my sugar level is 162 how can i control my ... - Diabetes India
my sugar level is 162 how can i control my sugar

Can you provide complete details of LCHF food
You'd probably do well if you google Glycemic Index & Glycemic Load by Mendosa. I still have to find a quarter as thorough web site. It is out of the world!
Can you provide complete details of Pranic Healing ?
Your age is 77 and sugar level is 162. Is this level a fasting sugar level ? If it is so then you have to exercise. If you are already doing it, then the exercise is not sufficient. If you are overweight then also the time for getting it in control increases.
If your health permits, walk for atleast 3 to 4 km. at a stretch. This will burn at least 200 calories every day. Take only 1000 to 1200 calories at the most per day. One bowl of rice with 10 cm diameter of bowl is approx. 75 to 100 calories. One pair of medium idlis gives you around 250 calories alongwith sambar and chatni. One dosa gives similar calories. This way calculate your total intake of food. One tea or coffee gives 120 calories. Two Parle biscuits give 40 calories. One bowl of sambar gives 75 calories approx.
Oil and Ghee (Whether vanaspati ghee or buffalo ghee) give 9 caloires per gram. Groundnuts and sesame and coconut give 6 calories per gram. One gram of sugar gives only 4 calories. Hence Oil and Ghee are worst than sugar . One glass of milk gives 120 calories.
If you take only these precautions, you will find a drastic change in your sugar level and it will come down appreciably.
Most important is stress. You must not think too much about your sons and daughters and wife as to what family. God gives birth to birds and gives them wings to fly and beaks to eat. This is true for our family. Dont worry too much about them. They are capable of taking care of themselves.
I have taken a little freedom while advising you. I am also diabetic for last 4.5 years. However I have to tell you that I have acted this way and I can pronounce proudly that my sugar level is 100 (fasting) and 135 (post prandial i.e. after meals) throuout for 4 years without taking a single tablet or capsule. Since I was declared diabetic, I did not take a single tablet and followed the diet and rigorous exercise. I swim 2 kilometers every day and take only 1000 to 1200 calories diet. I take normal tea or coffee with sugar. However I have stopped Ghee intake though I was mad for eating it on my rice. I dont eat Farsan or Bondas or Chivada. I eat atleast 300 to 400 grams of neatly washed and cut salad (Which includes one tomatto, one cucumber, One beet root medium size and one carrot big size every day in the morning without adding any masala. Occasionally I do eat one bowl of Payasam or Rava Kesari with normal sugar.
You can be in touch with me by email if you have any further querries.
With Regards,
S.D.Ganu (66Years)
ravipunekar JI
Can you please disclose the cost of Pranic (Pran - life force) Healing in this forum and how much time will be taken to balance
the aura, as per your statement anyone can learn to do it.
Then please reply at this forum only get this benefit to all diabetic over the world. If anything fishi in your statement you will be disappear positively and all member will understand your intension.

basudev: I second you. I did not find any DIY thing on the internet. I suspect it may be something with effectiveness as low as homeopathic remedies.
Firstly tell whether this is fasting sugar or pp sugar?
Eat ONLY suitable kinds of food. Exercise well. Do not stress yourself. You may try this home remedy with the supervision of a Doctor. Chew two or three fresh leaves of 'Nayantara' plant on an empty stomach twice a week. It brings down the blood sugar levels drastically. Continue your regular medicines but adjust the dosage as required.
Hello pl tell me about nayantara plant where can we get it n hw does it look ,thanks. usha
That means you keep touching 25 though the lowest at this height has been a little over 24. Shows consistency/ stability.
Dear surendran,
152 is not a dangerous zone rather you may be using this as an alert.
to bring down this to safe zone:
1. know your diet. means which is diabetic and which is not diabetic. To find check for the glycemic index of the particular food.
2. Count your calories...2000 Kcal per day is safe zone.
3. If you like take a homeopathic combination in consultation with doctor.
4. Half an hour brisk walk in the morning as well as evening
4. Dont enter into allopathic medicine now.
5. Dont add sugar to your coffe or tea
5. Dont eat any sweets which give direct sugar
6. Eat more vegetables and citrous fruits like lemon, mosumbi etc avoid mango banaana and jackfruit.
7. soak vendhayam for 12 hrs. add ginger and turmeric powder to it and eat a spoon of this 10 minutes before your food.
hi kclvbn, can you please give details of your 800kcal vegetarian lchf diet. That may help me to adjust my lchf vegi diet.
Simply follow LCHF DIET your sugar level will be controlled. For that study in detail about lchf diet from books or from the web.
If any one from this forum can reconcile this Please do it.
