Cost of diets which some of the members of ... - Diabetes India

Diabetes India

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Cost of diets which some of the members of this forum are taking.For an average wage earner, it is out of their reach.

patliputra profile image
37 Replies

In the name of LCHF different persons have very kindly shared their daily diet schedule.If one calculates the the cost per day for single person it is minimum ₹150.

Per capita income of Indians in 2012-13 is according to govt. figures is less than ₹40000.It is annual income.Now suppose a person of 50 yrs has a family of 4pesons,even if he has monthly income of₹40000 per month if he lives in rented accommodation say in Pune can he afford?

Most of the people who contribute in this forum it appears are pretty well off persons and they can afford.

If LCHF is to be popularised out of this forum some simple cost effective diet plan has to be devised.

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patliputra profile image
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37 Replies
patliputra profile image

If some one closes eyes,he may not see the reality,but facts remain facts.

A newly detected diabetic,a pre diabetic who are not yet on any medication want to adopt LCHF but he is left with no option but to make compromise.

Life is very harsh and so are realities.

ranj profile image

Diabetes is a life style disease and mostly middle and upper income group people are affected by this. You will hardly found any hard working person suffering from diabetes. However, your point is valid. Not only lower income group but it is also difficult for a middle class to afford either LCHF / drugs as well as cost involved in diabetic management.

patliputra profile image

LCHF is a diet plan and no body is questioning it.Many have sung songs in its praise.But an entirely different aspect of diabetic management is being put before the forum for open discussion.

Any plan has three components,1-availability, 2-accessibility, 3- affordability .It is central to successful implementation of any planned programme.

Dr. Amartya sen 1998 Nobel prize winner in economics has said in context of feminine "the root cause of starvation in feminine is not lack of food,but the capacity of average person to buy food."Same is applicable with LCHF .

It is not correct to say the diabetes affects middle and upper class mostly.As a matter of fact diabetes is becoming a disease of poor.

Surveys conducted in Asian countries have concluded that poverty is significantly associated with an increase in type 2 diabetes incidence.

Even in western economies,low income population is more likely to develop diabetes.

In India, crude prevalence rate of diabetes in urban areas is 9%,in rural area 3%.

Prevalence of IGT, urban-8.7%, while in rural areas-7.9%.

Unknown to known diabetes ratio is 1.8:1in urban, 3.3:1 in rural areas.

Many people don't understand the magnitude of problem and concern themselves with few.

atma profile image

In my case i save on lchf. No expensive list of medications. No frequent doctor visit. No travelling to find new and new doctor to get my 'd' solution. No expensive test. Normally doctor test what ever machinery they have. In one month 2 MRI brain scan i had to under go.

I am a pure vegetarian i don't know about others expense.

patliputra profile image

Please let us not confuse the issue.Here we are not discussing merit or otherwise of LCHF diet.We are talking about larger issue of cost involved in diet and it's affordability .May I request gentlemen who say it is cheap and they are saving on it,to come out with a LCHF diet plan with cost of every item separately mentioned as per market rate.Please also keep in mind that you have a family.You can not eat Paneer/egg alone, without sharing it with your family members.Please also take into account other things you eat eg.Walnut,Almond and peanuts etc.You also have to consider cooking oil,condiments,salt etc while calculating the cost.

Another thing many who are on LCHF are also taking different types of supplements .Cost is to added in the overall scheme of things.

If some one comes out with a comprehensive meal plan with minute cost estimation,it will be gratefully appreciated.

ninjarao profile image

Food Inflation ! effecting all can't blame one to another here for a common man , Daily wager affording Rice , Wheat or even egg is difficult , its directly proportional to income he earns so a decease when it occurs it ravages the savings and health which again makes a person more incapable to earn daily wages , its more complicated question and actually we need to see in prism of Diabetics complications could cripple someones life long savings and we need to see how to control BS keep a tight lit on the food we eat , remain active , remain positive life has larger purposes , " Kuch Log Khane ke liye Jeete hain aur Kuch log Jeene ke liye Khate hain " father use to tell me but now i know the meaning of it :) .

ThaNKS medfree for your answer But your answer applied onlyfor non vegitarians what about vegitarian for south peoples

As nutrition and diabitic Doctor says carbonate protien and fat totaly complex carbonate maybe used by B S patients and they may use fruits like tomato and pappya . lengthy of green vegitables and

As per LCHF diet it may notpossivle to south Indian vegitarians because their main food is Rice Ragi Wheat and sooji Without using chappathi uppama or Roti adn rice the person starving humgry

As per Doctor advice fasting to be avoided from B S patients Only rounded gains is sufficient for daily requirements is it enough for starving Can u please clarify

shrisamarth profile image

In well managed diabetes there is nothing strange. On this forums you will find many members who are in good control of their diabetes. I myself diabetic for two years, take only one metformin SR 500 with BF. And my last Hba1c was 5.6. I have achieved this levels mainly with the help of diet. One of members here said that I am not diabetic after looking at my lipid nos. Every person is unique, but good control over diabetes can't be called unique or strange case.

sugary profile image

Dear Mr Babu,

I do not understand why u r taking comments of Medfree so personally. Medfree is writing what he has gone through nd wants all to know what he achieved. To follow his advise or not is for u to decide. He is only suggesting that he has benefited from LCHF diet. You still want to go for HCLF diet is your choice. We all have benefited. Regarding cheese and eggs etc it is for you to find substitutes which are cheap and affordable to your pocket. As for me I too am now planning to stop taking medicine say in a months time.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to sugary

