CREATIVITY POLLS 3B :: If PD has made you... - Cure Parkinson's
CREATIVITY POLLS 3B :: If PD has made you LESS creative, what PD meds are you on (tick all that apply)?
I'm 52, main symptom..right side tremor & sleep issues..on 1x 1.06 & 1 x 0.26 mirapexin...not too sure this is helping..who knows ??????????????
That's what frustrates definite advice..." no two cases are the same " is all I hear.......
It does not work so well, so I concentrate too much on that and not enough on other things.
If I hadn't my art or my little jobs in the shed I should have topped myself long before now.
This PD, one can live with it fine, but the sleepless nights and the pain?
Believe me I am not moaning about my lot, but I just think the doctors are an absolute waste of time for advice.
I just may as well just go out and ask the trees.

i agree totaly they just keep handing out more pills the just using us as guinea pigs

I'm finding out all this from the many doctors we see for my husband's various illnesses. He's so tired of going, so we have scaled back. No one seems to be straight with him about what we might expect, and each relies on the other doctor to deal with it. Best of luck to you.
If one sees multiple doctors nowadays they read the notes from previous doctors and take their cue from that.
It seems they have no intention of making up their own minds.
This is on behalf of my partner as he does not use computer, Heis on madopar, anti-depressent and now rivistomine as he has pd associated dementia. He has tremors in both hands now, his head constantly whirls and spins ( his words) pain in chest on walking - we rae waiting for appointment for heart tests we have already seen a specialist but he thinks it could be angina so waiting for angagram. He is not very active, we work in the garden but after an hour or so, he had to give up as no energy. His dementia is so so can remember years ago but he will get up walk 2 steps and forget what he is going for. It was explained to us that the brain is a blackboard and his is now full, and will not take any more hence everyday things float around in the air. He has halucinations especially at night panther, frogs, spider, even people,
I have to go into hospital to have my knee replaced in spetember, so we have discussed him going into a home for a short while, his daughter thinks great idea thnk goodness, I will not have to worry about his pulls food etc. But hey life goes on so I keep telling him, but its hard work.