A click to Risk factors for diabetes - Diabetes India

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A click to Risk factors for diabetes

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Every new diabetic patients, when he/she is diagnosed diabetes for first time and come for consultation ask me, sir why did I get diabetes? Neither my parents nor other sibling have history of diabetes. Then I ask some questions about his/her day to day conduct and dietary habits, after my counselling the persons realizes, where he was wrong for a long period (called diabetogenic factors), and got diabetes.

The patients next question is whether their kids will now acquire the same disease, and I have told them, yes, they are on risk (due to your genetic tree), if they adopt faulty life-style and unhealthy food habits, then they may also acquire this disease.

If you communicate and play a role of vigilant parents, and describe both factors (Diabetogenic and Genetic factors), then you can push back diabetes in you children. Year's ago for knowing the risk of diabetes was not possible, but now tool is available, by this tool any one can know the risk of diabetes or he/she will get diabetes or not. Here I am describing above said diabetogenic factors for a common man, which contribute to precipitate diabetes earlier.

Stress- In the modern days, from childhood itself we are living with stress, which is started by the parents, they make pressure on their child to come in merit or should top in the class, books & syllabus makes continuous pressure on the children. After schooling, we go for higher studies where stress multiplies due to career oriented education then stress of selection for getting jobs, and all Jobs are usually of long sitting, hard working with working output pressure, uncertainty makes continuous stress.

Diet- Since childhood to young age, our diet are rich in calories and less in nutrition and eating fast are making more children obese. Most of our food are fine and less in fibber, and fast cooking methodologies are making our children violent, this fact were proven by many scientific studies. In growing age where our kids should use milk, nuts, fruits n dry fruits, sprouts, pulses, seasonal green vegetables, they are using junk, tin and hotel food (all are rich in calories and less in nutrition). Parents are not caring or looking for the same.

Exercise- Exercises in our daily life is missing now a days from, again, since childhood. We are providing all physical amenities to our kids, but we have no time to play or walk with them, long walk or trekking are now rare things. Playgrounds are empty in evenings, and you will find fewer students participating in the annual games. While they enjoy game (see crowed in international foot ball league or IPL cricket). After completing their studies schooling to college, and getting jobs, then job restrictions don’t allow them to play. While exercise are enough to maintain our body fit physically and mentally.

Sedentary life style- All groups of middle to higher class are suffering with this problem, but parents are thinking their children are happy sitting in front of televisions and video games (both are very fast and mental coordination in between make them less thresh hold temperament, as a result some secretions of hormone more secrete, which are not required in this age), in spite of playing in ground. In outdoor games our blood circulation reached to his optimum level, muscular tone gets shaped, waste toxin flush through sweat and all bodily systems are synchronized. While this should be a part of our day to day conduct. After studying, during job we can’t perform active life in office, dependence on staff for table work, we sit for longer period in office with files and computer and use lift in spite of stairs.

Smoking - We all knew that Tobacco and cigarette smoking is not good for health, and Smoking multiplies the early complications of Lung and heart oriented diseases, Cancer, diabetes and many other. But nobody is worried and keeps on smoking without any limit, which is also a major cause of deaths in general population, while in diabetics early diabetic complications are life threatening problem.

Alcohol- Everyone is aware that alcohol is injurious to health, but nobody cares. When a person consumes it first time his thoughts become weak bounded, gradually he feels to going in trans, his physical and mental activities partly in coordination, but when he comes in normal life, he feels more fresh, and this compels to take regularly is a very weak position. As time passes the amount of alcohol gradually increases, which may addict the person, and beginning of alcohol abusing starts. Many studies strengthen this fact that less dose (40ml/day) is good to maintain health, while most of the people take more. So it also a known culprit to diabetes and heart disease.

Genetics- Those people have family (mother, father or any other siblings) history of diabetes, then these peoples are genetically more prone to diabetes.

Age- Above 35 year’s pre-ageing gradually starts, when above said factors works effectively, then person are prone to diabetes, if he/she have any family history then risk of diabetes is multi folds.

Drug & Chemicals- In these days use of steroids for at once relief are the problem of our society, whereas some problem are required steroid, may induced diabetes, some chemicals use in food may trigger diabetes earlier.

Above said causes if continues for a varying duration of an individual, then early symptoms takes place and “Subject” feels fatigue. His thirst become increase gradually, number of urination increases, but he avoid these symptoms with his own excuses. Gradually these symptoms are deep sited in body, and “Subject” feels muscular pain, weight loss, may or may not be genital itching which are temporary and respond to medication for a shorter period. When problem repeats then physician confirm with blood tests and thus the dreaded lifestyle disorder "diabetes" is revealed to the person. He/she becomes depressed, and their first reaction is, how can I be a victim of diabetes?.After a period he accepts the disease.

Now regular consultation, pathological test and medication continues and it becomes a part of life.

The story did not end here, now above said process shifted to the next generation (in your loving children), no parent will wish, his children to get the same problem. So he asks his doctor for prevention measures. They are suggested with diet modification and regular exercise, which are not sufficient to prevent or push back diabetes. After due course of time kids also get diabetes.

Now a good news for all diabetic patients, now you can save yourself and even know about risk of diabetes to your next generation (you kids), whether they will be diabetic or not. A simple report generation by feeding some basic data in grass-diabetes.com can give you the best prognostic report which tells you at which age you have maximum risk/chances to get diabetic, and how you can push back diabetes.

We are concerned of the future generations and are working to save our loving children's from diabetes. We strongly recommend you to sign-up at Grass-Diabetes.com and experience it yourself.

We will be happy to answer your queries and help you in the fight against this dreaded disease - diabetes.

Dr. M.S.Singhal

MD Grass-Diabetes.com - An initiative of Singhal Diabetic Clinic

Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India

Email: doctor@grass-diabetes.com

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2 Replies
Sevadaar profile image

Dr Singhal Sahib

Thanks for the information.

I will be grateful if you could also tell us what changes occur in the body that cause Diabetic. Also, how these changes can be reveresed?

Also, in stead of simply saying diet "high in fibre & Nutrition", can you please specifically name the diets (vegetables, Grains, dals, milk products (curd, paneer), etc).

Also please let us know if we restart doing physical exercise, climbing stairs, etc., can we get rid of diabetic disease?


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This is good to see your response. Genetic Risk Assessment Scoring System can provide answers of all your queries . you only need to feed your general details and a report will generate that help you in getting the solution. Note: Report generated are free. You can submit your info here: grass-diabetes.com/?page=su...

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