My new neurologist suggested I try mucuna puriens 1000 mg. because of side effects of sinemet ER 25/100 which I take at night. I also take Asian herbs prescribed by my acupuncturist which contains some levodopa three times a day. I took one 1000 MP capsule and my blood pressure and pulse shot up and I became very shaky. I am thinking it might’ve been too much at once and was wondering if I should try 500 mg a half hour a part from each other. In my search through this forum I noticed someone had opened the capsule and put it into almond milk and stevia and made kind of a smoothie. My doctor said to start low but I could take up to 6 tabs a day. He also said not to quit what I usually take and see him in 2 months. I was diagnosed in 2015 and have been on the above minutes for four years Any thoughts would be appreciated. Also I was nauseous and my toes curled which stopped after about 2 hours. I’ve taken once a day for two days.
Mucuna puriens 1000mg: My new neurologist... - Cure Parkinson's
Mucuna puriens 1000mg

Concentrated Mucuna extract is pretty much pure levodopa. 1000 milligrams is a walloping dose. I would have been surprised if you were not nauseated. Even one 10th that much makes me nauseous. I am able to tolerate the whole Mucuna bean unconcentrated powder much better, but you would have to take a lot to reach 1000 milligrams of levodopa.
Thank you. I remember you and I had the same reaction to carbidopa levodopa so I very much appreciate your response
Is that in place of Levodopa? HHow about side effects compared to Levodopa? If I am starting on Levodopa should I ask to try mucuna?
It is levodopa. Effects are the same except it can also cause nausea because there is no carbidopa. Is a natural substance over-the-counter so would not likely be prescribed by a doctor.
Is nausea the main side effect of Levodopa? Are cl and Levodopa and sinemet the same? Thanks for your help
Hi doses of levodopa can cause dyskinesia. C/L stands for carbidopa/levodopa, which are the active ingredients of Sinemet.
What about low dose. Sinemet side effects??
Personally the only side effect I experience is stiffness if I take too much. For complete list of side effects see here:
Stiffness and cramping and muscle weakness are problems I have now.what does sinemet do?
If you have Parkinson's and therefore are lacking the neurotransmitter dopamine, in appropriate dosages it should help with these problems
Thanks what tests should I ask for to determine if I have pd?
Can you drive while on sinemet or Levodopa?
I take ketter wellness 700mg at 20% l-dopa which is equivalent to 140mg of levodopa at 5AM, 9AM, 12PM, 3PM. At 7PM I take it with 500mg of L-Tyrosine and I start all over again.
Did you start with 140 mg or work up to it? Also why do you take L-Tyrosine?
I was using Barlowes it was 40% of 650mg that’s 260mg of LDopa. It was too much and it made me nauseous and vomit. Plus I was worried it was too much to soon.I take L-Tyrosine because it’s a precursor and I was curious if my brain can still manufacture dopamine.
I did not want to be on L/C due to the side effects.
I don’t have the shakes and the knots on my calves seem to be breaking up. I’m getting and staying limber. Still can’t touch my toes. I started smoking weed - loopy Sanchez. It does not make me groggy but it does relax my muscles
I was using Barlowes it was 40% of 650mg that’s 260mg of LDopa. It was too much and it made me nauseous and vomit. Plus I was worried it was too much to soon.I take L-Tyrosine because it’s a precursor and I was curious if my brain can still manufacture dopamine.
I did not want to be on L/C due to the side effects.
I don’t have the shakes and the knots on my calves seem to be breaking up. I’m getting and staying limber. Still can’t touch my toes. I started smoking weed - loopy Sanchez. It does not make me groggy but it does relax my muscles
My example.. When need it I take 1caps (120mg )L-Dopa together with Choline. Sometimes add also 50mg madopar/sinemet. Do this 2-3 times per day and this is it. Works for me perfectly. This way reduced drastically the usage of madopar from 500-600mg to 100-150 daily. Sure add to this lots of aerobics, intermittent fasting and exercises 🙂
Hi dadcor, I am curious you take 120mg mp, what % of L-dopa is that? And how much Choline do you add and what does the choline do for you? I am looking for something to help my husband get longer on times. He takes 99% L dopa but takes it every 2 to 2.5 hours. Thanks for any help.Cheers
It is caps 120mg 99% L-Dopa. The Choline tablet is 250mg (Choline bitartrate), which prolongs the effect of L-Dopa. I take usually 2 tablets daily. With me this combo works very well, almost doubles or triples the longevity of action.. Be careful with the food intake. High protein intake ruins the effect, especially meat..
