How old were you when you started on the C25K?... - Couch to 5K

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How old were you when you started on the C25K? and why?

caro8642 profile image
75 Replies

It seems that everyone has started at a different time in their life and for different reasons. It may be helpful to others to know that it is not just for youngsters (anyone under 30) the superfit, or those with an ideal BMI. Its open to everyone and in most cases, anyone can do it as well!

I started at 49 years 5 months, to help with weight loss and general fitness. How about you??

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caro8642 profile image
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75 Replies
Rollertoaster profile image

Hi, I was 29 when I started on 16 Aug (I'm now 30). I'm on w8r3 now and have been running every other day since then (except for 2 instances when life got in the way!). I started for the same reasons as you really. To get fitter and shift a few pounds, but also to improve my sense of mental wellbeing. I also fancied taking up running for a while, but had no idea how to get into it, until I stumbled upon this, and the rest is history!

becksbinks profile image

Hi, Ive just started and I'm 32 in nov. I started as needed a new focus as giving up the fags for stoptober! So far so good, W1R2 just completed!

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply tobecksbinks

well done, keep it up on both fronts. I'm also an ex smoker, for me the key was my attitude towards smoking: I gave up nothing, but I gained so much, being able to breathe properly, smelling better, not having to stand out in the cold, a whole host of things. Running is a great distraction while you do that, and your body will already be reaping the benefits of both

avagomo profile image

I'm 61 and graduated in August after completing the C25K programme in 10 weeks. Since then I've done a 5k race and now enjoy running three times a week. I did it because I'd lost a couple of stones and wanted to 'firm up'!! Before C25K I wasn't a couch potato, I enjoyed daily dog walking and weekly zumba and yoga classes but no way was I a runner!! This is a programme for all ages and abilities - all you need apart from decent trainers is lots of self belief.

Mitts profile image

I'm 55 and started end July, graduated last Monday. After years of back trouble my muscles were the consistency of clear soup and my stamina was non-existent. Last Easter I found a good therapist and exercise programme which I did daily till I started this, now on alternate days to the runs. I really only wanted to get a bit stronger, thought to myself maybe I'd get to the 20 minute jog in W5 and stop there... can only jog on soft surfaces but it's been great, I'll definitely keep it up 2-3 times a week. :-)

alliec profile image

I'm 33 and started C25K to shift some lbs. Having gone to Zumba for 9 month and managing to shift nearly 2 stone the last 7 pounds (i'm 5ft 8 and 11st 7) are proving a little difficult and i've been bobbing up and down on the scales for a few months now. With the idea of increaing my fitness really second

I liked the idea of something I could fit in amongst my family/work/social life and the fact that it's 30 minutes and instructional has really helped.

I have to say hard as it is (i'm now on wk4 and about to do run 2 tonight I think i'm hooked

psarapsych profile image
psarapsychGraduate in reply toalliec

Hey Alliec - just did W4R1 today and like you am hooked. Am 54 and have just sorted out how to rid myself of knee pain. I don't want to talk to soon BUT... I feel like I could do this 'til my dying day. Never run in my life before so I'm a bit amazed that I'm enjoying it so much!!!

Oldgirl profile image

Hi I was 16 when I started it last year, finished it in December then had an injury which stopped me running for 3 months. Started again in April and graduated in May. Can now run 5K no bother and do at least once a week and also 10K now and again. Oh stupid ole me I'm transposing my bumners today I was 61 and I'm 62 now ;)

Mitts profile image
MittsGraduate in reply toOldgirl

Nearly fell off my chair there Oldgirl :-)

vixiej profile image
vixiejGraduate in reply toOldgirl

excellent post :-D

Pat184 profile image

Hi I started in July this year age 73, although very fit for my age I lacked stamina. Doc gave me the go ahead and I graduated on the 1st September, and I am still running. My daughter jlow is now on week 7. :-)

Mitts profile image
MittsGraduate in reply toPat184

p184, it's down to you that I didn't stop at my initial target of W5R3 - I kept thinking, if she can do it so can I - and we both did! :-)

Pat184 profile image
Pat184Graduate in reply toMitts

We sure did, J21 at admin said he thinks I am the oldest to graduate, I must admit that makes me feel good :-) Pat

