luke warm water with 2 lemon and 2 gram black pepper powder & 2 gram cinnamon powder after coming from walking & Exercise my blood sugar was 170 at 8 am why it happens can someone explain this
Today before going to Walking & Exercise I ... - Diabetes India
Today before going to Walking & Exercise I check my blood sugar at 5 am with accu chek Active machine it was 114 and then I Take 2 glass of

BS rises in the morning even if you do not do anything. So better check before BF and take the necessary dose. I understand BS comes from liver.
Pl let us know the Hb A1C reading. The Blood Sugar sugar level will always depend on your Hb A1 C too. When you work out like water flowing from higher level the BSL will swing depending on Average value of BSL. So long you do not have any sign of low sugar symptom. Work out two times on morning and evening-30 minutes instead of longer than 30 mts.if you feel. Over a period of time the BSL value will come down but watch your Hb A1 C.
Best wisshes
I don't know why, I have been walking every day 4 kms that to brisk walking and my sugar levels never go up after the walk. Why don't you check this for a week daily and then need be visit a diabetologist without fail.
Walking is an exercise which is recommended by every doctor hence it is something different with you. Needs some careful diagnosis.
I donot think it is true.
Continue to do what you are doing even after one weak the reading is same consult your family doctor who know your body condition. Do not get worried.What is your age you have not mentioned .Get your HbAC1 test done it should be around 5.8 to 6 with your present blood sugar reading .
Normally bs falls after exercise and the effect may last upto 24 hours.But individuals whose resting bs is elevated, excercise causes rise in bs.Reasson is simple, not enough insulin is produced in the body, to cope with glucose pumped into circulation due to exercise.
After walking 1 hour I do some exercise like Bench Press, Dumbbell Workout, Bench Dips & Others
what have to say on this
MAY be true.consumption of black pepper and cinnamom combined with water could have filled your stomach sufficiently. Try to take smple testing for a week,if necessary use other machine for B/S test,and try testing without taking pepper,cinnamom.
Did you ask your doctor?
I agree. It generally happens with me too.The BS level before the morning walk is lower that the BS level after the morning brisk walk for 45-60 minutes.
in my case, before pranayama and light exercises the reading were 95-102 & after (1hr.15mts) readings were higher by 5-10 pt.
After walking 1 hour I do some exercise like Bench Press, Dumbbell Workout, Bench Dips & Others
what have to say on this
This is due to the Morning effect. Measurements of blood sugar levels during and immediately after exercise are inevitably higher as the liver is pumping glucose for providing an energy source for the muscular activities.
It is not true for everyone. It depends on their body. there are cases where people get lows during or after exercise and workouts.
It is normal..that sugar shoots up after exercise... as the liver releases glucose to the body for energy.....