I do believe our Mother Nature must be suffering from hormonal changes. I agreed to join this challenge with the high expectation Spring was here...NOT! It has been bitter cold here with high winds to add to the joy of trying to run or walk outdoors. Has anyone ever died from running and frostbite?
The challenge is going well! Reality soon set in that instead of trying to run a 5K a day for 50 days, we needed to incorporate walking and or other forms of movement in. Our bodies, physically can't handle the daily running. I am at 63K, not counting what I will do today and I believe Steve is at around 67K. We have been trying to honor the challenge in the evening hours, after work but before our dinner. I really feel, if the weather were decent, this challenge would be zipping along. With the bitter cold/wind, its a challenge just to get out the door. That said, OUR TEAM IS DOING FANTASTIC! KEEP ROCK'N IT GUYS!!!!!
We have something very new to the States. Have you heard of a color run? It is an organized 5K run, everyone shows up wearing white shirts. Color is released on the runners at the beginning, end and at every K. The result is a rainbow assortment of runners with "paint" everywhere! If your interested and want to see some pics, you can visit: colorrun.com (tried adding the link, but it went to a different site) We found out yesterday, our City will be having a color run in June. I am almost positive we will be signing up for it. Craziness....first we run...then we pay money to run events...now we are paying money and getting splattered with paint!
I hope everyone is doing great! Thank you virtual cheerleaders for all the shaking of the pom-poms! I can speak only for myself, but as a 5x50 Challenger, I love the support!