couch to 5k!: does anyone know if this is... - Couch to 5K

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couch to 5k!

babes12xx profile image
28 Replies

does anyone know if this is sucsessful and worth it?

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babes12xx profile image
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28 Replies
LMS2110 profile image

Welcome! I expect you are about to get completely inundated with glowing reports about C25K! Sit back and watch!!!! I for one think it is the most amazing programme ever to be launched on the net! I'm completely hooked... And a couple of weeks away from completion. Hundreds are ahead of me. The graduates are very spot-able on here! Sit and read some blogs while you wait for answers to your question. The forum members are amazing and supportive above and beyond!! The pace of the programme is great, it's successful ... The input required from you is a) download the podcasts, b) set aside 3 half hour slots in your week to exercise, c) get off the couch and get ready to run! (Though in the beginning you'll only be asked to walk and run for little periods at a time - no worries)

Enjoy, get fitter and ultimately aim to run for 30 mins - maybe even covering 5k :)

Oldgirl profile image

Well its worth it as it costs no money, just your effort, time and strengths (mental & physical).

Does it work, oh hell yes. There are hundreds of people on here who have completed the programme and become Graduates.

So babes, no more dithering, put on your running shoes and give it a try. You will gain much from it, such as better health, fitter, but for me a wonderful sense of achievement. Good luck.

RainbowC profile image

Wot they said! ;) At the start of September, the 60 second runs in week one pushed me it my absolute limit. In November I graduated, running 30 mins non-stop. OK, so I wasn't running 5k in those 30 mins, but I was running. Thirty minutes. Three times a week. And even enjoying it! :o

For me is been absolutely worth the new running clothes, the increased fitness, the pride I can take in my own achievements, and the development of a new hobby! Go for it!

PamJK profile image

I've just completed my first 20 minute run non stop. 5 weeks ago I couldn't run for one minute non stop. Something's working :D

OlsBean profile image

Welcome, I can't do the program justice with words, it's amazing, if you are serious about starting running and you've got the commitment, then this plan will take you to running 5K and/or 30 minutes none stop regardless of current running level, you've just got to trust it 100%

I started it almost 12 weeks ago and today I ran (all be very slowly :D) for over 1 hour none stop and covered 10k.

If you want more proof of it success then just look back over the old blogs and questions.

Good Luck!

helenf28 profile image

All of the above. It's definitely worth it. I couldn't run for a minute 2 months ago but I'm up to 25 minutes x3 per week. My lung function has improved and I've even started to impress my teenage son. Whether it is successful largely depends on you - it's as much a mental challenge as a physical one. You will get lots of support from this site either from comments received or reading other people's blogs. There's usually a crowd of people at the same stage which helps and the advice of those a bit further on is reassuring.

Good luck :D

gdeann profile image

Do apples grow on trees? :-) C25K turned this 49 tear old, never ran a day in my life girl into a runner. I just ran a 10K this weekend, 8 months after starting C25K. I can't praise the program enough! Gayle

PhilippaB profile image
PhilippaBGraduate in reply to gdeann

Hey Gayle, well done BTW. I am on week 8 and can run for 30 mins now but only doing 3.4 km in that time. I am 52 and have tried beginner running programs before and never got beyond 2-3 minutes at a time. This time I took it SLOWWWW like people have advised. I read you post and wanted to ask you how you have increased pace over the 8 months. Has it just happened as you got fitter or have you had to actively train yourself to go quicker?

gdeann profile image
gdeannGraduate in reply to PhilippaB

Thank you Philippa! My pace really hasn't sped up because I keep increasing my distance. I decided I will always be slow and I would work in covering more time and continue to build endurance. I do feel doing the B210K plan has helped in being able to do the 5x50 challenge. Granted we are walking/running every single day but it kinda was a step down for us with the time. Overall, I do believe I am picking up speed, just not quickly and to my liking! :-) Congratulations in working the program, Graduation is just around the corner!

suki_007 profile image

Life changing. Do it.

dont do it,you will end up running for the rest of your life!!!!! ;-)

rosn123 profile image

Quite simply - yes and yes!! :-)

greenlegs profile image

There are a very wide range of starting points, all shapes, sizes and ages, but this is such a wonderful support forum. I struggled with 60 seconds mid-December, but can now (on a good day!) run for 60 minutes. I'm still slow, and that 60 minutes 'only' takes me about 6 km, but do I care? :D I'm now doing the '5x50' challenge, to do 5k/30 minutes of exercise every day for 50 days - today on day 17 I've just passed a total of 100km!

