"REVERSE DIABETES NOW ! " ----- A BOOK ... - Diabetes India

Diabetes India

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Matt Traverso, America's health advocate and health freedom activist

Author of Reverse Diabetes Now! Writes about diabetes…..

Traditional medicine “fights” Diabetes through drugs that treat the symptoms of the disease, but never deals with the root cause of the problem. The body is designed to heal itself — provided it has what it needs to do its job. And your diet is one of the major influences on your Diabetes condition. It is our modern lifestyle that is actively causing these diseases.

How can our diet have such a big impact on our body?

Picture your body as a car, that was designed to function on all-natural, organic, fuel. The car is a living, breathing machine not unlike the human body. For 2 million years, this car has been using fuel such as:

water / seeds / nuts / grasses / herbs / roots / fruits / vegetables / cereals. THAT'S the fuel it is used to.

Then, suddenly, after 2,000,000 years… that car switches over to – for the last 100 years – a new, modern mixture of: sugar / sweets / biscuits / crisps / chocolate / coffee / coca-cola / fats & oils / cigarettes / alcohol / vinegar / pharmaceutical drugs / chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives (loads of them) / etc.


Some people develop tumours. Other people have Cholesterol levels that are through the roof. For you, your diet and lifestyle is causing you to damage one very specific organ called the pancreas... that happens to be responsible for producing and releasing insulin. This organ has become so severely damaged by your diet, that it eventually produced less and less insulin until you were diagnosed with Diabetes.

Diabetes is not a disease about not having enough “insulin”… but a disease of the organ that produces insulin: The pancreas ! Diabetes doesn't just happen, it is the direct result of a breakdown inside your body.

Carbohydrates stimulate the secretion of insulin more than any other component of food. Fast absorption carbohydrates (there are also slow absorption carbohydrates) in our food mean that the pancreas has to work hard, and thus produces more insulin. If the pancreas is over-stimulated over a long period of time, it may become "exhausted."

Your pancreas can also become compromised if it is overwhelmed by acids – acids not only from fast absorption carbohydrates we consume, but also from sugars, excess fats, high acid forming foods, and uric acid. Most of the foods in our modern diet are full of 'Pancreas Destroying' acids, carbohydrates, sugars and fats.

If you don’t stop the attacks on your pancreas‚ you develop type 2 and eventually type 1 diabetes!

Our radical change in diet today (processed and junk food, high-calorie and low-nutrient foods, high acid forming foods, etc.) has actually transformed your pancreas into the "first line of defense" against acids, waste, and toxins that all of us ingest... and keep ingesting... each and every day.

Here’s what leading Microbiologist and scientist, Dr. Robert O. Young, has to say about the ROOT cause of Diabetes: “The cells that are responsible for producing insulin, they’re called “Beta cells” are surrounded by acids and do not or cannot produce sufficient insulin. Acids destroy insulin receptor sites on the cellular membrane so body cells cannot properly use the hormone. This causes these cells to become severely damaged… and eventually cripple the pancreas‚ causing these cells to stop producing insulin. In other words, when the acidity is in the pancreas — diabetes is the result. The culprits are the food you eat and the lifestyle you live.

Dr. Young is an American microbiologist and nutrition scientist and known as one of the top research scientists in the world. His findings are currently sending shockwaves throughout the scientific community.

Published in noted medical journals and having conducted tests in collaboration with the John Hopkins Medical School, his findings are irrefutable and indisputable.

Dr. Young discovered that the cells that produce insulin are being heavily damaged by acids — and more importantly‚ can be restored with appropriate diet and lifestyle modifications.

As soon as these acids stop overflowing your pancreas, it gets a rest from constantly trying to absorb and neutralize them. It starts to regenerate itself, It starts to rebuild the beta cells to their only natural function: the production of insulin!. Do not look for medication, look for treating the cause!

So what’s the solution then?

The solution to all of this is to get back into your natural state of vibrant health... by "cleansing" yourself from the inside, allowing your body to get rid of the acids that are taxing your cells, to enable them to start functioning properly again.

You see, for every disease, your immune system is triggered and it immediately starts fighting it. Your body can restore every wound, diseased organ or damaged cell that it needs to – but it cannot do that if you keep polluting it, your body simply can’t keep up!

Once your pancreas does not have to neutralize and protect you from the bad acids, it can get back to doing the job it is meant to do…As your pancreas starts working again, you start to produce insulin!

¦ In well-publicized research by UCLA’s School of Medicine, Type 2 patients COMPLETELY REVERSED their diabetes (in just three weeks!) with a few simple changes in their diet and physical activity. And this occurred without any weight loss. According to the lead researcher Dr. Christian K. Roberts: “This study shows, contrary to common belief, that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed.”

