I have done week 1 with couple of extra sessio... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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I have done week 1 with couple of extra sessions (60secs of running and 90 walking) - is it meant to get easier?? Really want to do this!

shakylegs profile image
10 Replies
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shakylegs profile image
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10 Replies
gdeann profile image

It will eventually get better as your stamina builds. From my own personal experience, each run/week challenged me greatly, but it is doable. This is a tried and true program, do each session as instructed, don't change the minutes, etc.and listen to Laura. :-) I went from not completing a few 1 minute sessions to running 40 minutes last night. Not to shabby of progress in 4 months time. :-) Feel free to blog and know we are here for you! Gayle

shakylegs profile image
shakylegs in reply to gdeann

Thanks and will stick at it - I cannot believe that I will ever run 10 minutes let alone 30 but will give it my best - thanks for your support.

angelinably profile image

Everything that Gayle said, if you just follow the program and don't skip and days and just keep going you will be ok. Keep blogging, it will help you vent your frustrations and concerns and we can all give you encouragement to keep going. After the 9weeks you wont believe how much you've progressed when you reread them.

shakylegs profile image
shakylegs in reply to angelinably

thanks to you too - will definitely keep blogging....can do that sitting down with my feet up :)

gdeann profile image
gdeannGraduate in reply to angelinably

Angel is correct...blogging really helps! I'm not sure if I would of stuck it out if not for this Community! When I first started I was totally frustrated. In my mind I pictured a runner and I was (still not) near the image of that person. I realized it was okay to slow down and not go fast. Take things slow so you don't get overwhelmed and quit. Best wishes! Gayle

NikkiJayne profile image

It definitely gets easier; I was terrified about running for 5 minutes and now I've just finished week 6 (22 minutes non stop!). You'll be amazed how quickly your stamina and fitness improve.

amybop profile image

Stick with it. Each week is a challenge, but you improve each week and now its like " 5 mins, peace of cake" lol. You need to strengthen your legs and muscles and this does it for you. Remember if you have a bad run - ignore it. Maybe you had an off day or were ill or training too close to previous day. Next one will go much better. Go for it !!!!!!!!

parkbirdy profile image

You really can do it - I hadn't run for decades and i'm now on week 7. But do it at your own pace, just keep progressing as and when you can - the key thing is to manage the 3 times a week sessions. You're building a new habit and you've done the hardest bit by getting out of the door for the very first week.

Take the rest days - you need them to recover. I sometimes take 2 days between runs I've found a bit hard. Reward yourself with a nice soak in the bath.

If you can do a week you can progress. But if you really start struggling later on it's better to repeat a week than give up. I have done some weeks more than once.

Run as slowly as you can - this isn't a race.

The biggest leap is to believe in yourself - and if you can't do that just trust this programme. Whenever I'm having a wobble I read blogs by people a week ahead of me and realise they're just as full of doubt as me.

just keep on putting one foot in front of another - after all isn't that how we get anywhere?

good luck you can do it!

pingle profile image

It does get easier but no run on C25K is easy - it's designed to push you just enough at every stage. I couldn't even run for 1 min at the start and did week 1 for about 4 weeks before I worked up the courage to move on. Now I am a proud graduate and though still slow I actually go running for fun! This is someone who at 45 has never been fit in my life before. Even at school I was the kid hiding behind the bike shed in PE lessons. If you'd told me a year ago that I would be running 5k for the sheer enjoyment of it I would have thought you were bonkers!

Stick with it. This is a great programme, very well designed and the folks on this site are some of the nicest and most supportive people in cyberspace. Listen to Laura and to your body, don't be discouraged if a run does not go well - as Laura says any run is better than no run and don't forget to enjoy it. Log in and let us know how you are getting on occasionally - we will all be looking out for your graduation blog in a couple of months time. Good luck :-)

shakylegs profile image
shakylegs in reply to pingle

Thanks and certainly intend on graduating. However I will believe that when I do it - 5 kms seems like a marathon at the moment so your encouragement is great.

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