Malcy was posting about Speed and it was one of the podcasts that I used a lot last summer, just loved it. Well I had been taking my runs slow and steady after injury but on reading his post yesterday I decided I'd give Speed a gentle try!!!!
Woke up this morning at 6.30 and thought why waste such a lovely morning, get up, put a load of washing in the machine, have a cuppa and banana. I was ready to set off by 7.30am.
Ipod charged, no Speed, duh, whats happened to my C25K+ programmes, have lost them all.
Ah well I'm out any way so I might as well go for a trot. I ended up on the road which leads to the park, quick trot around the park, then back out onto the same long road, with my favourite lamp posts, yeh I'd try just a few HIIT runs, not many, I need to watch my leg still. Off I sprinted to the first lamp post, slowed for the next two, then "Oh no, I don't believe it"!!! There were about 20 teenagers all heading towards me in green blazers (academy kids). reached another lamp post, time to sprint again, then slowed for the next two. I was nearly up to the kids, who were blocking the whole road (pedestrians and cycles only). Off into another sprint, as fast as I could, damn my legs and arms pumped like the clappers and low and behold the green blazers parted right down the middle. One kid said "she's quite fast" another says "She's doing HIIT, watch she'll slow at the next post" By this time my lungs were on fire, my legs were almost ready to buckle, then a smarty pants shouted, 3,2,1 sprint, I had reached another lamp post and they had I assume turned to watch me, well I couldn't disappoint them could I? But 4 sprints was enough for my return to HIIT but damn it felt gooooooooddddd
Gentle jog home, shower and off to the gym for two classes.
Don't worry if you don't hear from me for a couple of weeks, I'm off Whale watching in Cape Verde Islands.