Hi everyone!
I'm 27 year old male, fit and healthy generally and 3 weeks ago I had some severe abdominal pains and slight constipation, the pain was sort of moving around my abdomen then seemed to centralize lower right. The hospital suspected appendicites so they operated, saw it was all clear so they were planning a colonoscopy but I got a lot better clinically. Anti bios, laxatives and rest seemed to help the pain.
3 weeks ago while in hospital was when I first noticed blood in my stool, it was a medium amount I guess kind of maroon and mixed in. Then a week or so later it was very mucusy with less blood. The doctors suspected some form of IBD, but since my symptoms have cleared up a bit aren't rushing to do a scope.
Right now I still have little niggles in the lower right area of abdomen, and the blood in my stool has mostly cleared up, I do still notice a very small amount of red blood even as of today though which worries me.
What I wanted to ask, is this normal to have blood in stool for this long with a form of IBD? And is it normal to have the sort of niggles in the area for this long? Does this all sound like common symptoms of IBD?
I'm naturally concerned about colon cancer as symptoms cross over but doctors have told me it's not even on their list of concerns for me.
Sorry for the long paragraph
Thanks and have a great day!