does anyone have any information on the benefits of taking probiotic bacillus subtilis.
Trials in England show possibility of slowing down Parkinsons
does anyone have any information on the benefits of taking probiotic bacillus subtilis.
Trials in England show possibility of slowing down Parkinsons
Here is something to get you started. A recent SoPD blog post from Simon, plus 4 recent threads:
I've ordered some after reading about it on this site. My husband will start taking tomorrow. I might take it too!
What have you ordered? Thx
I have also ordered this -- from Bio-Kult, which I think is the commercially available product mentioned in the study report. Haven't received them yet so nothing else useful to share. I plan to also take Visbiome probiotic medical food at the same time -- only taking the Bio-Kult to be sure I have the B. subtilis in the mix.
Hi nanster, I am waiting to receive Symprove purchased in GB.
I started on the one from Bio-Kult last night.
I have used it the last 5 days. No improvement on movement issues yet, but for the first time, I have some love of control of digestion and gas in my abdomen. So I will continue on..will keep you posted..