The Other Half runs like he has been doing it ... - Couch to 5K

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The Other Half runs like he has been doing it for ages – what IS that all about??

SBG356 profile image
16 Replies

So, I do a 9 week programme to get me off the couch and still haven’t managed to get a 5k in 30 mins though I am working hard on it – yes HARD! I am really enjoying this running but it isn’t easy and sometimes it’s a real struggle for me with the breathing. But I am still managing to get out there 3 times a week and hoping there is some improvement.

Then, this morning, the OH decides he wants to join me for a run. After sharing a bottle or red last night and a few whisky chasers (!); after completing an hour of kickboxing and weights with Davina and after completing my normal weekend run yesterday I decide it will be fine as it will only be a short run and most probably with intervals as the last time he had run was right at the beginning of the programme but had to stop after a couple of weeks due to a bad back and then busy shifts at work.

It was so beautiful this morning – cold, frosty but unbroken sunshine - which made it a no-brainer to go out there and enjoy it. But boy, it really did affect my breathing as I couldn’t seem to get deep breaths so it was a real struggle. I should have worn my buff and breathed through that in hindsight…..

Anyhow, we went to the park, did a few laps and then hit the streets to do a 20ish min run in total which I found hard going in the cold but the OH seemed to be breezing through it! No wheezing, breathing easily, good pace, able to hold a running commentary on the football results and how sh** his team were doing and still up to keep running until I said enough was enough – I didn’t have the energy to continue!! How dare he make it seem so easy……and he is 59! Grrrrr! How wrong was I??!

What I will say though is how nice it was to have someone to run with and keep to my pace. He too was over the moon at how long he had run for, the longest for him, and how comfortable he was with it. He even said beforehand that I would be the trainer and he will just follow and stop when he has to but it didn’t end up like that at all so it was a really enjoyable experience for us both really!

I think I may have found myself a new running buddy which will be nice for those evening runs when he isn’t working late….Now, to check out running gear for him……ooooh, more shopping!!!!!

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SBG356 profile image
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16 Replies
Vivwestie profile image

LOL - how sickening! Still, as you say, nice that you'll have a running buddy. And you never know - perhaps it was just beginner's luck!

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to Vivwestie

I hope so Viv. Sooo not fair....... X

earl-grey-sian profile image

Are you sure he hasn't been running in secret?? ;-)

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to earl-grey-sian

You could be right Sian! I will have to grill him about it....!

gdeann profile image

Haahahaaaa! This is how I feel with Steve! :-) he's younger than me and he has a good 10" in height over me, plus men run faster then women...this is my story and I'm sticking to it! :-) sounds like the two of you had a nice run though. It would be nice if he could join you more often. I see some running pressies in his future!!! :-) Gayle

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to gdeann

Think I will go with your theory too Gayle! Oh yes - what could be better than running pressies ............ Sx

Saruma profile image

I feel your pain, I've dropped back from W7 to W3 due to injury and eventually persuaded my hubby to join me on the first week 3 run. He chucked on his manky old trainers and paced me every step of the way with no laboured breathing and no aching afterwards. We're just about to start week 5 now and he has well and truly got the bug, he even had gait analysis done at Sweatshop yesterday after declaring it a con when I had it done a few weeks ago.

The jury's out as to whether I prefer having a running partner. It is definitely nice to have some company, and I have planned some more scenic but isolated routes, which I would feel nervous running on my own. However I do still quite like to get out there on my own sometimes, just some 'me' time when I can get completely lost in my own thoughts .....

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to Saruma

Amazing isn't it?! My hubby has the shoes but went out in his old trackie bottoms and there's me in all my proper gear....... Double grrr! But I'm with you Saruma on running alone; I can't give that up, no way.....

rolphie2 profile image

OH are soo annoying. Mine said he would do the parkrun with me to keep me company and wearing my son's tennis shoes (very hard and too small) jogged easily beside offering helpful advice such as 'shall we step up the pace' and 'let's catch those people in front' whilst I gasped and spluttered my way round. We finished the race and I was so proud. The next week he did it on his own and beat my time by 5 mins!! He did have to buy new shoes though as his toes were bleeding at the end of our run! So I share your pain. It is nice to have someone to run with but they could at least pretend to suffer with us ;-)

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to rolphie2

This made me smile rolphie, especially the bit about his "helpful advice"!! Hahahha!!

I want to do a Parkrun and always thought I would be doing it without him but now it looks like he could do it and even do it better......triple grrr!

I am glad I am not alone though, what with you and Saruma experiencing the same pain! Thanks for sharing!


smhall profile image

Sometimes a man is best to keep his mouth shut. I must believe that this is one of those times. How is it said...yes, "Better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and prove it."

Keep Running!! :-)


SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to smhall

Fool? You?? I would never think that of you Steve.....but glad you took you own advice on this occasion........!!!!!! Hehe!


pingle profile image

Had to ban OH from running with me and 'encouraging' me early in the programme as it was just too demoralising. Although nearly 10 years older than me he is a bit of a fitness nut and goes in for 100 mile cycles and the like so even though running is not his sport he is pretty fit. I haven't had the courage to run with him again - tho might try it again now that I am a lot fitter. The only crumb of comfort is that, embarrassing as I am in my running kit to our 12 year old he is even worse in the full cycling get up! ;-)

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to pingle

Yes, mine used to go too fast when he first gave it a go but I think he has actually slowed his pace down as he found it easier to keep going that way. At least your OH does some sports so he is allowed to be fit and maybe better; mine does nothing- just gets off the couch and then runs brilliantly........even more grrrr's!

I used to date a keen cyclist years ago, we actually had a tandem though I wasnt as keen, so I know exactly where you are coming from regarding their gear....!!! ;0)

canuckgirl profile image

Nice to have a running buddy (when you want one!) Good for you continuing to run 3 times a week, I hope to get back to that. I just read your post about coming back after your back injury and I am inspired and hopeful after seeing where you are now. I will also follow your pattern for shorter, slower runs (and will even walk if necessary...)

I also bought a buff (at the advice of Swanscot). I have run with it once on a very chilly day. It did make breathing a lot easier. It gets a little um yucky and wet but it really does the trick. Minus one here this morning so I will be wearing it for sure. Ugg winter! (though definitely an opportunity to buy more gear... )

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to canuckgirl

Thanks Anna. Yes just going out for a short run will ease you back into it but will still make you feel good because at least you are doing something.

Yes, definite buff, gloves and hat weather looming! Strange how I would normally hibernate indoors but I actually love running when its cold (other than the breathing problem but hope the buff will help next time) and even the rain..... Yep, more shopping; love it!!

Sue x

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