What can I do about plantar fasciiitis? Just c... - Couch to 5K
What can I do about plantar fasciiitis? Just completed week 5 run 1 and feeling very good apart from this.

I have this too! I'm not sure what to do either. Got to w8r2 and had run 3 runs with it but I still have the pain now 4 weeks later and haven't been able to run since Just been to drs and given stronger painkillers, stretches and advice to rest and ice as much as possible
Sorry that's not much help but I'm at a loss too. Hope it gets better for you soon. xx

I think you really need to stop running until it is better - that can be tough but in the long term you will probably be glad you were patient. A simple tip is to keep a small bottle of water in the freezer and use it to roll the foot and ice at the same time. If you have access to a cross trainer that might be a good way to maintain fitness. You could even follow the C25K podcasts - I followed the Speed podcast on the treadmill while I was avoiding impact due to a hip injury. It doesn't work exactly the same muscles but I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. I'm not knocking the NHS at all because I'm very grateful we have them, but a Sports Physio might be more pro-active if you can stretch to the cost (about £30 for half an hour). Good luck to both of you, it's tough not being able to run when you really want to.
More advice here :

Have a look at this
I used to have it (when I was a lot heavier). I did exercises and got rid of it. I wasnt running at the time so not sure if you should stop or not.
We have a walk in physio/podiatry service locally in our NHS board might be worth researching that.
I suffer from this and wear insoles, not just when I'm running but in all my shoes! I got mine from this website painfreewalking.co.uk/heel-...
It's made a huge difference to me x
Ps my podiatrist said no need to stop running!

Thanks for all the advice, never been so frustrated by anything before I'm a nurse and a mum too so it's hard to stay off my feet to help it recover. I'm awaiting the insoles in the post
Sorry for hijacking your question bethbrit x
The advice on stretching and especially the iced water bottle is the way forward for this injury. After stretching you will need to try and keep the tendon in the stretched by using something like the insoles suggested or you could try a support that straps around the arch as this works when your not stood on your feet or just in socks.
There is also a long sock available to wear at night that has an extra piece of fabric attached to the toe that fastens to the top of the sock to hold the foot in a stretched position. This will stop the tendon shrinking/tightening again overnight. Just google Strassburg Sock
I can’t help with the sock, but if anyone is interested in the support you are welcome to contact me to discuss a 15% discount for members of this C25K forum….
Andy 01943 601581 andy@completerunner.co.uk

I have this. Now I wear insole inserts in all my shoes, it is usually under control. Sometimes it flares up. When it does, I still wear the inserts, but also wear elastic ankle braces to bed. These have a bit that passes under your foot at the arch, thereby pulling everything up.
I have found that my usual inserts (Dr. Scholl's) were uncomfortable in my right shoe only after a few weeks of C25K. I removed that insert and wore an ankle brace for a while, but now I don't even bother with the insert. I wear one in each shoe at all othe times, so I suppose that is enough to keep it in check.
My GP has p.f., too. She recommended placing a tin on the floor and rolling it back and forth with the arch of the foot. Another exercise she mentioned was to stand on the bottom step on your toes and lower your heels down as far as you can, then to lift yourself back up again.
Good luck!