¦ In 2011, British researchers (led by Professor Roy Taylor of Newcastle University) announced that they’d found a cure for Type 2 diabetes. Specifically, they discovered that Type 2 diabetes can be COMPLETELY REVERSED by diet alone. As a matter of fact... after 1 week, blood sugar normalized. By 4 weeks, normal insulin production returned. After that, participants ate normally.

¦ In a nationwide study by the Diabetes Prevention Program, simple diet-and-lifestyle changes beat the pants off the leading glucose-lowering drug (metformin) — performing TWICE as well as the medication!

You’d have to be living in a cave not to have heard about their success.

As your pancreas restores, your blood sugar levels will drop even though you’re injecting the same amount of insulin. Note: This is when you can gradually start to lower the units of insulin you take everyday… They’re your first steps to freedom from Diabetes medication and insulin shots! And while you keep supporting your body in this way, it will eventually recover completely, giving you back your health and freedom from a life of taking drugs and only getting sicker.

How bad do your Diabetes complications have to get, before you're finally decide to do something about it?

It is not enough if you just keep your blood sugar levels under control with drugs and you’ll be fine. Fact is... the longer you remain “needing” more and higher doses of medications, the more long-term havoc your diabetes complications will wreak on your heart, kidneys, pancreas, brain, and the rest of your body.

You deserve health. Health is not a luxury. Take charge of your own health!

Take back your life!

Reversing diabetes is truly quite simple. And the truth is that diet-and-lifestyle modification isn’t just the best way of reversing diabetes and returning to a normal.

It's The Only Way! ................

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17 Replies

What is the catch?Why don't you let the cat out of the bag?We cannot withstand so much hype.We are simple diabetics..

Yes ..Yes.. I am sorry, What began as a review article, somehow needed the introduction which gives an insight to Matt Traverso's thinking .. So,with a view to limit the blog size the actual review was withheld and will be sent after a few weeks....

Truly said.. We are simple diabetics. I am also one of them. But firstly, let me put the review in simple words.....

sickless profile image

There is no final solution given. Why? What is the catch? Is there a string attached? It is just sheer cheating the sick people who are looking for a panacea. If the author is honest and cares for humanity, he or she must give the solution that is suggested in the article. Otherwise, the administrator should not allow such cheap gimmicks. Ram

in reply tosickless

Yes ..Yes.. I am sorry, What began as a review article, somehow needed the introduction which gives an insight to Matt Traverso's thinking .. So,with a view to limit the blog size the actual review was withheld and will be sent after a few weeks.... It is a promise.

The author of thebook has given a hint that there is no magic wand medicine for diabetes. He is trying to give a diet and lifestyle modificaion mantra ....

Reg " cheap gimmics"... I am not here to score brownie points(BP). My score of BP is zero so far.

rnrkolli profile image

what is the' food plan' ..and life style changes to be adopted by me? please elobarate on this ....

Hapless profile image

Such so-called comprehensive blogs must be reviewed by a panel of doctors. There is no food plan given. The whole thing is too verbose, a waste of out time.and a cruel joke on the diabetics.

in reply toHapless

In case you are referring to me, I would submit that it was an introduction to a review of a book, referred in the article. Readers are free to read the book and come to their own conclusions.

Diabetes is too serious a matter, I am also one sufferer........

I rest my case.

That is why a knowledge dissemination explosion regarding diabetes and nutrition is taking place in the western world towards reaching out to millions of people and consumers. This isonly the first step.... What you suggest is ,I think far away.


Why I did not think of that phrase, " There can be no better medicines than food"




"There can be no better medicines than the right food"

subsub profile image

True. The article is impressive and gives some hope especially the complete cure by dietary measures, in about three weeks. Every Diabetic will ask the same thing. Please give concrete, and substantial information. Making changes to diet and life style does not involve perceptible risk. We have been reading a lot about 'low-carbohydrate diet and such stuff. Some kind of food chart and regimen will be thankfully accepted by the Diabetics.

in reply tosubsub

Yes, You are right.. but diabetes nutrition is such an explosive subject, in terms of volume of literature available, controversies surrounding each author's perception, data regarding foods in terms of its type of metabolism, calories,carbs,protein,fat content and their GI,GL indices 'that one coat fixes all' type of articles would raise the heat in a public forum like this...... Not that it matters..My BP ( Blood Pressure NOT Brownie Points,) has come down to 115/75 ( a decrease of 5 points) after I started reading the replies to my blogs here.....

Still, I also feel some sort of food chart and regimen would be beneficial to MOST of the readers. I will definitely try to indicate one after I finish reading the above book, even at the risk of temperatures rising.

