Has anybody had a colon resection? I may have to have one due to severe diverticular disease causing narrowing of the sigmoid colon and severe constant pain
Colon resection: Has anybody had a... - Crohn's and Colit...
Colon resection

hey there, new to this forum. I have gastroparesis which means my stomach just doesn’t work. We tend to have a lot of bowel issues in our family. Anyway, my sis had a bowel resection about a decade ago and is doing great. Things had to be modified and controlled but she is doing so much better. If you need one, I’d only suggest to consult w a few surgeons. Hang in there!
I had right hemicolectomy 18 months ago (3rd taken including caecum and appendix) recovery is good. Op isn’t as bad as you imagine .
I had a small bowel resection in Dec which took out about a foot of the small bowel, the valve between the large and small bowel, the appendix and a bit of the start of the large bowel where the small bowel was reattached. It is the other end of what you are talking about I believe.
hi I had bowel resection last January, two foot of intestines removed due to numerous strictures and ulcers, it is a major op and recovery was slow but it solved the pain issue internally for a good few months, sadly with crohns it comes back with a vengeance but yours is a different condition so hopefully you’ll be good as new again
I had a resection this past Dec. Just wondering if you are on any medication or biologics?
Thank you
I have diverticular disease and colon stricture, I'm in constant pain, constipated and can't sleep. No medication helps, I take linoclotide for constipation but it is quite severe
Have they scheduled a resection for you as I assume that is your only option at this point as it can’t be fun living this way?
No but I can't see any other way, no meds help
That certainly is a tough position to be in. Do you have an appointment to discuss surgery or is nothing being done at this point? I sure hope and pray you get help soon as that is a tough way to live.
Thanks for that. I'm waiting to see the gastro to discuss options, I'm in agony every day and hardly sleep, I know I can't live like this
let us know how it turns out.
will do but I think it will be a while before I see doc
I know this is an old post but I was hoping you wouldn’t mind telling me how your diverculitis was diagnosed and what symptoms you were getting , I am also on linaclotide and was suffering left sided pain which when I’ve been looking into it online seems to suggest this could be worth looking into.
I had CT scans, colonoscopy,and proctogram which showed sever narrowing of sigmoid colon, rectocele and insussception. I've also been taking linoclotide, but it's very harsh and causes liquid diarrea and cramps most of the day. I also have slow transit which causes constipation. My GP has prescribed me 1mg procalopride a few days ago, this is supposed to speed up transit, but I'm wary of it as it has other side affects. i've started just taking half mg just to see if it works at all and any side affects. I'm seeing the surgeon on 1st October, they seem reluctant to peform surgery but I know this is what I need, to remove narrow part of colon. They say it may make things worse but believe me ,things couldn't be any worse. I'm in constant pain still and don't get much sleep because of it. I'm just hoping they will intervene.