Why trying to shield somebody.Every body is competent enough to defend themselves.If you want to contribute ,write some thing meaning ful.Piease avoid partisan attitude.

patliputra profile image

What you said about rural india,is very pertinent.I do not know how intimately you are or were associated with the villages,but one thing is certain you have never worked in a village.Your thinking is very ideal but I am sorry to say that it is only I wishful thinking.What I am is from my personal experience.Long long FAO funded a project with the same objective.I was part of that project.All the efforts went in vain as it only marginally successfull.I will not go in details but it was concluded that it is not feasible at this point of time.Since last 13 yrs. I have not visited a single village, so I do not know the current status.

patliputra profile image

May be but my idea is simply to discourage this type of things, as it creates bad blood.We are all here to share problems and solutions in a congenial atmosphere.

vetdoctor profile image

Diabetes is actually a Rich mans is the TRUTH.

in reply to vetdoctor


I am not a rich man & many of the people (having diabetes) whom I know, are also not rich. :-D


patliputra profile image

We are looking in the wrongs direction.Presentation of diabetes in India is different from western 1/3 rd cases are under weight,1/3 just around normal only1/3 are obese.Even different factors are associated with the causation od diabetes.

bhaskarraut profile image



Quote : "some simple cost effective diet plan has to be devised."

Totally Agree. We have enough brains here, whose efforts in this direction also, will definitely be helpful, at a mass level. Diabetes, is no longer confined to the rich or urban. It has spread its tentacles far beyond the internet users.


I have read some where whose mother used to take Nutrients deficient diets before/during/after birth of child ,the chances of that child becoming diabetic are about 80%,i am not sure,any comments from anybody will be welcomed.

My question still not answered

sonu1196 profile image

i am surprised that people are debating on affordability of LCHF. If possible follow lchf, or else follow whatever method you want. no body is forcing any one to strictly follow it.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to sonu1196

Your vision is very limited.Perhaps magnitude of problem escapes your attention.

sugary profile image

Yes you are right with all the cheese butter etc low carb stuff is expensive for me there is another trouble of preparing these dishes with both me n my wife working. I am still trying to find a way out. Fasting too doesn't seem practical for me at least. I am on metformin SR 1000 OD after BF. My PPBS is 140 on meter diet is not fully LCHF at the moment but am trying to switchover asap.

patliputra profile image

The magnitude of problem is huge.We are not in a position even to think about comprehensive solution.Most of the members have confined themselves to very narrow perspective of only blood sugar levels.

At the national level we don't have a diabetic care policy.A small group of people which includes doctors,diabetics workers and diabetic persons,are trying their best to work in this direction.Their work includes creating awareness about diabetes and it's complications,it's preventive aspect,and infrastructure for diabetic care,which should be easily available ,accessible and that should also be affordable.

I am cutting short as it is a very lengthy and complicated subject and there is no easy short cut.

patliputra profile image

Your mother lives in an urbanised village.But you are completely cut off from a real village since your childhood.

patliputra profile image

No need to be offensive.I do not know you .If a girl college do not have a proper toilet does not mean that village is not urbanised.There are even so called towns where many private homes do not have a proper toilet.

You said you are born in a village,and that is all.You only talked about your mother and did not say about any thing about yourself.I have no intest in your village.

Please do not talk like a wretched politician .A more decent and dignified response is expected of an iitian.Or you have become arrogant because of that?

patliputra profile image

The question raised is about affordability .If we are not in a position to formulate a cost effective diet, then matter ends there.

patliputra profile image

The question raised is about affordability .If we are not in a position to formulate a cost effective diet, then matter ends there.

patliputra profile image

I was a must so that every should know where they stand in wider perspective.Also it is easier to say eat this and eat that without thinking about its affordability.When the forum is requested in some constructive work which would have far reaching impact,it failed miserably .

patliputra profile image

Did I poke any one? But you who is picking up thing, by diverting main issues.Here no one was talking about LCHF or Ada.That is why I said you always divert and twist things.To retaliate without any cause indicates impatience and insecurity.

You said baseless,every scientific discovery starts with baseless.Even solving an eqetion presumes X which is also baseless..

I am always amused by your retaliation and wonder what's inside your psyche.Keep your anger under control.Try to be at peace with yourself.

patliputra profile image

Again you are trying to divert and distort things.

patliputra profile image

I did not know you are so touchy.

patliputra profile image

Affordability of diet which is consumed by some of the members flaunting their richness shamelessly.But when it came to cost calculation they all ran away.

patliputra profile image

I have seen Many PARTISAN comments in this forum.And you are accusing me of being partisan.There is a caucus Woking who tries,to corner those who don't. conform to their views,if that happens I will be there.

patliputra profile image

Pleasemark their wordings, it was simply arrogant.One should learn to take criticism in good spirit and sportingly.BYW our dialogue has taken too much time and I missed World Cup match.

patliputra profile image

It is other way round.

patliputra profile image

Please yourself .

patliputra profile image

Very interesting observations.But in this foru people will ridicule you and try to suppress you as it do not conform to their dictates.Pease continue to share your experience ,you are most welcome by persons who are open minded.

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