Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for October 2019


My husband was given Opicapone about 18 months ago but stopped taking it for som...

Interesting Evidence in Favour of Fast Walking

Here is an interesting email I received from a Pd patient in Holland: Hi John, I...
JohnPepper profile image

Reclast for osteoporosis

I have just been diagnosed with osteoporosis and my doctor wants me to get an an...
Goldencbc profile image
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Did anyone have success with orphenadrine for tremors thank you
Yhae profile image

Feet Getting Stuck in the Sheets. HELP!

Hey there, I am an OT working with a Parkinson's patient. I am wondering in any...
OTashley profile image

Chi Gong

Chi- Gong teknique and parkinson therapy. Attemting?
betil1 profile image

Acrolein and PD

About Acrolein and its connection to PD

Can anyone help?

I need some positive feedback. I'm struggling lately. It has been one year sin...

Good article on issues with nursing homes in the USA

Nursing home kitchens in 'horrible' condition endanger the elderly, advocates sa...

Very useful video for watching
delboy381 profile image

Naturopath who said bicarbonate soda cures cancer banned for life by health watchdog

Somebody does watch out for the hacks....

On/Off period caused by Sinemet. Anyone taking dopamine agonist and/or MAO inhibitors experience on/offs?

I found in the web an interesting info about a disclaimer contained in the packa...
marnegro profile image

PD and speech

My symptoms are largely under control with sinemet, with no sign of speech probl...
UMass67 profile image

This Lab Rat taking a wheel break....

Start HDT Program 10/03/19 @6am 6 x DAY (C/L 50-200 ER) 6am, 9am, 12nn, 3pm...

Workout Curve Ball

Started a structured workout program this week, today will be my 3rd day, heres ...

What about Namenda/ Memantine?

Can anyone tell me of their experience with Namenda/Memantine? My mom just went ...

Meditation as treatment?

My first post. Two years ago dx'd with MS. Then a year later the neuros decid...
kaypeeoh profile image

A round up of cancer research

10 new things we’ve learned about cancer

Food from thin air!!
Hidden profile image

Mucana P

Mucana P who is on it and is Vitacost good brand?
AAAA5 profile image

Parkinson and Frozen shoulder

Is frozen shoulder an early symptom or precursor of parkinson? Is it true that ...
Amituofo profile image

Dr Weil's newsletter today: Concussion and PD.

Interesting. Just one concussion increases your chances by 50%?...
bcowart profile image

Nuplazid the new multi-purpose drug
parkie13 profile image

Parkinson disease genetics: too early to predict progression?

A new study — unique in its size, scope and collaborative nature — has identifie...

Tavapadon Lessens Motor Symptoms in Patients with Early-stage Parkinson’s, Phase 2 Trial Finds
Farooqji profile image

Take a break and see were the worlds really going

I but together the following channel, take a break from the forums and check it ...

Does DBS control non motor problems, like sleep?

I’ve been diagnosed six years now (I’m 76). Three years in, my neurologist sug...

Careers / jobs that suit people who have Parkinson's disease ?

Looking for suggestions. Good paying jobs that don't require a great deal of man...

stems therapy in Germany

Had anyone with PD tried stems therapy in Germany as i got an offer for 17000 €?...
AAAA5 profile image

Parkinson's Disease clinical trials at UCSF