I'm on immune suppressants for about 9 weeks and now on a high dose of steroids. Fatigue is a bit better but back pain in lower back and centre of my back is making it hard to function. I've had this problem before I was diagnosed, before the bowel problems became more noticable. I was just wondering if this is common. The specialist is looking at another autoimmune disease that may be causing that, does anyone know what that could be?
Diagnosed with Crohns 4 months ago, h... - Crohn's and Colit...
Diagnosed with Crohns 4 months ago, having back pain, in conjunction with fatigue.

Hi Kathy6 I suffer with lower back pain along with pain in the soles of my feet when I have a flare up so think this could be quite a common symptom (I started having problems 12 years ago). I've been told I have Ulcerative Colitis by one consultant and Crohns by another so I know I have a bowel disease but generally don't mention which as the treatments are the same. I don't know what they could be looking at and it's probably best to ask them directly. I hope that they can find something that helps you soon.
I'm also getting it higher up my back as well. Maybe that's just transferred pain. Thank you it is a very strange disease, I don't know what expect next. Hopefully everything will start working soon.
I'd talk to the consultant about it, there are so many symptoms and obviously you learn what helps ease them along the way. The only advice I can give you is as soon as symptoms start rest, I tried for years to push on through and it was the worst thing. I hope you can find something that works for you
Hi Kathy, I suffered with terrible back pain before being diagnosed with Crohn's disease!! And in fact have justvhad 2 weeks off work with lower back pain again!! It's obviously common with this then. I hadn't realised!!!

Hi around 15-20% of Crohn's sufferers experience arthritis type manifestations in limbs (enteropathic) and/or spine (axial), and approx 10% of ulcerative colitis sufferers. These can flare up at the same time as a flare up of the Crohn's or independently.
It might be wise to ask your consultant to refer you to a rheumatologist. they can work with your gastro consultant to work out best medication to manage the IBD and arthritis
I have had Colitis for many years now and suffered with back pain for most of that time. Just recently my Primary Care Doctor sent me for X-Rays and found that I was NOT completely emptying my bowels no matter how much I went to the bathroom. The excess stools were putting pressure om my colon and therefore against my nerves. The Doc believes that this is the cause of my back pain. I suggest that you go for X-Rays of your Lumbar region after taking a laxative and see if your Doc sees the same thing. Good luck to you and please post your results.