On Sat, 7/6/14, sriniva san <> wrote:
To: "Basudev Paul" <>
Date: Saturday, 7 June, 2014, 12:01 PM
Hi BasudevThank
you for your mail. Actually we are conducting two days
NATURAL TECHNICS" This is a live workshop.If you attend
this workshop it will be most benefit to you.We are
conducting this workshop in all major cities in Tamilnadu.Is
it possible to attend here?.Or otherwise if you arrange 20
persons like mind persons,we cam come to Hyderabad and
conduct workshop there.Our charge is Rs15000/- per
participant.(This includes one days workshop with phone
counseling for 120 days weekly twice).Every person should
attend one time in his life.Our workshop is not only for
Diabetic.This includes all diseases like B.P.Thyroid,Mental
stress,Diabetic,T.B,Back pain,Knee pain etc.Simply cures
from head to foot.So,please think and reply at an
Thank youSrinivasan.B09787236699
On Sun, May 11, 2014 at
10:18 PM, Basudev Paul <>
I am from hyderabad india.Thanks
Basudev paul
On Sunday, 11 May 2014
8:52 PM, sriniva san <>
Hi Basudv
Thank you for your mail. Actualy I
was out of station one week.So that
I could
not able to reply. Diabetic is curable in Naturopathy in
days.There are lot of records available
from cured persons.It is 8th
wonder in world.This is curable in the following two
2.Changing one time food eating for body.Now we
are eating food for
our taste only.
From the above method,diabetic is cured 100%. And also we
can protect
ourselves from Diabetic life
long. More that,500 families have been
rejuvenated 100% from the diabetic.May I know
where are you from?
On 5/10/14, Basudev Paul
> Dear Sir
> Are
you genuine anr a cheater not responding me to support.
> From: Basudev Paul <>
> To: ""
> Sent: Wednesday, 7 May 2014 11:54 PM
> Subject: Re: Send me details for DIABETIC
> Why not replying to me
> pls
> On Saturday, 3 May
2014 5:43 PM, Basudev Paul <>
> wrote:
Waiting for your response.
> Thanks
> Basudev paul
Now my fasting is within 100 and PPBS 1 hour is 138. I give more stress on my fasting and 1 hour PPBS. If one hour is properly controlled then normally my PPBS 2 hour is around 103. Before i had to take 1500gm of metformin. Now just 1 gm metformin + LCHF I am in total control. After strictly follow for 1 month i plan to reduce metformin to 500mg. Now i love my lchf diet. It is completely suiting my stomach. LONG LIVE LCHF DIET.
Thanks Medfree
My intention is to make aware to maximum diabetic that by any chance any one of us should no catch into the clutch of this selfish people. So I have putted total communication to this guy.
Control & Stop Diabetes with Diabetes Reversal Medicine. Get Results & say 'NO' to Diabetes. Our medicine is very Useful and result oriented in Type I & Type II Diabetes. For medicine details please visit,
i will, unfortunately common sense is not so common!!!!!!!!
Before coming to lchf diet It is true that i could not take little ghee or oil or salt. If i take along with 30+ rotti. then my bp increses. Even I have to use low namak that too very little. I thought it was the FAT. But same me now taking enough fat with out any bp, constipation or gas. It is not the FAT. It is the CARB is the culprit. It is not the people's mistake. It has been taught over centuries fat is bad. It has to be changed slowly.
MEDICARE is a big cheating business. Even so called high class countries are also no exception these cheating. It is strange but true,!!!!!!
Good Day You try The Insulin Plants in One Month later your sugar level will gradually down just believe it and have faith that you will surely cured i assuredly tell you the truth this is the healing magical miraculous plants made by God.
walking at least 6 km daily is mudt take intake in less quantity adding salad do physical excersis as your permits yoy dont think much tension will give you further complication easy living panchsheel
Mendosa is not alone there. Some other web sites too give similar views about peanuts...
Walking tones up other faculties too. Hopefully, it improves metabolic rate.
right take danamethi powder giloy plant and paneer phool regularly dont think much because dib will further increase
Panchsheel: Mayo Clinic clearly states that combination of diet and health benefiting activity (pursuit) plays a big role in managing blood glucose. Cutting out carbohydrates is important. Even allopathic drugs have minimal impact. Homeopathic preparations do not perform better than placebo! Ayurveda and other herbs have not been proved to be instrumental in reducing blood sugar level for all those who take it. Perhaps those who are careful about diet achieve lower levels and credit the herbs!! So, please do not cheat yourself. . .
Could hypnosis be an alternative or supplement to Pranic Healing?
medfree: I got into trouble because my carb intake contributed 70% of the calories! I never went down to LCHT prescribed 100/110 grams carb but still had reasonable outcome. Since June I am at about 40% carb level and yet A1C improved by 0.4% (from 6.4 to 6.0%) . . . P.S: I feel discomfort with lesser carbohydrate.