Hi. Can anyone advise? My son is 14 and has had crohns for 4 years. He saw his consultant a month ago who was pleased with his progress. But in the last week has had a lot of pain and blood in his stools. The Dr says he's constipated. He's been to the loo but infrequently. Painkillers don't seem to be helping. Any suggestions??
Chronic constipation: Hi. Can anyone... - Crohn's and Colit...
Chronic constipation

Hi, what painkillers is he on as these can cause constipation. a couple of yrs ago after a flare up my bowel became very sluggish due to the scar tissue. my gastro said that constipation in crohns is just as bad as a flare up and can even be dangerous. has your sons gastro not prescribed laxatives ? I was on lactulose and docusate and the aim was to have soft but formed stools. I stayed on these meds for 2 weeks, and touch wood, not had a prob since with 'constipation'
hope this helps x
Hi. Thanks so much for your reply. He hasn't been on any meds now for 2 years since his hemicolectomy. Touch wood, to date, he's been really well. It's only in the last week it's been a problem. His gastro is I'll himself and off work. The registrar spoke to me on Friday and said it sounded like constipation and suggested movicol. I've had those from the GP and trying to give him a diet packed with fruit, veg and fibre to get things shifting. It isn't really doing the trick. I'm debating whether to give him senakot which he's never had before, but getting desperate
poor thing, movicol can be quite aggressive for some people, and can cause cramps and diarrhoea. senakot is a nice gentle natural remedy. I would recommend 1 in the evening and see how he goes from there. as an adult nurse I know adults can take 2 in the evening, but Im not sure the dose to age of teens. as your probably aware due to the hemicolectomy he will require more fluids than those without the op. constipation can occur simply from not drinking enough. has this started since being back at school? without realising he may be drinking less than usual and will take body time to adjust. Also believe it or not fibre can slow the gut down in some people with bowel problems. Bisacodyl is another gentle medication you can try.
Good luck x
Oh thankyou so much. I think I'll try the senakot tonight. I'm feeling around in the dark here. I'm not getting any advice professionally as to what foods to give him. I could even be making it worse. He's saying as he's eating, the pain is terrible, yet he's hungry. It so difficult knowing what to do for the best. I really appreciate your advice. Thanks again.
No prob, I like to help where I can. Maybe soups might help, or boil some veg (so overcooked) and whiz them all down to a soup in the cooking water. that way he is having fluids as well as nutrition, without his bowel having to break it down too much. stewing fruit also breaks the 'roughage' down. it may help just to eat little and often. does having a hot water bottle help alleviate some of the pain? it may be worth contacting the hospital dietician x
Soup is a great idea. I've been making all sorts over the last few days. I haven't stewed any fruit, but will certainly give that a go too. Yes he's using a hot water bottle, that is giving him some comfort. I'm trying to get him to move about more to help move things along, I appreciate that's difficult when he's so uncomfortable. I've never spoken to the dietician, I could try that tomorrow. You've been a great help, I can't stress how grateful I am. Thanks again

Let me know how you get on x
Ayurvedic medicines may be the right choice for chrohns disease. It can heal ulcers in the mucous surfaces, strengthens the stomach, prevent colic & eases the bowels. I could help you if you wanna try.