due to depression , i now waiting check hab1c. constantly hungry but ate too many bad carbs sweet stuff biscuits . high bp , was on 2 bp meds, one stop as caused low sodium . highish bad cholesterol . lost weight , carbs sugar leg "burn" more belly fat. inactive . didnr drink enough water. even if do u suffer constipation slow bowel transit constipation so take laxatives plus senna .gastro knows were formed , now just opposite months. only said try reduce . fructose intolerance , he said plenty resources out there. i never never eat fruit . urine sample gp sent to lab prescribed antibiotics . as gets sometimes itchy private parts . I can't eat cheese nuts eggs cereals, bread i have but constipation worse too much fibre worse . only see one gp who knows my issues . noone referred me diatitsion.. in active agrophobia .Live alone see noone. 76 in may. bloods next week check cholesterol liver . im doing my own hba1c via company and phlebotomy nurse home visit. told gp that called but as under a gp, wait see him . also tapering a med which is very unpleasant affects central nervous system . if constipated , go, followed by lots pee. told gastro all this gastroscopy colonoscopy ok just some biopsies can't see another or gp . belly fat . eat something sweet or carbs then hungry again no help from anyone medical . gp not interested in bowels , told contact gastro , I have multiple times x never a reply . sorry vent over. want me on statins but my choice . ate too many hot x buns sugars 22.5 2 hrs later11.5. waking usually 5.4 or 6.5. 22% risk stroke heart attack gp said . he doesn't himself know re overeat constant hunger . gastro did.