Is it overkill to take both or do they have different impacts on gut health?
Is it worth taking both, if not which one is best?
Is it overkill to take both or do they have different impacts on gut health?
Is it worth taking both, if not which one is best?
keying in subtilis vs nattokinase:
"Subtilis and nattokinase are both related to the bacterium Bacillus subtilis, but they have different uses and functions:
A bacterium that is generally considered safe as a probiotic and is used in the production of many things, including:
Food, such as fermented products, flavor enhancers, sweeteners, and animal feed additives
Household detergents
Sporicides, which are chemical agents that kill spores
An enzyme produced by the bacterium Bacillus subtilis during the fermentation of soybeans to make natto, a traditional Japanese food. Nattokinase is used as a functional food ingredient and is being investigated as a potential drug. Nattokinase's uses include:
Treating cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, chest pain (angina), deep vein thrombosis (DVT), atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, poor circulation, and peripheral artery disease (PAD)
Dissolving blood clots
Promoting cells to release tissue plasminogen activator to degrade fibrin"
Fabulous! Thank you, Boscoejean. just in time for my smoothie with supplements!
I'll continue with both.
Apologies for asking questions that I know are answered somewhere on the internet. I'm very easily blinded by science!
honestly I wish there was more information on this
I'm new to this (very recently diagnosed) and am learning so much from this website.
I want to try and cover all bases without going overboard and it's quite hard to get the information online about some of the things recommended on here.
But, there are plenty of people on here who are happy to share their knowledge which is amazing - especially for me... because I have a lot of questions!!
Sally, could you share your PERSONAL experience of these supplements? Do you accredit them with any meaningful feelings or noticeable positive effect?
Impossible to tell I'm afraid. I'm in the very early stages of my PD journey. Started with restricted movement in my left hand and cogwheeling in my left arm about 3-ish years ago and then developed a tremor (same hand). I also have quite bad anxiety. I was diagnosed by DatScan about 6 weeks ago.
My aim (like everyone here I suppose) is to try and slow down progression. I started with natto and subtilus about two weeks ago after reading on here that they may be useful.
My symptoms haven't progressed much in 3 years, although I know this can change very quickly so I'm prepared for that.
Sorry I can't offer any more insight.
No worries, thanks for taking the time to reply. It's just I find people's personal experience far more helpful than a sanitised lab report full of jargon. However I accept the objectivity is hard to deliver when you're taking a drug...because you don't know what would happen if you STOPPED taking it!