I am so excited as I sit here typing this blog, I have completed the couch to 5k plan, and yes it took a little longer than 9wks and no I don't think I am entirely able to run 5k (managed about 3k), but things can and will only get better, i'm sure!
Feeling so much healthier, despite a slight cold at the mo, and a little slimmer. I never imaged when I started the course that I would ever be able to run for a full 30 minutes and here I am so proud of myself :)))))) The blogs people write have also inspired me too.
I am also looking excited about getting a shiney new badge ....how do I get this, could anybody tell me???
Keep up the good work everybody and I'm off to download the stepping stones podcasts, well that's after I have freshened up a little.
a very Happy Helen in Bristol