing the FBS reading will be higher.
I totally agree with this & have practically seen it happening many times.
Once, My sugar level was 105 at 6.30am & then when tested around 10 am, it was 155 ( No food input or any kind of activity).
I now test myself, the moment I wake up & then don't bother much about what happens to my sugar level later.
One thing I have found helpful is, taking breakfast immediately after waking up, helps in avoiding the later sugar dump spikes.
Kind off, the body switches off the dumping if it feels external input is coming.
This early morning dumping is a natural phenomenon of the body mechanism.
And for those who have time for exercises or walking, they can do it after an hour of having breakfast & see what happens to the readings after 2 hours of breakfast & just before lunch.
Same pattern is experienced by many diabetics. I have same experience though my levels difference is not that much but around 8-10 points and it remains below 100. This doesn't happen in case for non diabetics.
[quote @shrisamarth]
This doesn't happen in case for non diabetics.
A question,
Does dumping not occur ?
Is the dumping taken care due to normal secretion of insulin in non-diabetics ?
I personally believe, it is the second.
you are 100% correct meetu77

For each and every statement I don't need any university paper. It doesn't mean that if something is not in academic books it is false. I have stated what actually happens. To confirm go and test some diabetics.
Facts don't change whether I remain silent or not.

I fully agree with Meetu77.
Thanks & good luck to you too.
Agree with your practical observation of 15 mins walk, 3 times a day after meals, is beneficial for diabetics.
The way I put it is : 15 mins of simple walking or strolling, after 15 mins of having your meals.
Yes, I was & am on medicines ( metformin, sulfonyl urea, vildagliptin ).
That apart,
I am not specifically doing Low Carb diet, though my diet automatically turns out to be a bit with lower carbs.
My dinner the previous day of testing, happened to be a couple of chapattis, cabbage sabji, 1/2 cucumber, Boiled Egg - 1.
Could say, this adds up to approx 30-40 carbs.
The medicines taken gave me a reading of FBS.
But I don't think, the 155 at 10 am ( without any input of food or exercise ) was a result of the waning effect of the medicines.
@shrisamarth has pointed out that he has seen similar dumping in his own case, though with a marginal difference of 8-10 points.
Perhaps his body is able to handle the dump better as compared to my body.
That was informative.
Agree with the two suggestions given by you about early dinner & going for a walk.
As for weight, unfortunately for a diabetic, I am the opposite of obese.
What do tdi, w and REE stand for ?
Thanks for the elaboration.
You got it wrong.
That dog is angry, because :
s/he can neither chew the bone, nor swallow it nor give it up.