and have a very bad time of it at seeing what some of you have written I am pleased its not just me being kept on my toes, every time I think I can eat this cos I am fine after a week, then the next it gives me so much pain, feeling low at mo as was back to see my Doctor at hospital today and back on steroids and a new tablet hoping it works as the next step in op which I don't want, any ideas any one on what I can try please??
I found out I have Ulcerative colitis... - Crohn's and Colit...
I found out I have Ulcerative colitis in October last year

One of the most helpful things I read was that cold drinks stop digestion and warm drinks aid digestion. In the hours before I was hospitalized with UC, I had skipped a meal and gulped down a large glass of cold chocolate milk. I shouldn't have had chocolate or milk or anything cold.
I have been told to have dairy stuff lol (and lucky for me I can have chocolate with no problem lol which is good for me )and to have soups etc no fruit or veg. if this tablet Mercaptopurine doesn't work then its either infusion or op :-(. I have to have a camera again to look every where, back on steroids and the highest level of mesalazine ,
thanks for replying
I find I cannot have wheat, as it upsets me, had tests several years ago and found out I had colitis control mine by diet, went for allergy testing, it is just a case of trying to find out which foods suit you and which do not, also take a probiotic tablet each day to help the gut.
Hi there. Have you looked at the Ileostomy Association website? They have a forum for people with Chron's and Colitis and there is a specific section for food and health. I have found the site a godsend.

Thank you will have a look. Hope your doing well x