Hi. I have had IBS symptoms for 14 years, but 3 years ago, after multiple GP visits due to dirrahea and occasional blood in stool, I was offered a calprotectin test. The result of this was >250, so I was referred to gastroenterology. I then did the test again and the result was >2000. I was referred for a colonoscopy, but they could only do a sigmoid (they couldn't sedate and because I was in a lot of pain, the doctor decided to stop - which annoyed me actually because he didn't ask if that's what I wanted). The bit of bowel he did look at (the very lower part) was clear, so was a biopsy. I then did a PillCam test which looked at the small bowel, and that was fine too. The calprotectin test was repeated and it had gone down again to 59 - pretty much a normal level. Despite the fact they didn't look at the whole large bowel, due to the calprotectin levell lowering, I was discharged and told that I probably had an infection which caused the high figure and symptoms.
I felt bit better for a while but continued to have IBS symptoms, but didn't notice any blood. I had occasional diarrhea but only after large meals, and only usually went to the bathroom once per day.
Over the recent months I have noticed tenderness in my upper right and lower left abdomen when pressed. The lower right also squelches if I press it. Last week, 3 years after the initial tests, I noticed some blood in my stool again (and some mid-cycle bleeding for the first time ever). I had a GP appointment and did another calprotectin test and blood tests. Blood tests came back normal, but the calprotectin is back up to >2000.
Now I'm really concerned about how long it's been this high. I'm very concerned that by not looking at my whole bowel 3 years ago, they missed something. To be honest, I'm hoping for IBD becaue I'm terrified that it's cancer and they missed it years ago, meaning it's now advanced. I'm only 32, so it's rare, but it does happen. No family history but I have drank alcohol every day for over 10 years due to anxiety, so I must have increased my risk massively (I have read that apparently alcoholics don't tend to have higher calprotectin levels that non-alcoholics, so that wouldn't explain the elevated levels). However, the main symptom of IBD is diarrhea, which I don't get then often.
I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar with raised calprotectin levels for so long, yet not much diarrhea? Any tenderness? I guess I'm just looking for a little reassurance, but equally if you were diagnoses with something sinister, it would be good to know too.
Thank you.