Goal accomplished, or should that read 'smashe... - Couch to 5K

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Goal accomplished, or should that read 'smashed to smithereens!!!'

vixiej profile image
41 Replies

oooohhhhhhhhhh, I'm so happy, happy, happy! Today I had someone drop me off at Hampton Court and I ran back along the river (after my warm up walk, of course) to Weybridge and then skirted the town on my way home. I set myself a 6.2 mile/10km goal, as I realised I'm only half a mile or so away with my current best distance.

Soooooo, after one false start (looking for a loo, about 30 seconds into running, couldn't find one so decided I'd just have to wait), I set off along the path. It was very quiet today, only a couple of dog walkers and a couple of mums with their push chairs (although it was a bit muddy). I avoided the puddles to begin with, but was soon splishy splashing my way through them. I splashed a handful of water on my face and gulped some down at sunbury lock, but only missed a few steps to do so.

Target met in one of the backroads in Weybridge, 6.2 miles at about 1 hour 9 minutes. Carried on running. 6.5 miles reached around 1.13.........carried on running :-) 7 miles (YES I did say SEVEN MILES) completed in 1 hour 18 minutes.

Whoop whoop, I am feeling really good. Had to dash home afterwards, eat a tracker in the shower, quick change and then up to the club for my yin yoga class. I was totally shattered and starving hungry, not quite as focused as usual for the first part, but settled in well. This restorative yoga practice was exactly what I needed, the achy thigh and achey knee/shin that had started to enter my conscious mind in the last mile of my run were no more. Not a single ache, just a great feeling of rejuvenation. Relaxed and then duly fed, I came home and developed a big headache. I suspect I didn't have enough water, so a litre later (and a small sherry before dinner) and I'm feeling great. :-D

So, who's a clever girl then? :-D :-D :-D Must upload my stats now (to make sure I didn't just imagine the whole thing ;-)

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vixiej profile image
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41 Replies
sfb350 profile image

Brilliant, well done !

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to sfb350

thanks! :-)

greenlegs profile image

Oh my goodness! How impressive is that! Now, what I want to know was... did you drink lock water????? Eurgh!

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to greenlegs

they have drinking water at the locks, for the boaty people to top up their water tanks :-)

Glad you are impressed, I just checked Garmin, it's true, I really did it ;-)

Jeddahpm profile image

Oh wow, that's excellent! *round of applause* someone I've that woman a medal! Soooo happy for you, great time great distance and a god old stretch after. :) it sounds peaceful by the water too...

Re headache yes dehydration does not help but also long periods of intense exercise can cause electrolyte imbalance. Natural sources include coconut water or elete electrolyte drops are even cheaper and additive free. I find they improve well being too as I do work out rather a lot. Might be worth a look?

I bet you sleep well tonight you 10k runner you!!

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to Jeddahpm

he he, I didn't realise that I am a 10k runner, but of course I am :-)

oooohhhhh, I will try that, thanks. I do often get headaches after a longer run, I usually just have a glass of wine to fix it :-D Probably better to find a healthier solution.

I am rather looking forward to going to bed, think I need a cuppa first (or a milky drink, yum)

Beth5 profile image
Beth5 in reply to vixiej

Hi Vixie, if you get headaches it sounds a bit like dehydration - my friends and I experienced this after a big night out salsa dancing (plenty of water but no salt) try drinking a dioralyte or the store's own knock-off to help replenish your salts and electrolytes...

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to Beth5

will do, thanks! :-)

Jeddahpm profile image

Have been sharing your blog with my other half, he said "you could put the electrolytes in the wine and turn it into a sports drink" lol......not on your nelly!!

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to Jeddahpm

smart guy, I may just try that.......... :-p

janda profile image

Wow!!!! You are a 10k runner. I am VERY impressed. Whatever next? Time, speed, distance? Half marathon? Wonderful stuff vixiej.

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to janda

thanks :-) Time/speed has to come next. I'm not really sure I want to go for much longer, although I wouldn't mind doing one of those ex railway line paths sometime. There is one from Guildford area down to coast that is about 37 miles, I was thinking of cycling it, but might run it one summer, spread over a few days. Not sure my body is up to much longer running.

I have so much going on just now that I'm not going to push myself with too many running targets, I want to just enjoy it for now. Just soak up the pleasure of being out and about.

Wristy profile image

impressive stuff, go you!!

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to Wristy

thank you! :-)

What a fantastic achievement, bet you're happy :-)

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to

:-D just a little, thanks :-D

Tish1970 profile image

Wow brilliant! That is just the sort of news to make my day. Well done Vixie!!! A 10k runner phew. That's class. :)

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to Tish1970

thanks :-)

rolphie2 profile image

Woo hoo well done that is fantastic, you must be so chuffed. Hope to be able to follow your example soon. Not only a10k runner but 7 miler :-) brilliant

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to rolphie2

I'm sure you will be snapping at my heels soon, and I don't run so fast so you can probably overtake me too ;-)

jenniej profile image

what an inspiration! well done.

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to jenniej

thanks Jenniej :-)

shelleymcb profile image

thats brilliant. fantastic. bet you still grinning from ear to ear! well done :)

are you a bit achey today? I always find the next day the worst after a long run although Ive never done yoga after a run ~ always too red to set foot out of the house for at least an hour :)

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to shelleymcb

thanks, yes, still feeling very chuffed with myself :-)

No aches at all, I don't usually ache, unless I've done some speedwork or hills, even then it's minimal. I think it's a combination of thorough warm up and, more importantly, cool down, plus good hydration and loads of yoga :-) (I do usually walk quite fast for 5 minutes afterwards and then slower walk for another 5 minutes or so)

Rollertoaster profile image

WOW!!! Congratulations, fab achievement! :)

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to Rollertoaster

:-D thank you!

notbad profile image

That's a brilliant achievement, well done! You're a good advert for the benefits of yoga - do you feel like it helps your running? I started beginner's yoga two months ago & do feel it's helped with my form.

