So I am going out for a lunchtime walk, never heard of before this challenge, and yes it is snowing in London!!! It wont settle but SNOW SHOWERS? In APRIL??
I am officially fed up now.........
5x50 - day 5 - in the snow!!!: So I am going out... - Couch to 5K
5x50 - day 5 - in the snow!!!

Popped back to the community blog home page as I just finished doing my own blog. Woooahhhh, laughed .... yes tis pelting down here on the Surrey/Hamphire borders too! Not unheard of though, as my son has his birthday in a couple of weeks and I recall very well that it snowed on the day he was born down in mid Sussex. Enjoy :0

Here in Somerset it's trying to snow too. It is sooo cold and windy!

I wanted to share with you! I asked it be sent your way! We had two snow showers here in Kansas yesterday!
Snow, snow, go away!
Your generosity is overwhelming Gayle! Sorry I didnt come running with you to keep you company but I was tucked up in bed at that time!
Its better to give then to receive! I ran, but footsies were killing me as well as the knee...OLD AGE catching up with me! It was freezing cold out to make matters worse! We still have our gym membership til the end of the month, but I can't bring myself to use the treadie! Since the 5x50 site is UK based, it looks like I already exercised today! Yep, enjoy that cozy warm bed and have sweet dreams of me out in the cold!

My husband txt me thismorning that it was snowing in London!! Really had enough now, NOT FUNNY Mother Nature do you not know we are trying to do the 5x50 challenge here????
I think Mother Nature must be having some hormone issues.
What do you mean hormone issues? You just don't understand how difficult it is to be mother nature. I mean, it's all right for you to sit there watching telly while I work my fingers to the bone. And it's so hot!
(:->) Yes, my beloved has been going through 'the change'. Hope she doesn't read this or I'm in for some REAL trouble ...

Poor thing, snow! Just to say tha I walked through my lunch hour too and, just to make you feel better, it's not snowing here, but it's pretty yucky -- more like February than April. This is clearly climate change....

Being out four days in a row in all this cold wind has made my face flare up, so I did my exercise indoors today - circuits of our stairs (29 times up and down - very roughly one and a half Leaning Tower of Pisa's!), some yoga stretches and Swiss ball balancing - my record so far is 2 minutes, but it's often much less than that. All good fun anyway.
Please promise me that Spring will have arrived by the time I get back home...I'm really not looking forward to those grey dark cold days again