FLASHPOLL 5: What are the barriers to wid... - Cure Parkinson's

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FLASHPOLL 5: What are the barriers to wider use of recreational drugs for PD? [TICK ALL THAT APPLY]

JonStamford profile imageJonStamford203 Voters

Please select all that apply:

18 Replies
harold2063 profile image

This was a poorly constructed question. It should have asked for ONE choice, or required a pecking order. The answer was obvious, and all the choices were somewhat correct.

margie profile image

Although illegal in the area that I live. How would I know if it is safe, if the thing is a street drug. This is a drug, and should be legal but through the drug administration and not just a street drug. It should be a prescription , written by a doctor and nothing else.

quirkyme profile image
quirkyme in reply to margie

that is happening in a state next door to us. I would add that it needs to be a PD doctor

who has knowledge about MM. it's efficacy and administration. With that said, I think there's an underground of people who have smoked or administered MM for themselves or others but that knowledge has never been organized and put out there, to my limited knowledge anyway.

Hitch2020 profile image
Hitch2020 in reply to quirkyme

I used MM nightly for help sleeping. It makes my tremors worse but the stiffness, and pain is greatly reduced. I am sure it's different for everyone but without it I can't get comfortable and sleep. I usually take it orally or use a concentrate to vape. I do try to find the highest CBD strains although hard to come by.

Mlssann profile image
Mlssann in reply to Hitch2020

It’s really all about finding the best strain for you! Trial and error. I’m sure you’ll come across one that doesn’t provoke your tremors. Definitely higher CBD

I know there are so many and it can be overwhelming but if you need to, maybe keep a log of how each strain affects you: both the pros and cons! Are you hungry? Energized? Sleepy? Inspired? Motivated? Couch potato? Etc... And that should help give you a sense of what works for your physical symptoms and what strains produce the cerebral effects you might be looking for as well!

I know for my dad (he was diagnosed in 2006), and even myself I use MM for other medicinal purposes. But it really does wonders for both his physical and mental symptoms. Even just CBD extract alone, I get a dropper bottle (~500mg) and place it under his tongue. It takes about an hour to kick in but it’s amazing. Medical cannabis has provided him with relief that not one of the dozens of medications he’s tried over the years has been able to.

Best wishes and good health to you!

- Mel

inkyorion profile image

For me, It's still just another drug added to the concoction I'm already taking with an inevitable increase in toxicity / side effects . We dont know enough about long term effects of these drugs with different combinations of existing ones used to treat symptoms of PD. It may work well for some but each of us needs to look at pros and cons for ourselves having discussed with our neurologist/GP and read up on any relevant research. For this reason plus the cost I think it should be available on prescription and reviewed on a regular basis. Think this ticks most of the boxes....

quirkyme profile image

we need more info on this and it's a 'catch 22'--we can't get info on how MM helps people with PD until there is no research and research has been squelched for decades. With that said, I think in places like CO where it's legal for medical use, specific varieties of MM will be identified that are helpful for PD. All this takes so much time and still people are having to deny themselves something that I think has much promise.

But we, my husband with PD, and I, his care sharer are as reluctant as the rest of those responding. Only our state, MA is in the process of setting up dispensaries which will include clinical efficacy as part of their selling. I know it's scary and I wouldn't want my husband to smoke it but where is the info on other types of administration? Very slow in coming!!! We are pre-1960s era so didn't partake in the experimentation many we know did.

landman profile image

No barrier's, pot legal. Medical pot

Lindylanka profile image

The possibility of even less ability to move than I currently have!

Hikoi profile image

Other, - unknown interactions with other meds, unknown long term effects.

racerCP profile image

I don't understand why we have this poll. Obviously it is always better NOT to legislate against victimless practices, which only create an opportunity or burgeoning police budgets, more jails and tremendous harm to society in corruption and cost of lives.

I don't want to snooks or to get hiigh, but I would love to buy an oil that, would take care of my PD symptoms . After I watxhed the Sanjay gupta segment , I hopeed it might make a difference. But the gov't seems to wabt to,punish people than look for a way to help people,

jillannf6 profile image




alf53 profile image

I am in uk and would try it if I could get it safely and in a form I could take. Have thought and read about it for some time but here you can't just go to your doctor and ask for it, not a hope.

Henry1244 profile image
Henry1244 in reply to alf53

Also uk based never used it but at this point what have I got to loose 😳😳😳😳

Sirshakealot profile image

I can tell you honestly, since I stopped smoking MM my symptoms have gotten much worse. Why did I stop? Looking for a job. It most diffently helped me deal with the tremors and the muscle spasms. It also helps with my appetitie. Without it I only eat because I have to, I begin to feel nauseated and the tremors get really bad.

JimColdguy profile image

Cannabis makes you feel better. Some people don't react to cannabis in a positive way, but that is true with most things, different strokes for different folks.

It is a crime that this natural plant cant be used LEGALLY by the majority of people because of the BS stigma it has. A medicine is supposed to make you feel good. Cannabis is a MEDICINE, regardless of the antiquated laws that some in our society have affixed to it.

I have PD. it sucks. I want to feel better for the time I have left on this planet. Cannabis helps me feel better. Not one thing wrong with that.

SCT25 profile image

There is still a stigma surrounding things like medical marijuana, even though there is tons of data that suggests it has benefits for pain, sleep disorder, nausea, etc.