Home Remedies To Treat Flem In Throat - Diabetes India

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Home Remedies To Treat Flem In Throat

harsta profile image
5 Replies

To filter the air we breathe, the mucous membrane of the windpipe or airways produces a thick liquid substance. This is known as flem. The production of Flem increases when there is an infection in the respiratory tract. Flem contains the pathogens causing the infection such as bacteria, virus or inflammatory cells that are produced as a response to the infection.

Flem In Throat

Flem in throat is an indication of infection. If the person is healthy Flem will be white in color.

• Dark yellow colored Flem is an indication of infection of the lower respiratory tract or any bacterial infection.

• People who smoke will have dark brown colored flem

• If there is blood in the flem, it is a symptom of bronchitis

• Green colored Flem indicates pneumonia

Causes Of Flem

Flem production in the body occurs as a result of infection, irritation, throat or due to serious medical conditions. Some of the important causes for Flem in adults and children are listed below.

• Infections such as common cold, flu, bronchitis and COPD.

• Allergic reaction to irritants as in asthma and hay fever

• Damage to vocal cords due to over exertion

• Smoking causes the dryness of the vocal cords. This leads to excess Flem production to line the airways

It is normal to have Flem that will last for up to a week during an infection. If the symptoms or there is blood in the Flem it is best to consult the doctor. Expel the Flem whenever possible and can try some home remedies to cure the problem.

Home Remedies For Flem In The Throat

1. Honey And Lemon Tea

Honey improves the immune power of the body and has antiseptic properties. Lemon has anti bacterial property and the vitamin C present in them improves the resistance power of the body against infections.

• Drink hot tea to which honey and lime is added at least three times a day to soothe the throat and reduce Flem production

2. Ginger And Cinnamon

Ginger is effective in reducing throat and respiratory tract infections as it has antibacterial properties. It has been used for centuries in treating cold and sinus.

• Mix ginger, cinnamon and carnation

• Add a cup of hot water to this mixture

• Stir and strain and drink the strained mixture with a teaspoon of honey in it.

• You can use herbal tea made of chamomile to get rid of mucus.

3. Garlic

The sulfur presents in garlic fight the bacteria and other infection causing organisms. When the infection reduces flem production also reduces.

• Consume a few cloves of raw garlic before going to bed.

• Instead you can use them in all food preparations

4. Milk And Turmeric

Turmeric has antiseptic properties. Drinking milk and turmeric improves the immune system of the body and make it more effective in fighting infections.

• Take a glass of hot milk and add a teaspoon of turmeric to it

• Drink this mixture before going to bed.

5. Honey And Pepper

Pepper is used to treat various throat infections. Honey will soothe the mucous membranes of the throat.

• Add a pinch of white or black pepper to a teaspoon of honey

• Take this mixture twice daily for five days to reduce sore throat and Flem production.

6. Steam Inhalation

Inhaling the steam will loosen the Flem in your chest, nose, throat etc and helps in the elimination of Flem from the body.

• Inhale steam from a tub of boiling water

• If you want you can add aromatic oils like eucalyptus oil to the water and inhale the steam.

• You can also have hot showers to loosen the Flem in the body.

Eucalyptus has antiseptic property and the vapors of the oil will prevent the production of throat mucous.

7. Gargle With Salt Water

Salt can destroy the bacteria causing the throat infection and can reduce the formation of flem. The gargle will help to clear the Flem trapped in the back of your throat inside and in the air passages.

• Mix a tablespoon of salt with a cup of warm water

• Gargle using the mixture for 30 seconds

• Repeat the remedy several times a day

8. Avoid Irritants

Exposure to irritants can irritate the air passages and can aggravate the Flem production. Always keep your windows open to allow fresh air.

• Avoid exposure to paint fumes, chemicals, household cleaners which will cause irritation to the respiratory tract.

9. Shallots

Shallots contain sulfur which will clear the infection of the airways. They reduce the irritation of the mucous membranes.

• Take 6-8 shallots and peel it.

