Needing first "failed" run :( - Couch to 5K

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Needing first "failed" run :(

chelsea_hokie profile image
32 Replies

This is my first post, so hello all!

Although I am still super excited by the fact that I can actually RUN now, I cannot help but feeling bummed after "cheating" to get through W6R3 today. I had some iPod difficulties midway, but I think it is safe to say I ran about 22 minutes of the 25...with about 3 1-minute walks at random times (12.5 min, 17 min, and 20 min). I was surprised at how much difficulty I was having given that I completed 20 min last week without having to walk at all. I'm trying to decide what to do now--thinking I will probably give W6R3 another shot before I move on to W7. I definitely haven't given up, but it is a let down to know that I won't sail smoothly through the whole program with no repeats!

Another few questions for you guys to go with my pity party ; )

1. Anyone else out there stuck on a treadmill? I live in a hilly area and it is cold, so I've done all my training so far on a treadmill. What can I expect when I try to translate this to outdoor running?

2. What speeds are you guys running? I find myself walking at about 4 mph and running at 5 mph--it feels awfully slow to me (when I look at the people running beside me), but I figure I can always up the speed in time...


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chelsea_hokie profile image
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32 Replies
gdeann profile image

Welcome Chelsea! You did not fail, so try not to feel that way...that F word isn't allowed here. ;-) You are doing great considering using the treadmill compared to outdoors. When I used a treadie, I kept my speed comparible to you. Since your doing longer runs, feel free to even slow down a bit more. Some suggest raising the elevation of the treadie a bit to help when you move to outdoor running. I admire you for running consistently indoors. We joined a gym this winter and I still only went a handful of times. It was so hot, stuffy and stinky. ;-) I prefer outdoors because of the fresh air and more to see. Hopefully your weather will clear up so you can try it. Gayle

chelsea_hokie profile image
chelsea_hokie in reply togdeann

I like the idea of adjusting the elevation during my transition! Great tip! I'm thinking the stuffiness of the gym may have affected me yesterday- I noticed i was hot even before i started my run! i appreciate your support :)

snowymum profile image

Don't worry about repeating a run if you feel you need to, you've done great to get to week 6 (and probably could move on to week 7 anyway by the sounds if it). I've only done one treadmill run.....and hated it! Outdoors is much easier, even in the cold, you'll be surprised at how quickly the time goes. Well done and keep going, it's all so much easier now you're nesrly there!

chelsea_hokie profile image
chelsea_hokie in reply tosnowymum

I hope the outdoor distractions are helpful.. Right now I depend on whatever tv show is playing to keep my mind off running!! Outdoors has to be better than that!

con-brio profile image

Week 7 is basically a repeat of week 6 run 3... don't worry about repeating things. Go slowly, that's the key (ignore the others on neighbouring treadmills... this is about YOU, not them).

I suggest you get outdoors if you can... makes a whole world of difference, even with the hills. Just plod up them as we all do, and the sense of achievement afterwards is indescribable. As Gayle says, alter the incline of the treadie in preparation. :-)

lucykate profile image

I am in exactly the same place as you! Well almost I have actually completed the 25 min run. But then I did week 7 run 1 (also 25 mins) on an unexpected afternoon off last week and completely "failed" I only ran for 10 mins. I have low blood pressure and have to be careful to eat enough salty food and drink enough water in the lead up to a run but because it was unplanned I hadn't and just felt weak and dizzy so had to stop and walk all the way home! It really knocked my confidence even though I know I can do it but as my dad said to me (very experienced runner) all runners have bad days just assume you can still do it another day! Anyway then I wasn't well at the weekend so had missed another run so I decided to repeat week 6 run 2 which I did yesterday and really helped because it was easy and I felt i had a lot more to give. Next I think I will do week 5 run 3 again (20 mins) before I do week 6 run 3 again. Bit of jiggery pokery with the plan but I feel its the best idea for me! I am not in any rush to complete, I want to complete it well!

I'm with the others, running outside is so much easier, I use landmarks on my route, I know approx how long it takes to get to different sections (I run it both directions to keep it different) and where the up and down hills are so I can look forward to those landmarks and enjoy the downhills which really helps! Also most people I see are experienced looking road runners so I know they won't judge me in my hoody and is obvious I am crap LOL!

chelsea_hokie profile image
chelsea_hokie in reply tolucykate

It's good to know I have company on my week 6/7 struggle!! Thanks for your tips and encouragement! Good luck on your next run!

lucykate profile image

YOu could always wear L plates?

JohnCassidy profile image

Hi Chelsea, no way have you failed, your already talking about next week! Take it easy, the programme is a guide, if you have to do a couple/few runs twice or three times, your still exercising.

Now the weather has broken a bit, get outside, it truly is a whole different feeling.

