Hi all
This is a link to my latest vlog, about stem cell treatment for Parkinson's Disease.
Hi all
This is a link to my latest vlog, about stem cell treatment for Parkinson's Disease.
Nice piece of work, as always.
Stem cells seem to be the only foreseeable cure.
Thanks Ian.
I had my first 3 million stem cells in June, and found them very helpful in pain relief. My own cells were used. Neck pain gone as well as hip pain. Appetite better, freezing less and just feel better all over. Receive 8 million more later this month. Am not on Rx meds for PD. Encouraged by this approach!
Congratulations to you, and thank you for the info !
Could you tell us where you had this procedure done (at least in which country) and how the stem cells were implanted ( by brain surgery, through spinal fluid,...) ?
Had it done in Iowa through an IV. Could of had spinal but IV safer. 60 percent went through blood/brain barrier. Spinal 100 percent go through blood/brain barrier.
Amazing. Thank you.
Please, keep the group posted.
Can you tell us how did they harvest the cells, did your insurance cover it if not how much was the cost?
through the stomach fat - done locally. No pain during nor after. Fat centrifuged and stem cells IV'd back into body. Considered experimental so insurance -at this time-does not cover. Cost depends on many variables. You would need that info from MD doing procedure.
How would I find out if they do such a thing I know I can ask but is there some doctors that would do it?
Thank you Ian.
Sunny Kim MD in Cedar Rapids. Iowa. He is Director of Rehab at one of the hospitals. Kind, thorough and makes no promises as it is considered experimental. Really like him. Excellent credentials!
Could one use stem cells from a family member? Would there be better, longer lasting results? Fascinating.
I don't have any updates at this time - perhaps I'll research and update in a future vlog...
what is latest news on stem cell ian