• Eat the peeled shallots with sugar

• You will have a burning sensation in your airways which is a sign that your remedy is working.

10. Avoid Smoking

One of the important things to do when you have a throat infection and Flem is to avoid smoking. Anything you inhale affects your respiratory system. Smoke from cigarettes, cigars can worsen the throat condition. The compounds from these will interfere with the natural healing of the body.

• Smoking irritates the throat and worsens the respiratory conditions.

• Cut the smoking habit at least till your nose and throat is clear.

11. Spicy Food

Spicy food helps to loosen the mucus and aids in the easy expulsion of the Flem from the body.

• Eat spicy foods containing chilly, pepper, chili peppers, horseradish wasabi ginger, garlic etc. to loosen the mucus.

12. Keep The Body Hydrated

Like all other illness, keeping the body hydrated help the body to clear the flem.

• Drink water every hour to make the Flem thin

• You can increase the fluid intake in the form of tea, watery soups etc.

13. Nasal Rinse

Flushing clean water and saline through the sinuses will help to clear the mucous in the throat. This is used in ayurvedic treatments to clear the flem.

• You can use the saline nasal rinse available in the drugstore

• Use the nettipot to cleanse the nose and the sinuses.

14. Use A Humidifier

The moisture from the humidifiers can make the mucus in your body thinner and easy to expel.

• Keep the humidifier on when you are having Flem in the throat.

• Do not forget to run the humidifier at night

• You can even add essential oil like eucalyptus oil to the water to increase mucous fighting.

15. Humming

This is one of the ways used by singers to break down the Flem in the throat. You will be able to create vibrations by humming which will be able to break up the mucus.

• Try humming music for 10- 15 minutes to loosen the flem

16. Blow Your Nose Regularly

You might think that it is embarrassing and gross to let the mucus out of your body by blowing your nose, but is the best way to get rid of the Flem and the infection causing germs from your body.

• Do not ignore the urge to cough up mucus or blow nose

• Do not swallow the phlegm, this will reintroduce the germs into your system

• Keep a box of tissues to let out the mucous.

17. Avoid Fried Food Items

Deep fried foods are cooked in excess oil and hence will be greasy.

• Eating too much of fried foods daily will increase the time for the mucus in your body to break apart.

• So, when you suffer from Flem make sure you totally avoid deep fried and even oil cooked foods for a speedy recovery.

18. Avoid Meat

It is ideal for you to avoid meat and poultry products when you have Flem in throat.

• Meat will increase the mucus production and hence it should be avoided when you suffer from cold.

• You will also not be able to enjoy the taste of meat and poultry with a stuffy nose.

• Stay away from meat if you are suffering from excess mucus.

19. Avoid Dairy Products

Dairy products increase the production of mucous or Flem in the body

• Avoid eating dairy products such as yoghurt, ghee, butter, cheese etc

20. Chicken Soup

• Hot chicken soup will help in moisturizing the airways

• It will also help in breaking the mucus.

• Make sure to drink at least one to two soup bowls full of hot chicken soup to clear Flem in your throat.

Are you finding it very difficult to control your nasal drips? Do you want to get rid of the Flem in your throat that is really creating a problem or you? Then, you need to try out some of the above mention home remedies that will help you to easily get rid of the Flem in your throat without much trouble. You might need to try out a combination of two to three home remedies to see effective results in quick time.

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harsta profile image
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5 Replies
wingcodavid profile image

Thanks. That was an excellent article since I ahve been having a nagging Phlegm in my throat everyday.

Nambiar profile image

Thank you! Very helpful article! 'Use the nettipot to cleanse the nose and the sinuses.', make sure you exhale all the water after cleansing, by continuous quick exhalation through nose. (kapalabhati or bastrika) .

swamyonline profile image

Very informative and helpful. Thanks for the post.

damayanti profile image

Good informative

bindhu2512 profile image

Thank you very much, i have been using one the home medicines as prescribed i.e. turmeric to be mixed with hot milk during bed time in the night. Now, I am perfectly alright as i am not going for alophic medicines which normally creates side effects

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