I regularly took antacids like Pepcid, Tums, and Rolaids. For some reason, I can't copy and paste the pubmed research, but there's a paper linking the aluminum in antacids with Parkinson's Disease. Did anyone else consume a lot of antacids before being diagnosed? Danfitz story about the Australian doctor who dramatically improved treatment of ulcers and stomach cancer through the use of antibiotics led me to think about the gut-brain connection and possible causes and treatment for Parkinson's disease.
Link Between Antacids and Parkinson's Dis... - Cure Parkinson's
Link Between Antacids and Parkinson's Disease?

I just mentioned on another post that my neurologist wants me to have a H pylori test. I was surprised since I’ve not told him of any stomach issues yet apparently it’s not uncommon in PD. I do have indigestion from time to time and will take tums. Sounds like an easy test, he said you just breathe into something. If positive I’ll have to take a course of antibiotics. My parents took tums for years especially my dad but neither had Parkinson’s
I'd like to keep up with you about H-pylori. We are requesting testing for such for my husband who has PD b/c I've heard there might be a link, but mainly b/c our third born has suffered for years with H-pylori and I've found out that one can be reinfected by a family member who is a carrier but has no obvious symptoms. So all the rest of us will be tested.
Yes we should keep up with each other. It seems more complicated than I would have thought. Your third born can’t get rid of it? Has he been clear for a while and then returns? My oldest son has GERD I’m wondering if it is H-pylori. Maybe I do have it too, my stomach acts up from time to time but not all the time so I never thought much about it just popped a tums on occasion. Is your son constantly on medication for it? One thing I read is if you have it and have PD your medications arent absorbed as well.
No, I haven't, but aluminum in products has been linked to many issues, so I wouldn't be surprised . It's in salon hair coloring.. It's probably the addition of one more environmental hazard to many others we've accumulated...and lately there is info about something in good ol' aluminum foil that's toxic.
Oh definitely Jim. Have been on Omeprazole for years and cannot get off the stuff. The theory is that these wretched drugs stop food being broken down properly due to no acid and thus whilst you're overfed you're undernourished. Many people have indigestion and I think it's due to years of SAD diet.
Could you explain what happens when you try to get off the PPI, Omeprazole that prevents you from stopping its use?

Hi Art. Reading your enquiry made me remember that you sent me a link to a protocol on this matter. Trouble is I can’t recall where you deposited it. Was it one of my posts or embedded in one that we both contributed to? Basically without PPI I get awful heartburn. If I eat frugally and restrict portions I can get by with Zantac which is slightly less of an offender. If I go it without either of these I have to munch on Tums about 4/5 times a day. I figure that st least the PPI stops the acid damaging my throat and it’s only 10mg a day.. From what I know, because the acid has been switched off, when it gets a chance to come through naturally it pours out due to the build up. Hence you get hooked and it’s hard to get off them. Gradual lessening of the dose appears to be a possible route out.
I believe the method I mentioned previously can only be done if you have just started using a PPI , have never used a PPI or are off of the PPI completely for some time, but here is one doctor's approach to weaning off of a PPI.
The method I have used involved increased hydrochloric acid intake with each meal until no more supplemental HCI is required to obtain proper digestion.
I took Pepcid nightly for years.
Hi, I used a lot of antacids when I was younger probably until I was about 40 years old.
I have pretty much never taken them.
Hi, I am 61 years old. I have taken antacids my entire life. My favorite is gaviscon and yes it has aluminum. About a month ago I found a holistic remedy that works better then the antacids. To start off I drank at least one or two tea bags 16 oz a day. After about 3/4 days everything was eliminated. Lots of bile. (I have gall bladder issues) I am glad I was at home. I have never felt so good. No more tummy pain, gas, bloatinge, acid in throat, etc. Now I drink one cup a day. I increase it if a eat fried food.
Tea bags:
Yogi Stomach Ease or Lipton Soothe Your Tummy
contains: ginger, peppermint, fennel, etc
Hi, how long do you have pd?