Finally, don't worry about the people running next to you, think about how your feeling, your breathing, stay loose.

And keep smiling!

Solihullred profile image

The guys are right, it is about making the effort, getting out there and running whether it is a treadmill or otherwise. I did my first 10k a month ago and I am doing another on Monday. It takes me just over an hour. Funny thing is, I can't manage 20 minutes on a treadmill so it just shows how well u r doing. In fact, I struggled a bit since my 10k on 3rd march until this week when I feel I am running well again. I have run outside at -2 and u soon warm up and the feeling of smug satisfaction I get when people look at me like i am a nutter makes it all worthwhile!! Just do what feels right to u, it's not a race it's a lifestyle change.

Landesman profile image

I think most of us progressing through the programme have a run or two which proves problematic. And often the setback is more in your head than in your body.

Personally I don't have a problem with seeing a failure to complete a run as a failure - it gives me more resolve and incentive to do better next time. Either way, if you look back at the runs you have completed successfully you can see that this is unusual and just a temporary setback.

So do what you feel comfortable with. Either go back a run or two to regain your confidence or try the run again.

Bad runs seem to occur randomly - in my case often when I am most confident and probably running more quickly than my body appreciates. Just accept it and move on, because next time is better.

I haven't used a treadmill but, for me, running outside is one of the best bits of the experience. I do it early in the day, when there are few people around and it's peaceful and sometimes beautiful. So you have that to look forward to.

As for the times, well they are probably about right at this stage. Don't worry about other people. I watched three guys bound past the other day, chatting and laughing, and then saw them an hour or so later on the way back racing each other and still talking. Sickening. ;-)

Good luck on the next run. :)

chelsea_hokie profile image
chelsea_hokie in reply toLandesman

I agree, just sickening ;) thank you for sharing! I'm looking forward to getting outside as you suggest!

caj62 profile image

Welcome! Don't for one minute think you have failed. Loads of us have had to repeat runs at various times through the programme and the worst thing you can do is compare yourself to others! Run at a speed that feels right for you and if snails and tortoises run past you - so what! Do your own thing and you will get to week 9 with no trouble at all. Look how far you have come already. I have never run on a treadmill so can offer no advise there, but try to get outside when you can - even in the cold! And you can always plod up hill, or drive to somewhere flatter if you have transport. Good luck and chin up! You're doing great!!!

chelsea_hokie profile image
chelsea_hokie in reply tocaj62

Thank you for the support!!!

caj62 profile image

Can't spell either - that would be "advice"

montreal67 profile image

It's much better to run outside - have done all mine in the fresh air - not quite so boring - running around the streets in London I can check on all the various building works going on!

I've had to repeat a couple of runs when the odd thing has upset the routine. I had actually got on to run 1 week 9 when the weather failed miserably, I caught a cold and had a continual cough - so didn't run for around 4 weeks. So am now repeating week 8 - so no shame in that! Get outside - you will fly along. Good luck??

montreal67 profile image

It's much better to run outside - have done all mine in the fresh air - not quite so boring - running around the streets in London I can check on all the various building works going on!

I've had to repeat a couple of runs when the odd thing has upset the routine. I had actually got on to run 1 week 9 when the weather failed miserably, I caught a cold and had a continual cough - so didn't run for around 4 weeks. So am now repeating week 8 - so no shame in that! Get outside - you will fly along. Good luck??

montreal67 profile image

It's much better to run outside - have done all mine in the fresh air - not quite so boring - running around the streets in London I can check on all the various building works going on!

I've had to repeat a couple of runs when the odd thing has upset the routine. I had actually got on to run 1 week 9 when the weather failed miserably, I caught a cold and had a continual cough - so didn't run for around 4 weeks. So am now repeating week 8 - so no shame in that! Get outside - you will fly along. Good luck??

montreal67 profile image

It's much better to run outside - have done all mine in the fresh air - not quite so boring - running around the streets in London I can check on all the various building works going on!

I've had to repeat a couple of runs when the odd thing has upset the routine. I had actually got on to run 1 week 9 when the weather failed miserably, I caught a cold and had a continual cough - so didn't run for around 4 weeks. So am now repeating week 8 - so no shame in that! Get outside - you will fly along. Good luck??

chelsea_hokie profile image
chelsea_hokie in reply tomontreal67

Thank you for the encouragement! I'm ready to get outside now!

caz1_ca profile image

That 25 minute run is evading me too. I managed it at the end of week 6, but since then I just can't get there. I've hit that wall with a thud (haha). But I did do 20 minutes today and that is going to be my goal for however long it takes. :-) 20 minutes is a world away from where I started. :-)

If you can get outside and run give it a go, you won't regret it. Even if you have to drive to somewhere that is a little less hilly. :-)

Best of luck. :-)

chelsea_hokie profile image
chelsea_hokie in reply tocaz1_ca

Isn't it crazy how some days go so well and others are just impossible?! It is nice to hear your story, though, as it reminds me I'm not alone in the 25 minute run struggle!

