A friend with severe IBS has found this very helpful. I have Crohn's Disease and am concerned at lining my intestines with this. Mainly because I have narrowing down the last section of the small intestine, (down to the appendix area) with severe damamge to the valve in that area. I feel that anything that lines this area will narrow it more, and if it is of a mucous like texture could really just decrease the space available for food to go through and cause the flapping bits of the valve to become stuck. Of course I have no idea if this second problem is a good or a bad thing. My friend feels that as this has enabled her to increase the types of food she can eat, maybe it would do the same for me. Also I have problems with absorbing certain vits minerals etc (now have B12 injections) would this type of treatment also interfere with certain absorbtion of my required nutrients? I have enough problems like this already!!
Any ideas/information would be greatly appreciated, I am always hesitant to try something where no studies seem to have been done to know exactly how something new reacts with certain conditions, I have enough problems with the Crohn's as it is, without adding more.