How do you prepare for an appointment wit... - Cure Parkinson's
How do you prepare for an appointment with your Parkinson’s specialist (tick all that apply)?
Not much point they dont listen anyway.

We drive 3 and a half hours to Albuquerque so I review my list and reviews last appointment in my file.
You have a different system there. You are paying your doctors so they listen.
I have an hour drive to think about what I want to ask him!
Not only do I write a list - I send it to him 2 weeks in advance so he knows where I am comming from - this action is to maximise the use of the minimal time available - already quoted 15 mins in 12 months
Hi Blondir,
I like your way of doing things - shows initiative. But does your list get looked at? The last time I had an appointment to see the consultant I asked the person dealing with the consultants paperwork and appointments to take my quite long list to him & asked could it be read before I went in to see him. I believe it was read, and the main points were easily dealt with. With my Parkinsons now I get the shakes quite badly & I get stressed - so find it hard to be particularly coherent even with a list in my hand.
I write the list as an aide memoir but have to lose it once I'm in his office. He made it very clear from day 1 that he wanted me to tell him what was going on...he didn't like lists and he didn't like forms to fill. Apart from that he listens to everything I say, wants my opinion and over the past 3 yrs since diagnosis has given me the confidence to self manage the condition. If I get into trouble, he's on the end of the phone (or the secretary is , and when really needed, he's been there for me so I have no complaints. God help me if he leaves..I know Im spoilt and as for the time he gives me, its always 45 mins or more and being a public patient, his services are free. I have noticed that other patients dont get this sort of time with him but have always assumed they were satisfied. I certainly wouldnt be with 15 mins 2 or 3 times a year.
My sister's husband has been to the clinic in Cardiff today. She goes with him so the doctor so they can get the full story about his condition. The treatment he gets in Rookwood Hospital Cardiff is second to none, and they are on tap 24hrs a day
Making a list from my journal has proven to be helpful.
I type a brief report.
Current med regime,
update on how I am,
3 top issues for discussion.
The PD nurse suggested prioritising top 3 issues and I find it helpful to focus me. Otherwise I can ramble over everything and come away dissatisfied that nothing is addressed. I leave the report with the neuro and its filed with my notes I think. It is also on my computer as a personal health record.
I make a list of the top three subjects I want to discuss, bring an up-to-date list of the medications I take (and include the dosage, how many pills I have remaining, as well as which ones need to be refilled so I don't run out), and ask if they found a cure yet, LOL. My doctors love how easy I make their job. It helps if your neurologist is happy with you. It makes them go the "extra mile."
I usually take someone with me who knows about my priorities