New entries in my Parkinson journal following Dr. Mischley's convincing presentation in her second of 24 webinar sessions started in January at the rate of two per month at a price of $10 per session. See
ca. 2/22/20 start fish oil as recommended by Dr. Mischley for omega-3 fatty acid to reduce risk of dyskinesia from levodopa. Hope for effect after 2 months. 1 tablespoon [15ml] per day. Source: “DHA FINEST pure fish oil” by Pharmax, 1200 mg DHA [vs 725 mg in “Finest Pure Fish Oil” from the same source], 150ml, not cheap [$50 or $5 per day].
3/5/20 start Citicoline [CDP Choline] as recommended by Dr. Mischley to reduce risk of dyskinesia from levodopa and possibly reduce the dosage of levodopa by 30-50 % over time. 2 capsules 2x/day or 1 cap 4x/day since taking it with c/l may make the levodopa effect last longer. Source: Citicoline by Jarrows Formulas, 250mg capsules, quantity 120, $30 [$0.75 per day] from Vitacost.
3/5/20 levodopa: start eating a banana [or other non-protein-rich food] immediately at bed rise, after a 12 hour overnight fast, approximately 10-15 minutes prior to taking levodopa, as recommended by Dr. Mischley to reduce morning levodopa-induced queasiness [mild nausea].
For maximum effect of levodopa Dr. Mischley recommends taking it with lemon juice or vitamin C [ascorbic acid powder I dissolve in water], for enhanced stomach acidity.