Maisiemugwump profile image

Hi there I too have done all my training on a treadmill and today for the first time have run outside. Ok I found it a bit more challenging and I only ran for eight mins if I am lucky it's hard getting used to peeps around you and my breathing was a bit more laboured. It should've been my day off after the 20 min non stop run so prob not the best time to attempt this. Have decided to try and incorporate at least one run outside a week it was nice being in the fresh air and its a lovely day here so that helped. Good luck with the programme you are doing great.

chelsea_hokie profile image
chelsea_hokie in reply toMaisiemugwump

I like this plan! Thanks for sharing :)

jbroox profile image

First off — no biggy on the "failed" run. It is what it is... behind you. Now we look forward. I don't think it hurts to take a do-over once in a while. The goal is the goal and the only one you are competing against is the couch. So as long as you're moving, you're winning.

I'm completing W6R3 today and all my running has been on the treadmill. Well, at least until the other day. I decided to make a trip on foot to the grocery store earlier this week, which is about 1.5 miles away. I decided to run part of it, which wasn't real successful. It was my "C25k off day, but clearly it was much tougher of a transition than I expected.

I did quite a bit of reading on the subject and decided to transition in this way:

1) Move one run a week outside, first on a track, and then move to the road. I've read that a rubberized track is a little easier transition for your knees, legs and feet, and clearly there are no hills in the way. It's also a great place to better control your pace before moving to the road. I think I was running much faster when I moved outdoors, but I really didn't have a way to gauge it. A track is helping with that a lot.

2) Jump back to W3D3 to begin my outdoor runs. This was a huge help for me. It allowed me to have a successful run, and I will work my way up to where I am on the treadmill. Depending on how things are going, I will probably not do every run in order. We'll see.

3) Slowly move more runs outside each week until most of my running is outdoors. I will still probably run at least one run a week on the treadmill, because it is more convenient and will allow me to get the exercise without any excuses.

My goal is to run a 5k, which I already registered for, 5 weeks after I should be finishing the W9R3. So that I don't get too behind with the transition from treadmill to road, I am running every other day. That way I can sort of fit in the extra run outside without getting too far behind. I've only completed one official run outside so far, but moving back on the C25k schedule for the outdoor runs seems to be doing the trick. Once my outdoor runs are going well, I will work on picking up the pace a little.

Good luck, and hang in there!

chelsea_hokie profile image
chelsea_hokie in reply tojbroox

Thanks for the support! I am definitely dreading the move to outdoor running as I expect to have to jump back a few weeks, but I agree with everyone that it will probably offer a more pleasant experience! I like the idea or starting with just one outdoor run per week-- I think I'll give this a try!!

hopefuldreamer profile image

My first attempt at w6r3 ended after 8 mins and although I done some weights at the gym, I must have been the saddest looking person there, my next attempt yesterday was so much better and I did it, I have to say it is all in my mind if I feel good and confident I seem to be ok, I use a treadmill and I am not confident to go out side to run yet. W5r3 was bad it took me 5 attempts to do 20 mins, I don't care how long it takes or how fast I go, I am slower than you I walk at 5kph and run at 7kph, I am only thinking of running for 30 minutes speed will have to wait a while.

You're doing amazing to get to where you are! I have w6 r3 day after tomorrow so not sure how that will go either. I've never been able to run outdoors (years ago now but always opted for treadmill). Started doing this program outdoors and still cannot quite believe I'm managing to run outside!! If I can do it, you definitely can!!! Good luck!

Shazzapat profile image

well done for getting as far as you have and stop giving yourself a hard time. Some runs are just diffiult for no apparent reason. I did the whole plan on a treadmill and still train on it now (althought I haven't done much recently I admit). I walk at 4.5 and run between 5.2 and 6.2. Keep up the good work

chelsea_hokie profile image

I did it!!! Just finished 25 minutes without walking!! Thanks everyone for helping me keep at it!! :)

jbroox profile image
jbrooxGraduate in reply tochelsea_hokie

So happy for you! On to week 7. Yay! :-)

Tmtj profile image

I did my first 25 minute run on Saturday and felt amazing. I have just had an epic fail on my second attempt. I too need to get outside I think, treadmill running is a little boring. I am very slow and am a little embarrassed to start jogging outside especially as I have a lot of weight to lose! I am getting a lot of pain behind my ankles too. I go to New York in October and want to run 5k around Central Park but after today feel it may never happen😩

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