My husband, who is 53, was diagnosed 5 years ago with Parkinson's. He is a Stage 4 colon cancer survivor of 15 years. He was a soybean, rice and crawfish farmer until 2 years ago. Now he stays super busy, from sun-up to sundown, with the cattle and horses. He's in constant pain in his lower back . . . all the way down his right leg. 3 years ago he had neck surgery which didn't seem to do much of anything for him. He's had 2 epidurals - the 1st one helped and the 2nd did absolutely nothing. We life in South Louisiana, United States. The doctor's around here seem to be "cookie-cutter" We go once every 6 months. He makes hub walk and squeeze his middle finger and thumb together, says yay or nay on the meds and sends him on our way. SOOOOO FRUSTRATING.
I stumbled on this awesome community last week. I 1st read about Ubiquinol 2 years ago and he's been on it ever since then. Of course, NONE of the Doctors around here know anything about this supplement. I/we feel helpless. I started reading about the different supplements and vitamins and I've compiled a list of what we're thinking about adding to his regular meds.
AM: 1-Mirapex 1 mg, 2- Rytary ER 36.25 mg - 145 mg, 1-Vitacost Synergy Ubiquinol CoQH with Kaneka QH 100 mg, 1-Vitacost Selenium 200 mcg,1-Dr's Best Vitamin D3 5000 IU, 3- BIOSchwartz Premium Ultra Pure Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500 mg
NOON: 1-Amazon B Complex, 1-Vitacost B1 500 mg, -21st Century B-12 1000 mcg and 1-Vitacost Magnesium 400 mg, 1-Bronson Resveratrol 500 complex
PM: 1-Azilect 1 mg, 1-Mirapex 1 mg, 2- Rytary ER 36.25 mg - 145 mg, 1-Lyrica 100 mg, 1- Plavix 75 mg, 1-Uloric (prone to gout) 40 mg, 1-Himalaya Mucuna (stem) 350 mg/(Mucuna pruriens 6% L-dopa, 15mg) 250 mg, 1-Nutricost L-Theanine 200 mg, 1-Natrol Melatonin 10 mg
The weather around here is in the 40's one day and 90's the next. Sunny/rainy, cold/hot, muggy/dry at any given hour of the day . . . all this just to say, he hurts all the time. Dr's can't seem to find what's causing the pain. I've suggested it's the Parkinson's and they look at me as if I fell from the sky. I'm not sure if any of you can understand my babbling but if you do, PLEASE offer suggestions. If anyone is in Louisiana or nearby states, please drop me a line. I've read so much within the past week, my brain is mush. Thank you all in advance.