So, no, c25k doesn't work at all. ;)

Come on and join us!

ju-ju- profile image

so......are you going to??? I would love to hear how you get on. Good luck, and have fun.X

jonut profile image

Yes and yes. Just look at all the other blogs on here!

Khrissy profile image

As long as you're prepared to commit to 30 minutes 3 times a week, this will change your life :D

DavD profile image

Yes, yes and YES!

I always disliked exercising and running was what I hated the most. But after a chemo, a heavy surgery and my grandmother passed away, I really felt I needed to do something for the sake of my health - mental and physical. I couldn't afford to go to the gym but I did have a good pair of running shoes from a previous - failed- attempt to jog. These podcasts were a life saver! They are free, cleverly made and Laura is a great coach. Her voice is definitely more soothing and encouraging than an electronic one. And the gradual level of difficulty makes you feel like you achieve something great instead of pushing you too hard, too fast to eventually lead you to give up. If you feel you don't have enough endurance once you've started the programm, feel free to repeat weeks of the plan (I did week 1 and 3 twice).

I'm not saying it'll be easy but please believe an over weight, former sport-allergic woman: I've caught the bug and I would honestly never, ever have thought that I could challenge myself and even enjoy running. Being able to achieve a run is one of the greatest feeling ever. You won't regret it once you've tasted it once! ;-)

parkbirdy profile image

Give it a go - it really is fantastic. Hadn't run for 30 years - and still pinching myself that I can run for 30 minutes and not collapse at the end.

Take it at your own pace - and if you have set backs just stick with it. Some people do it in 9 weeks, I took longer as I had a couple of goes at some runs, but who cares!

caj62 profile image

Why not try? I am 50 years old, never ran even to catch a bus, started the programme in September and graduated in November. It has been great. I now run regularly and feel really fit. I have even completed a 10k race and am contemplating the Cheltenham Half Marathon in September.

Even if you don't continue running, completing the programme gives you a great sense of achievement, and you can do it in your own time. There are hundreds of people on here to give you support on your bad days.

Give it a go. Good luck.


alcopop profile image

Come on in the water' s lovely.

or as a popular brand said ' just do it'. you will find you like it. :-)

hacw profile image

Its a great program an this site is so helpfull. I never thought id be a 'runner' but now on wk9 im addicted! Before i started this program the last time i had run was 20 years ago an i found wk 1 very hard but i persiveared an here i am running 30mins and clocking 5.19km i feel so energized and refreshed its a life changing program, like others have said its free why not try it out for your self at least for 4 weeks and see for your self. GOOD LUCK AND JUST GO FOR IT!!

yes, yes ,yes just do it!

Rollertoaster profile image

We're not a cult where we've all been brainwashed, honest! It really is that amazing :)

Khrissy profile image
KhrissyGraduate in reply to Rollertoaster

I'm not so sure about that!!! ;-)

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to Khrissy

hehe! Well if so, it's my kind of cult :)

Mini13 profile image

I do agree with bipbip. DO NOT DO IT, YOU WILL BE HOOKED FOR LIFE!!! Ha! Jokes apart, this is great! One of the greatest things that I have started doing in my 44 years of life!

I honestly could not run even a minute without stopping 7 weeks ago, now I run 25 minutes non-stop. I am in my 8th week now, and today my first run in 8th week. It is very windy here, and I am a bit hungry, but here I am going for the run, on my own, no one to motivate but myself! I would not believe it if someone told me so 7 weeks ago! All you need ‘wanting to do it’ will get there and you will be happy that you started C25K! Go for it..and al the very best!

cupcakesandstilettos profile image

C25K is great. It will work so much better for you if you sign up to the forum though. I graduated a while ago, and I have times when I lose my motivation, but my daily 'fix' from the forum really helps buck me up. Gives lots of new ideas too, like the Parkrun (great fun on a Saturday morning) and the Zombierun app (possibly more of a 'niche' thing...). Do it!! you know you want to.

rockchick69 profile image

All of the above so come and join us and you'll see how amazing it is. I was an overweight (still a bit) 43 year old woman and allergic to exercise and definately running. Friday I will complete my last run of the programme, which means in 9 weeks I went from not running to now running for 30 minutes...and enjoying it :) I also took up the 5x50 challenge and I feel great.

Let us know when you join so we can follow your posts. Good luck with your decision :-)

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