I fell under peer pressure, I joined the 5x50 ... - Couch to 5K

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I fell under peer pressure, I joined the 5x50 Challenge. Heaven help me!! :-)

gdeann profile image
17 Replies

7 months ago I sat on the couch, not exercising, only going for a walk now and then. In 7 short months I have graduated from C25K, B210K and now signed up for the 5x50 Challenge!!!! I believe this Community has taken over possession of my body!!!! Aliens? ;-) What makes it even more interesting, after all of you latched on to my mind/body, I convinced Steve to give C25K a try...then B210K...now...I believe he is signing up for the 5x50 as well!!!! :-)

Apologies for not being very consistent with postings and blogs. We have a very close family member going through some health concerns right now and our mind has been elsewhere. I do believe we are ready for the challenge though and we should at least be able to fit in 30 minutes of some type of activity daily.

Cheers! Onwards and upwards!!! :-) To the newbies, continue to press forward and reach your goals. To the Graduates, continued well wishes for running success and to all of those signed up for 5x50...LETS ROCK! ;-)

Gayle :-)

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gdeann profile image
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17 Replies
Souki profile image

Hehe looks like we have a new obsession, I've only just fallen upon this 5x50 so had about a week to contemplate, but with the support everyone gives on this happy site I'm really looking forward to it, although sunday ill be doing 5k of something or 30 mins more like with chocolate egg in hand. Is there an exercise that includes hand to mouth movement involving Easter egg??

Sorry to hear about your relative hope all goes well xx

gdeann profile image
gdeannGraduate in reply to Souki

So, we can't count Easter egg hunting as exercise? ;-) How about eating the ears off of a chocolate bunny?? ;-) I read about the challenge last year when I joined this Community. At that time I never considered it because of fitness levels and considered it far beyond my reach. I just decided this last week to give it a go! I'm looking forward to it too! :-)

greenlegs profile image

Hurrah! Well done for joining us Gayle - 41 of us now (one duplicate). Can we get 9 more by Sunday?!

Take care. xx

--------copied from swanscot's post yesterday ---------------

For those who don't know... (from 5x50.co.uk/ )

About 5x50

What is The 5x50 Challenge?

The 5x50 Challenge launched in 2012 as a charity challenge encouraging people to run, walk, jog or cycle 5k (or 30 minute exercise equivalent) every day for 50 days with the aim of changing exercise habits for a lifetime. The inaugural Challenge attracted over 5000 participants from 43 countries and raised over £63,000 for various charities. Moving forward, the team behind the Challenge have aspirations to make the event bigger and better year on year.

The 2013 Challenge will kick off on on Sunday 31st March with registration opening on 5th January 2013.

What is our goal?

This challenge started with a vision to make sport part of everyone’s daily life. Not everyone will run a marathon, however anyone can complete the 5x50 challenge and experience the physical and psychological benefits that come from taking part.

What 5x50 offers…

Challengers are supported via this website to complete their runs individually or in groups. The online community will allow users to register for events, link with other challengers, receive training advice, be encouraged and supported by our network of Fivers and importantly, motivate one another to keep going over the 50 days.


gdeann profile image
gdeannGraduate in reply to greenlegs

Now we only need 8 more...I signed Steve up as well! He may not be a happy lad about it when he finds out! ;-)

Rollertoaster profile image

woo! WE ROCK! I can't wait for this to start. It's so great that so many of us are doing it, we'll be clocking up some impressive mileage! :)

gdeann profile image
gdeannGraduate in reply to Rollertoaster

I'm excited! Almost like starting C25K again! :-) Only difference is we all know we can run 30 minutes now! :-)

smhall profile image
smhallGraduate in reply to Rollertoaster

Rollertoaster...still the coolest name ever!!!!!

Keep Running!! :-)


SBG356 profile image

You are just being a lovely caring wife Gayle, caring for Steve's health and wellbeing! ;) And he is just being a supportive husband and keeping you company! :) It's that or you are just plain crazy but then if you are so am I and the other 40 odd who have signed up.....

I can't believe it is 7 months can you? What a long way we have come and before we know it we will be celebrating our first anniversary!! Another excuse for a party! :D

Sorry to hear about your family health problems Gayle; thinking of you both and sending luv and hugs your way ((( ))) xx

gdeann profile image
gdeannGraduate in reply to SBG356

You are spot on about being concerned for Steve's health. I went ahead and signed him up!!! ;-) I just read that a person who sits for a living runs over a 60% higher risk of cardiovascular disease then one who stands for a living. His little heart will thank me even if he wants to wring my neck! ;-) We will determine around day 30 if we are all plain crazy or nuts! Regardless, we will have a party to celebrate! My, a 30 day party, a 50 day Grad party and a 1 year Anniversary party!!!! We will be busy!!!! ;-)

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to gdeann

:D :D

I think I have determined already that we are nuts! :O Like you I remembered this challenge on here last year but just thought "way out of my league!"...funny how things change isnt it?

Oh yes, lots of balloons to blow up and lots of sparkly stuff to chill and I do believe there may be another big party amongst all this lot too in May!! ;)

gdeann profile image
gdeannGraduate in reply to SBG356

Another party? More like a funeral! BLEEEEK!! ;-( Me not happy about it at all! ;-(

smhall profile image
smhallGraduate in reply to SBG356

Sue, I believe that Gayle just knows that my life insurance policy is paid up and that she is the primary beneficiary!! Steve's health and wellbeing should be contemplated over a few pints of ale and a bit of wine!! NOOOOOOOOOOO, a few pints of ale and some wine is what got me into this!!!

Just so you know...I am blaming you for this Sue!! You encouraged her!! :-)

Keep Running!! :-)


SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to smhall

:D :D

You really should curb your drinking Steve; it lands you in all sorts of trouble!!! :D

I hold my hands up! Yes I'm a terrible influence on your dear wife; guilty as charged!! ;) :)


gdeann profile image
gdeannGraduate in reply to SBG356

You are a terrible influence Sue, but we love you! :-)

gdeann profile image
gdeannGraduate in reply to smhall

Just paid the premium up today dear, the same time I paid your 5x50 registration. ;-) Did you happen to see on another blog where greenlegs mentioned no alcohol during this challenge? ;-)

smhall profile image

One question...what did you just sign me up to do????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I was looking forward to a chocolate bunny and maybe a nice beer to celebrate Easter...now I must run?????

On a more serious note, I have to thank everyone on this forum for seven months of incredible support. As Gayle said, not only have you helped us complete 5K and 10K, but now you have set yet another goal for us.

I also second Gayle's words of apology. I especially have been very lax about posting. Life has interrupted our running. For those of you who pray, I ask that you keep my sister in your prayers. I am sure that this new challenge will bring me back to this forum more often and I look forward to the continued support. I hope that I can give as much support as I have received.

The party afterwards does sound quite wonderful, though!!!!

I Love You!!! (Hmmmm...check back with me in 40 days!! :-) )

gdeann profile image
gdeannGraduate in reply to smhall

No....you don't have to run...you can walk, bicycle or do any other form of exercise! For 50 days. Did you get that one? 50 days!!! ;-)

Not what you're looking for?

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