Meanwhile, let us arm ourselves with fundamental knowledge about diabetes, which

foods may be the real culprits, which direction we may have to take etc,etc. Let us share our ignorances, we both will learn that way.........

After all there are so many serious readers here, who do not consider it a waste of their time and the blogs as a cruel joke on the diabetes people. It is these people who are enriching this forum with their bits of information, experiences.


sickless profile image

So, the book is going to cost. Real costly, which most Indians will not be able to afford, and also will there be proof enough or trials enough to validate the food regimen that it works. One cannot indulge in these without validity. This is a site where diabetese patiens anxious to know if they can truly benefit to safeguard their organs against the killer D. Dont use these sites for taking people for granted or selfish reasons. Ram

in reply tosickless

There are one or two points which I would like to make it clear right here...

Yes, The E-book is costly, but when the excerpts come in quotations in this forum it would not cost the readers to read them.

Even the author has nowhere told that all diabetes people should buy the book.The idea of this forum is according to me dissemination of knowledge on diabetes irrespective of thesource. The managers of this forum can contradict on this, I will accept.

Proof? Validation?Guarantee? Come On.. What are we talking about? Life itself has no guarnatee card attached.. It has only an expiry date.

You have yourself answered a question: Diabetes patients are anxious to know, Exactly, that is the reason to bring knowledge at the doorstep of this forum.

We should discourage snake oil merchants, MLM companies trying to sell their products in this forum, I believe. Information regarding alternate modes of medicine, various traditional herbs with medicinal benefits for diabetes are available in numerous sites. I do not think all my readers have time and patience to go through innumerable sites and scan for info. Even when such info is put out here it is always advised that the reader should consult medic before taking upon the advice.

Let me categorically state that I have not been using this forum for any selfish /commercial reasons.

Readers can submit their views reg the blogs,even critical in this forum, that is their right. As far I am concerned I will stop only if the mangers of this forum convey that to me.

Till then happy reading................Oh Yes. I am not here for Brownie Points.

I rest my case.

sampang profile image

start eating an ascetic food and live a life of youth ,only mantra to take care of diabetes which will you nothing .

in reply tosampang

Stop eating grains like rice, wheat. Happily eat eggs, cheese, meats. Drink spirits, red wine in moderation. NO NEED TO LIVE AN ASCETIC LIFE.

sampang profile image

The best and happiest way to get rid of this scourge of diabetes if you wish then pack your bag with warm cloths and leave for a remote hills village where modern amenities are almost nil for at least 6th month or more if you could and live a life of local ,of course earn your own livelihood as peasant and see the result .Don't waste your time and money on the magical methodical and medicinal advertisements if you are really serious about your healthy existence. One thing you care to find out which is abundantly available a herb Swertia chirata(chiroto) at 5000ft above .Its daily morning tea after rising will take care of your all problems specially diabetes and kalajar .

Thanks for some thoughts......

Yes, there is no short cut to knowledge, it is along haul....

One regime of exercise, or diet or lifestyle is not going to fit all. So is there no solution? There IS...

Spend not money , spend TIME for acquiring knowledge...

Gather information about nutrients, different diets as recommeneded by experts, scientists, RDs, and tes, even the "recommending authorities".

Read on various medicines, herbal 'CURES', ayurvedic supplements which are touted as cures or medicines for diabetes. Remember there is no magic wand for diabetes..

Even read about MLM products. Generally, those products are good, since they come about after extensive and expensive research. What is prohibitive is the cost. Look for similar products from other reputed companies ( I would not like to name them here.) Let MLM agents write in this forum. Be wise enough to gather all the info about the contents of those products. Look for same nutrients from natural foods. The NATURE has been very kind, Any natural product, be it vegetables, fruits, or even grains in their NATURAL form are full of nutrients, viatmins . It is only when we started using them in refined or ready to eat/drink cans, we have ended up with disorders of the body.

You think you cannot gather info and come to your own judgements regarding what is good for you and what is not good? YOU CAN!

Same things for the diet. Nutrition for Diabetes...This is one of the most controvertial band wagon we have here, let it be. Let each person give his view..... You be the judge.. ( In some cases you can also take advice fromyour medic)

Gather info about various food items, nutrients, vitamins, supplements their carbs/protein/fat/calorie charts , IG and GL values . One need not depend upon others and ask questions like " what should I eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner " for a LCHF or any other specific need of food/diet. It would not be difficult for YOU to sit down and arrive at the most suitable diet for you taking into consideration your goal, your physical activity level and lifestyle.

You think it is difficult? No, YOU CAN!

It is YOUR HEALTH. Be WISE, Be armed with Knowledge... Rest will follow.

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