Can you tell me what brand of MP here using
Is it 100% l-dopa MP? Or is it some other concentration (20%, 40%, etc.)?
If it’s a 1000mg MP 20% l-dopa, then it is 200mg l-dopa which is obviously too much for you at one time. You wrote that your doctor said to continue taking what you already take. What does that entail and how much levodopa is in the Asian herbs you take? What were the side effects you experienced from the 25/100 ER?
Thank you. I’m not sure about Asian herbs but will find out. I see where you’re going and thought myself that I should’ve asked. With c/l I have pain and weakness in my legs and can barely walk for the first 6 hours. I take at night so I sleep through it and feel fine when I wake up. I sleep 6-7 hours but last week had to get up after 4 hours and my husband had to walk me to bathroom very slowly…I explained to Dr. like newborn calf. Meds for thyroid, back pain, high blood pressure and reflux.
Could some body tell me what Mucuna puriens are please
It's a tropical legume and it's beans generally contain around 6-8% levodopa. It's available as an unextracted dry powder (like flour) and in various potency extracts. Used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for around 3,000 years!
Can uyou take it as well as sinemet
All I'm gonna say is I'm impressed that a neurologist suggested mucuna! My husband's neurologist is barely tolerant of his mp regime. He just tells him to take the rx meds and get on with his life. 😞
I give my husband 2.5 ml dose which is half teaspoon of 100% mucuna powder with a Co-Careldopa tablet. I make it into a drinkable solution with a small amount of juice. It really works quite quickly and my husband has had PD for 28 years. I buy it on Ebay Uk. He takes it 3 or 4 times a day.
i could never handle sin ER but mucuna was a very poor substitute ...when i wake up at 3 am with heebie jeebies i take the reg 25/100 sin and go back to sleep....hang tough
Hi. You mentioned your toes curling up, would know what is causing it? Does it also feel like burning or in pain?
I take the NOW brand of a Mucuns which is 15% l-dopa, equals 60 mg of l-dopa per capsule. That is the amount my neurologist recommended as equal to one Sinemet pill! So that works well for me. I think 1000 mg is way over the top obviously!
After looking at the bottle I realized it was 1000 for 2 capsule which would be 500 for one and 100 Ldopa per tablet. I’m going to try one tomorrow and if that is too much I’ll order the NOW. Thank you.
I took one NOW mp today with no adverse affects. How many do you take in a day at what intervals? Did you feel better right away? I take one 25/100 er at night also plus Asian herbs that are to help enhance the dopamine I might have left.
Good morning…I know this reply is two years late but just reading this now…would like to know what state your neurologist is located…am looking for a neurologist that supports the use of Mucuna…thank you and stay well😊
my neurologist is in California. Mucuna did not agree with me so I’m back on one 25-100 carbidopa levodopa per day. In the meantime, my husband passed away, with Covid, I had covid and ended up in rehab so focused on taking care of my personal issues and letting Parkinson’s run amok. I went back to dr first of year. He told me I was under medicated, and started me on Ritary low dose increasing every 3 days with my normal 1c/l I felt a little better . After 1 st month he increased Ritary mg AND c/l to 2 times a day. By the 3rd day I coul
Your Dr has an open mind.I use the Now Dopa Mucuna.2 capsules have 120 mg of LDopa .it is equal to 125/12.5 l/c Iused it at the beginning of my diagnosis
Bebouse it is a herb there are no duble blind reserch
But it gets me off the stiffness
After a year i began with l/c. which i take today every 2 1/2 hours
Hi everyone😊…would like to know if anyone was able to get in touch with Dr. Maldonado in Spain…have read his books and tried to get in touch through his website…sent messages twice with no response…thank you for any information
Where is your neurologist located ?