Hi all,
Im 34 and as long as I can remember Ive had bowel toileting issues.
Loose,painful and frequent. Ive had a sigmoidoscopy which showed diverticular disease. But nothig came back on biopsys.
I am early days seeing a specialist dietician who has put me on a fodmap diet (prior to me comimg off loperamide and the yellow stools) but he feels that given my symptoms it may not solve things. He feels there could be something more physical going on but i was referred to him by gastro team so he is exploring options.
See i a year ago my stools turned yellow and greasy for a while really freaked me out. My gp though auto immune hepatitus (especially as i already have autoimmume thyroiditus).
However it calmed down.
I have been taking long term loperamide (which doctors consent) and it doesnt make me "normal" (whatever that is) but slows things down a bit.
Fast forward to this year and hubby and I are ttc. Found out I cant taker loperamide long term so I stop taking it.
I expected my bowel to be unhappy adjusting but... ive just had 2 weeks of gas, diahrrea,yellow(occasionally dual coloured brown and yellow),greasy,mucus and some blood,constant bad cramps all over lower abdomen,often just lower right abdomen etc. Gone to a BRAT diet,makes so odds. Im dropping weight now also.
Have had to take time off work as in pain and constant need for the loo. Walking is painful.
Ive just given a stool sample to be tested.
I get ive probably masked the real problem with loperamide but im back to thinking about thia yellow stool,that whilst I have had a blood test for antibodies with liver and was normal,I understand that other organs no working efficiently can cause my symptoms.
That a sigmoidoscopy only goes as far as corner or tranverse colon (had no sedation bloody hurt) and im thinking about crohns as this can be anywhere is digestive system and that often in the ilieum which t me lower right abdomen is where i have contast ache/cramps.
I know people live with this but I cried out of frustration last night.
Waiting for stool sample to come back and hubby wants me to ring my dietician but not sure how much they can help with this??
My senses tell me im not digesting properly and yellow suggests fat and extremly quick transit.
Any help/advice greatfully recieved.