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to notbad

thanks notbad. And thanks, I hope that I am a good advert for yoga, as I'm now training to be a yoga teacher :-D

I am totally convinced that it is the perfect balance for the rigours of running. I practice Hatha yoga (the 'normal' sort) and I also do yin yoga, which is a very deep stretch into the connective tissue (and very meditative). It is perfect to support healthy running, in my opinion.

Keep up the running and yoga :-)

mabbers profile image

Wow that is inspiring, hope I can do this sometime this year. And yoga, men don't seem to do yoga much do they?

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to mabbers


we had one chap observing the training course, and the teacher is male, but in general there are fewer males, which makes it a good place to be if you like women, I guess! ;-)

At the club where I practice, we have 2 or 3 guys in the class of about 15. One of them used to run, but has an injury that prevents it now, so he's a cyclist instead. Its a shame that it doesn't appeal to men as much, I guess its not 'exercisey' enough (although try Ashtanga, that will sort the men from the boys), but the point isn't really exercise, it's focus and meditation, the postures are just a way to achieve that and a happy side effect is that you tone and strengthen muscles.

Do you yoga?

SBG356 profile image

Absolutely fantastic Vix; I am in awe!! :) You well and truely smashed it! I hope you are not feeling the effects today? :O

I agree with Jems about the electrolyte imbalance possibly causing the headache and I have just discovered the delights of coconut water. It is expensive and doesnt taste as good as the real coconut water I have experienced in the Caribbean but does hydrate and has more potassium than bananas so am drinking this before and after a run now!

Sue x

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to SBG356

Thanks Sue :-) I don't have any aches (yet).

I will definitely have to try the coconut water, I am a bit of a banana fiend, perhaps this is why I am eating them so much. I do believe we often crave the things we need, i.e. where there is a mineral or vitamin deficiency.

Not sure which vitamins and minerals were in that steak and caremilsed onion with fat chips followed by a massive slab of carrot cake earlier today though, it seems I just had to have them :-(

Beads profile image
BeadsGraduate in reply to vixiej

That was just plain and simple calories you needed after the run!

(p.s. the cafe just along the path by the river, 100 yards or so along from where the loos are (I think it's the cricket club or something) did a VERY nice slab of carrot cake!)

OldNed profile image

Well done you, that's excellent. Mrs OldNed and I are doing the two days a week fasting diet too and she swears by coconut water. I, by contrast, swear at it.

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to OldNed

LOL, I can imagine! I'm not sure about fasting, I did think about trying it, but I am soooooo very weak willed sometimes, and I become so grouchy without food (not to mention dizzy, sweats, etc). I think I'll stick to my carrot cake diet and just do an extra mile here and there ;-)

OldNed profile image

Strictly speaking it isn't fasting, it's two days of very low cal intake (500 for women & 600 for men - cos us chaps are weak and self-indulgent!). We do it from mid-afternoon one day to mid-afternoon the next, twice a week with some normal days in between. Mrs ON has the same issues you describe about weakness/wobbliness in the absence of food, but isn't experiencing that on this arrangement. Truthfully we haven't found it difficult to stay within/very close to the limits. And it definitely works; we're both seeing steady weight loss. And I'm still running throughout. I did find myself casting longing looks at a Mars Bar the other day but I fought it off by cursing some coconut water!!

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to OldNed

that sounds interesting, and more doable, I might give it a try.

I do run on an almost empty stomach, just one banana an hour or so before, as I generally run sometime in the morning, but I usually eat when I come home. I don't hanker after mars bars, but I sometimes reach out for a snickers if I can't get my hands on a banana or tracker bar :-D I was terrible tonight, I had such a healthy lunch too, which I think was the problem, too much veg and not enough carbs and protein earlier in the day. Still, it could have been worse, I could have had a large glass of wine too!

Beads profile image

Fantastic run, though Hampton Court to Weybridge sounds an awful lot further than 7 miles!

.......(looking for a loo, about 30 seconds into running, couldn't find one so decided I'd just have to wait)......

I can help with this one! ;-)

From the bridge over the river, on the south bank, with the station behind you, walk up river to the path that goes along the side of the river, about 20 yards up the path on the left there's a very nondescript building, which houses the loos. We found it and availed ourselves of the facilities when taking Fred for a walk up there last Sunday!

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to Beads

brilliant, thanks, I will remember for next time. I should have just gone into one of the bars, there were a couple open.

It really was just 7 miles, although, that was almost to Addlestone, a mile on (nobody ever heard of Addlestone though!). Is this a usual dog walking venue for you? It's a lovely area

Beads profile image
BeadsGraduate in reply to vixiej

No, not a normal dog walking area, David wanted to reconoitre for a future fishing trip I think. Though the river was so high and fast I'm not sure that all the fish had been swept downstream!

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply to Beads

tell me about it, I have to check my mooring ropes daily, as the levels have been up and down like a yoyo for the last 6 weeks, we had around 4ft rise at one point, its still about 2 feet above normal! I saw about 5 submerged or semi-sunk boats during my run, 2 complete with engines! My little boat was hanging on by just one rope at one point, as the mooring pole broke :-( Now I have 2 ropes, 2 anchors and a mud weight, hopefully that will do the trick.

Did you see the vinyl roof of a boat just poking out of the water by Hampton Court Bridge? I'm not sure if there was a whole boat down there or not, it was too muddy to tell.

We get quite a few fishermen opposite the weir/shepperton lock at Weybridge, it's very popular. You'll have to pop in for a cuppa next time ;-)

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