Well, after graduating on Sunday in less than impressive style, today was my first run of the week. I was a little apprehensive as I've never left such a gap between runs before but as I spent all day yesterday wandering around a wildlife park I knew that I hadn't been completely inactive (bloody school hols are playing havoc with my running plans!).
So off I went. Felt much more comfortable on familiar roads and decided to use my own playlist and RunKeeper rather than the podcasts. Did my 5 minute warm up walk and then 35 mins of running! Was hoping to get to 5km, managed 4.7km. Chuffed to bits with that though. I probably could have pushed it another 2 or 3 mins, but I didn't want to. I was happy enough to have made it to 35 mins of running, the 5km will come in time. I've set myself the target of making it to that distance by 2nd June and at the moment I'm confident I'll get there, but I do know that just one bad run will totally knock that confidence out of me so I need to take it slow. I'll probably go back to 30 minute runs for the rest of the week (if I can!) but at least I know there's more there and that's such a boost.
Treated myself to some mint Matchmakers tonight in celebration It's the little things that keep you going!