I want to share for those that have been in the same boat. When gatsro. problems are kicked off it is excruciating. 12 on a scale of 1-10. So bad that if I had a gun, I would probably pull the trigger.
They diagnosed me with every title they could. Uc, IBD, spastic colon, chrons. ibs . You tell me if they had a clue would they give one tag to it ?
I tried everything, Diet change, drugs . Meditation, you name it. 3 dietitians, seven gastroenterologists, Alergy tests. All of it. 40 years of dying in excruciating pain.
Here is what I figured out for myself and they still think I’m nuts for it. Every single time my stomach goes off, cramping, bloating , spasms, my sinuses run. I have said for years there is some under lying problem that they are not diagnosing contributing to my sinus infections and stomach problems.
First thing that helped.
I learned where the back up was, in my colon, with all the bloating pain, which was always in the same area. I found if I palpate at the spot, aggressively vibrating with my fingers I could cut down the amount of time I was in pain from 2 hours down to 20 min. Seriously, if What you have is like what I have, figuring that out was massively beneficial. And I had to discover for myself. No one ever helped with it in any real way.
Secondly, a pinch of baking soda dissolved on your tongue will help with the spasms. Just a little is all it takes, and it’s way less expensive then the drugs they recommend for the spasm.
Lastly and this has made for me a 90 percent flare up reduction.
It took an immunologist who could not find anything wrong and was kind enough to listen to my whole story, to send me to one of her professors, from her college days, and she was in her 40’s.
His first attempt I went along with knowing it wouldn’t help, but he was convinced. It didn’t help. He thought it was bacterial over growth. It wasn’t.
I discussed for the 100th time in my life about the sinus stomach connection, and mentioned,it was suggested that that connection could have something to do with dopamine . They say the stomach is the second brain and the two are connected. He said ok my attempt didn’t work, it’s a long shot, but if you are right, then we could treat with anti depressants. He was not being flippant or suggesting I was nuts, he was trying to apply his skill set to my observation.
Many years ago I was on Wellbutrin for a year and then weened off. I said if we are going down that path let’s start there. He agreed since I already had ok results and little to no side affects.
He immediately prescribed the standard dosage.I said no I’ll start really low doses and see how it goes as I had in the past. They prescribe 2 pills three times a day. I started with 1 pill every other day and after a few days moved up to a pill and a half.
18 months later I have only had two flare ups.
Everybody is different and maybe your issues are not my issues but for me it has made a tremendous difference.
Palpating when needed, and the anti depressants for the dopamine issues.
And other then that, I have stopped almost all of the, it doesn’t help but I kept trying anyways things, that every doctor ever recommended.
And, I can eat almost anything without being triggered, including a cup of coffee if I want it which I could smell and it triggering me in the Past.
Good luck , keep experimenting until you find something.
Palpating is free. Doesn’t do damage and gives great benefit.
Be safe.