Hi guys I did a previous post about my calprotectin being off the scale past 2000. Just had my colonoscopy. They have done biopsies but are sure I have ulcerative colitis. I feel relieved to finally no what is wrong with me after 18months of symptoms. Any one in the same boat with any words of advice? X
Ulcerative colitis: Hi guys I did a... - Crohn's and Colit...
Ulcerative colitis

Well I've had UC for about 50 years 😞 If you can get on to the right meds then you may be lucky and go into remission for a good while 🤞but it's a life long condition with ups and downs, it's not easy !
Hi there,
My husband has calprotecin 922, before a month ago when he has test,,and he was refered for urgent colonscopy.
But we visited private gastro specialist ,he said to do the stool test again, we did last week but dont know how much is it now the calprotecin level.
Today morning we got call from NHS for colonscopy date,which is on jan 6.
So hoping for best ..
I am not on the same boat.. But knowing the cause is always good and a mental relief. I've had my colonoscopy and came out neg for UC and Crohns but still by calpro is high. So not sure what's causing the inflammation yet.. Know a few ppl with UC and it's very manageable with lifestyle changes.... Diet and meds
My Research for UC: Causes
1. Stress
2. Trigger Food
3. Dysbiosis
4. Parasites
The problem is GI do not address the problem itself.
For example if it is Dysbiosis get the strongest probiotics, kefir, breast milk or FMT.
If it is a Stress, add some mind changing techniques:
energy psychology” programs to re- program a chronic state of disease
Like this:
Energy Psychology
Holographic Repatterning
Body Talk
15-20 min to reprogram entire life.
If it is wrong food then go to SCD diet for a year to restore your gut flora completely. No cheating.
If It is Parasites, get the most accurate PCR Parasites Test to find and kill them with specific antibiotics and then go to SCD diet to heal your gut flora.
It is not one treatment helps all.
You have missed out autoimmune disease being a cause.
Interesting you mention stress... I've been in constant stress and been diagnosed with non specific colitis. Even after colonoscopy and biopsy, they can't determine what's causing the inflammation. The biopsy are not clear for UC or Crohns.
But reading your post about the causes.. How do you really manage stress?
Also what is SCD diet?
SCD diet was created specifically for IBD and Autism. It is a strict diet without grains, sugar, starches, limited dairy and no any chemicals.
Specific Carbohydrated Diet videos with Elaine and websites will explain it better.
Stress- you can just change your set of mind. Joe Dispenza video and books are helpful.
Thanks for the replies. The meds I have been given are steroids, Mesazaline and adcal. I’m worried about the side effects of the steroids. When they take the biopsies what do they actually check from them? So they’ve already said I have UC, what else will they gain from the biopsies?
Biopsies will show chronic or active colitis.
The interesting thing is that biopsy for Infection Colitis and UC look identical
Appreciate the feedback. They are still leaning towards infection colitis for my case... Post infectious to be precise.
The only reason it's post infectious because no granulomas are present in the current biopsy.
It's confusing because the crypt architecture disturbance is present, yet they say fresh colitis... Which is contradictory on its own
Hi what were your symptoms of having a UC????