5/8/24: I am one of two PwP (that I know of) that are taking Fatty15. They have never found their B1 sweet-spot. They are lowering their B1 dose in hopes of finding their sweet-spot. I started lowering my dose of B1 on day 15 of taking Fatty15.
There is a good possibility that Fatty15 is responsible for us having to lower our B1 dose.
Maybe all the Hype on Fatty15's website isn't just Hype? fatty15.com/
A continuation of “Trying too many supplements at the same time. Maybe crying wolf. It’s really too early to tell”. (Last meaningful edit 4/19/24) healthunlocked.com/cure-par...
First a question for Dap1948 : What is the contingency plan for those on “B1 Therapy”, that have found their sweet-spot, if they have return of symptoms because something might be working?
My answer: Take a B1 Break… And start back, after the break, at a lower dose.
On 4/20/24 Text I sent a friend: “I am fighting the urge to take a small dose of TTFD. Alinamin F (TTFD) is a prescription drug in Japan and prescribed for fatigue. It is also a thiol-containing compound. Thiols can treat the toxic effects of Levodopa overdose*. Symptoms of overdose may include: severe dizziness, irregular heartbeat, mental/mood changes (such as agitation). I got by taking 2-1/2 extra levodopas last week (for the dance) with no symptoms of overdose. I am now on Day 8 of a B1 Break, so a small dose should not cause a B1 overdose, but TTFD crosses the BBB… >> For some extra energy, maybe avoidance of Levodopa overdose and considering the B1 break; a small dose of Alinamin (F) should not cause a B1 overdose. << I gave in and took a half of a 5mg tablet. 2-1/2mg TTFD (1.66mg B1) is still 1-1/2 times the daily recommended allowance of B1.”
On 4/21/24 I sent a friend: “One of the symptoms of B1 OD is anxiety. I think most of that 1.7 mg went to my head. WOW, Fast heart beat and anxiety – really bad. It took over an hour to calm down.”
On 4/26/24 Started Inulin and Probiotics as mentioned in Art’s post healthunlocked.com/cure-par...
On 5/21/24 I sent a friend: “I had a massive return of symptoms yesterday – Parkinson’s like I have never experienced before. I had gone… to eat and went shopping. I made it home safe and survived going to bed. On second thought, I should have called someone to come pick me up. Something is happening for me to overdose on 750mg of B1 after only 4 days. Something as in supplements I am trying (or combo of)… I am feeling great today…” (I was on 925mg before the break.)
I have stated this before: I don’t like the term OD; Return of symptoms is nothing to fear; it’s only return of symptoms. Well… that was massive and maybe you should fear.
I am still taking 5-1/2 C/L a day. It’s going to be disappointing if I can’t reduce C/L and all I have done is reduce my B1 sweet-spot. I am praying it does more than B1 and I can get off C/L.
I have written Mitopure asking what makes their product better than others. Their reply, High Quality Urolithin A — I am going to switch to a cheaper brand.
Disclaimer: I am willing to take risks with my health and possibly waste my money – I don’t recommend that anybody do what I have done. Do your Research, talk with your Doctor, weigh the cost and then make your own decision.
I don’t recommend TTFD (thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide). I was unable to find my sweet-spot with TTFD – I got tired of ODing on yet another lower dose.
I take entirely too many supplement and need to weed out some. I have reduced PEA back to 1/2 recommended dose.
* (added after posting) There is an error in this statement. A google search reveals: “Such toxic effects of levodopa can be blocked by co-treatment with antioxidants, particularly thiol-containing compounds.” But further reading indicates “in vitro” levodopa is toxic — studies in living tissue indicate it is nontoxic. The words "overdose and treat" should not have been used.