anyone here diagnosed with Chrons, Colitis or IBD but never had pain??? my mom is having the symptoms but not really in pain, she has intermittent pain in her lower left abdomen for years but it could be maybe because of her cysts in her ovaries ( and it's very seldom to happen )
ANYONE???: anyone here diagnosed with... - Crohn's and Colit...

That was how I started - - - - With intermittent pain in the lower left of my belly, not with cysts in my ovaries (mainly because I'm a guy). I often have flare-ups with little or no pain, but with plenty of other symptoms.
but she has her other symptoms for almost 2 years and still she's not in real pain like most of people who has it.
can i ask what are mostly your symptoms during flare ups?
It is either complete incontinence, with liquid diarrhoea (sorry if TMI) or complete constipation, and no wind for up to 7 days at a time. Tummy bloating massively, and really bad indigestion.
omg no winds for a week??? but you could burp???
No, that was the last time they had to operate, in July last year. My belly looked like I was 11 months pregnant, and I felt really awful and lost about 16 Kg in weight. (I've put it all back on now!) I must be frank and say although I didn't have any pain, as such, I really did feel bad.
omg that was a lot of air and that must be painful as the air couldn't get out.
my mom's symptoms is the opposite she pass gas a lot (maybe because of the foods she eat) she's taking a lot of fiber foods and supplements.
and 16kg is a looooot and I'm happy you gained it back!
My only real symptom initially was weight loss, which led to the discovery of Crohn’s disease.
symptoms really varies from person to person, your answer made me calm, thank you! i was very anxious coz my mom been having the symptoms for almost 2 years couldn't go under scope for now due to corona outbreak, how are you feeling now?
It varies quite a bit. It was about 20 years ago when I was diagnosed, and the next flare up I had more diarrhea and cramps. It is tender on my right lower abdomen where my Crohns is located. Right now I am not feeling too bad. I was in remission from 2011 to 2019 and then had a flare up but am doing better now.
glad you're doing better now!
i wish you well
Thank you, and you also.
What really made a difference for me was probiotics and probiotic yogurt daily. I didn’t believe it would make a difference when I started, but after about 10 days there was a difference. I know everyone is different and it may not help everyone, it sure helped me.
will tell my mom to try it out, thanks a lot!!!
Good luck, I hope it works as well for her as it has for me. I take Activia but there are lots of brands that have probiotics as well.
Hi, I have colitis and initially had no pain at all just very bad diarrhoea, I fact I stopped peeing as all my body liquids went to the bowel. I also lost lots of weight and obviously spent a lot of time feeling dizzy and very weak.
As mine progressed I get a general tummy ache cut very low down. It often is confused with gynea type problems. I also have now been diagnosed with coeliac disease which means I have to be super careful with what I eat and this tends to cause me more problems with pain, bloating and diarrhoea.
I hope your mum feels better soon and finds something to help, xx
have you ever had the symptoms of bloody mucus???
Not in the beginning, but later on, perhaps a year into my diagnosis I did a little. Mine is more Inflammatory then ulcerative, so I don’t tend to get bleeding so much.
My initial symptom was passing a varying amount of blood (small amounts) each time I sat down on the loo but no pain. Fortunately I had an excellent GP who sent me via the 2-week route to get it checked out. I didn't have a consultation at the hospital but an immediate colonoscopy which confirmed UC. The colonoscopy brought on a flare up (my first ever) and then there was pain together with all the other usual symptoms.
glad you got checked out and received a scope! how are you feeling now? still getting flare ups?
I had ulcerative colitis for nearly 40 years, first diagnosed around 1976. Two big flare ups in 76 & 78, rarely had any significant pain even during flare ups despite the bleeding and constant urge to go to the toilet, sometimes it could be more than 20 times a day. Most of the time kept under control with medication. Over the years I was told UC, possibly Chrons, indeterminate bowel disease and then reverted to UC. Finally go rid of the problem in 2016. My symptoms were usually runny poo and mucus, blood when flare ups got really bad, rarely had bloating. Constipation would have been wonderful, never had that luxury, just regular urges to go and felt like almost a waste of time when I got there. Really needs to see her GP to see if they can get to the bottom of it (sorry for the phrasing) and see if a colonoscopy can help diagnose the cause.
She really need to push to get the test and diagnosis, until that happens there will be no relief. In my experience it's not enough to be passive and just accept what they tell you, push to get the tests ASAP. Best of luck.