Hi everyone, first of all I’m really sorry if this is too much information. I’m just slightly at a loss now. For just over a year I have been having severe pain with sudden diarrhoea which contains a lot of dark mucus. The pain is in my lower left abdomen and is a sharp twisting that takes my breath away kind of pain, I get dull aching in my lower back and what feels like my rectum. The urge to go is extremely sudden, I recall one day being in a shop and having to crouch on the floor as to not poo myself. It is now getting to the point where it’s obstructing my day to day and I just don’t know what it could be. I have been to my doctor a few weeks ago and he has suggested to keep a food diary/change eating habits as doe think it may be IBS or possibly IBD so I have completely cut out dairy and lactose and I’m no better. I have a follow up in a couple of weeks with him. I am just after a bit of advice and support really. The pain just gets too much and to be completely honest it’s becoming embarrassing!
Main symptoms -
Blood and mucus
Extreme pain in lower left abdomen and back
Sudden urge to go (sometimes immediately after eating) I can sometimes go up to 5/6 times a day which isn’t a lot but it does seem to be getting more and more frequent