Fibromyalgia (FM) is slightly more common in people with PD and FM can cause all over body pain that moves around and can affect tissues, joints and muscles. This group of people with PD and FM are more likely to get dementia and have worse symptoms. FM can cause painful flare-ups at random times, but are often related to stress.
If FM symptoms have persisted 3 months or longer, a doctor should be able to confirm or deny a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia.
Topically applied Magnesium Chloride Oil (mag oil) can offer some relief .
Here is a quote from the study :
>>> ' This pilot study suggests that transdermal magnesium chloride applied on upper and lower limbs may be beneficial to patients with fibromyalgia. ' <<<
Here is a link to a typical product that you spray on and rub in:
Moving your vitamin D level higher into the reference range may be useful in alleviating some of the pain from fibromyalgia. The vitamin D test required is a "25 OH d " test and the reference range for this test is 30 - 100 ng/ml. Getting this level into the upper half of this range may be useful. The following multi study review confirms the usefulness of vitamin d for Fibromyalgia. It is also worth noting that vitamin D level is usually low in both PwP and Fibromyalgia.
Here is a quote from the multi study review :
>>> ' Results 2651 studies were retrieved, with 12 studies fulfilling the inclusion criteria. 11 out of these 12 studies were of high quality and showed low risk of bias. 11 of these also demonstrated definitive improvement in clinical status and various outcome measures following supplementation with Vitamin D. Conclusions Our study emphasis an association between supplementation of vitamin D and improvement of the clinical condition fibromyalgia through a systematic review of high-quality studies. ' <<<
Vitamin D also lowers multiple inflammatory mediators that are elevated in PD and Fibromyalgia as I discussed previously here :
Some people report benefit from higher dose oral magnesium in the forms that are considered to be more bioavailable such as magnesium glycinate. Magnesium blood testing is not accurate for determining tissue magnesium levels because the blood only accounts for .08% of body magnesium with the rest being in the bones, muscles and soft tissues, with these last two being where many FM symptoms are felt. You can have a normal serum level while having low tissue levels. Testing higher than recommended magnesium dosing under a doctor's care and guidance to see if you can obtain significant relief that way is one way to test magnesium to see if it can be beneficial in a particular case.
Melatonin has also shown improvement in Fibromyalgia and has a very good safety profile as outlined in this review :
Here is a quote from the review :
>>> ' All the studies reported the positive effect of melatonin on the FM symptoms. No major adverse event was reported. ' <<<
Acupuncture can reduce Fibromyalgia pain symptoms. Your doctor can possibly offer a referral to a good acupuncturist.
Here is a quote from the meta analysis :
>>> ' Moderate quality of evidence supports acupuncture in reducing pain in patients with FM. Therefore, acupuncture is recommended as a treatment for FM. ' <<<
Fish oil can also offer some benefit through its anti inflammatory effects:
Here is a relevant quote :
>>> ' This first-ever reported case series suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may be of benefit in the management of patients with neuropathic pain. ' <<<
These are just a few suggestions to consider if his doctor confirms a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. There are more supplements that have shown benefit for Fibromyalgia, but the ones I mentioned above have also shown benefit for PD.