Hi all, I would very much appreciate some advice on my symptoms. I am not on medication yet but am taking mucana, b1, l-tyryosine, b complex and magnesium. I am a year away from diagnosis.
Is this typical of PD? My Dr. is unsure as well. He is going to probably put me on sinemet to see how I respond or send me to a movement disorder specialist.
I am most shaky with tremors in my shoulders. It's worse in the morning and progressively gets better as the day goes on. I have an action tremor and I would say 5% of the time a resting tremor. I have a tremor in my right leg not noticeable. I have a slight occasional neck tremor. My neck gets stiff and I tremor when I get cold. I do not have non. motor symptoms of PD but I have some partial loss of smell. I have some shoulder pain in my romboid at the shoulder joint and up into the neck.
I have also had slight symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.
Would Sinemet help with these things?
Thanks for your help!๐