Soozz profile image
SoozzGraduate in reply toPat184

You are a legend, Pat. Totally inspiring! X

jlow profile image
jlowGraduate in reply toMitts

When the going has got tough for me, I also think if mum did this then so can I :-)

psarapsych profile image
psarapsychGraduate in reply toPat184

Wow p184 - thank you for this. I'm a complete Newbie to running at 54 - you have just given me so much hope and belief that I can still be running in 20 years' time. Thank you :-)

gdeann profile image

Great question Caro!! My story is very similar to yours! 49 years and 3 months, general weight loss/toning and fitness. I had both parents pass with Cancer and Congestive heart failure. I knew what path i was heading down and decided to re-route myself! About 1.5 years ago, the Hall household went on an eating healthy plan. We still eat crap at times but eat fairly healthy 85-90% of the time. I am down 36 pounds and Steve 25 pounds. To make a long story short, Steve and I in conversation, touched on C25K and researched it. We decided to give it a try and here we are! We have never stayed with anything like this before and look at us now...getting ready to do our grad run tonight! Thank you for posting this question! It will be interesting to read the comments.

BettyJane profile image

I started C25K a week after my 49th birthday. Having lost 3st 12lb with Tesco online diet, I wanted to start some kind of exercise to help keep the weight off. I'd heard about C25K through the diet forum and thought I'd give it a go, never believing I'd be hooked by week6.

SBG356 profile image

I started end of August and a month after turning 50. I consider myself quite fit and am well within my BMI; I do regular exercise including free weights and boxercise and even though I have often thought about running I just never could be bothered. I came across this on Slimming World by chance and with the inspiratioin of the Olympics too I was determined to commit to it and have been hooked ever since!

Its not really for losing weight but to tone my bum and legs, build stamina and just to be able to enjoy running as so many seem to do so!

runningwild profile image

Hi, I started in January to get in shape for my wedding in mid March. Graduated early March even ran for 20 mins on the day of my wedding, then somehow put it off, and put it off, which turned into 5 months! Started back in August and half a stone heavier:( and am now on wk6. Having problems with sore calves which I didn't have before so I think it's the extra weight. So I can say it does work, but you need to keep it up!!

I'm now 45 ;) I love this program and first heard of it on an American site couch25k, founded by Josh Clark to get his mother into shape I believe. ;)

canuckgirl profile image

Good question! sorry in advance for the tome that I am about to write...

I started when I was 42 and will turn 43 either the day after or the day of my final run. I am overweight and out of shape and I have had hereditary high cholesterol since my younger and skinnier days. In the past four years, I have been caregiver to two stage 4 cancer patients and had a baby (my son is 2 and a half). I continue to care for them all and work part time.

I realized that if I wasn't careful, I could have a heart attack. The running makes me feel good about myself, it relieves stress and makes me healthier.

My other child is getting married next year (daughter 28yrs) and I would like to look nice and feel good when that happens. I want to be as active for my little boy as I was for my daughter (not likely given the age difference!!!), but I don't want to be the dumpy tired old mum.

I really feel that this programme has saved my life!

GoogleMe profile image

I was 49. I'd made the mistake of letting the practice nurse push me around and weigh me just for the sake of ticking boxes when I went for something else and she pronounced me obese and sent me on my way (I discovered later that she had put "Declined to discuss weight reduction diet" which was an outrageous lie, and it also turned out that she was potentially dangerously negligent about something else so she is not exactly my best friend) But I knew I should lose weight and that was how I found out about C25K. I'd been trying to do brisk walking and couldn't and thought that I was willing to try 8 x 60 seconds of running. I started out not telling anyone, and dressed in normal clothes, walking boots, my normal backpack handbag, fully laden and the dog on the lead.

There were other factors:

1) I read a research study which described people with my health condition as 'kinesiophobic' and I thought that was another lie

2) I was coming up to the 30th anniversary of first getting ill - pretty much my whole adult life and the prof who diagnosed me had previously said in a lecture that it burns itself about between 3 and 30 years and I felt it was my turn to get better now please so I was going to give the bugger another shove

3) I felt very aware that having health difficulties that compromise your ability to exercise doesn't give you some kind of pass card to avoid osteoporosis or cardiovascular problems, rather the opposite.

Weight loss has been marginal - I bounce around the obese/overweight divide, butt is better toned. Am now in the double bind of being able to run for over an hour (that's how long it takes me to do 5K) but not actually being any more functional overall after 9 months and in fact having to do a bit less to accommodate the running. Most of my life is still in bed (being a couch potato is something of an aspiration!) I am not anticipating that the Powers That Be will be able to get their heads round that at all.

On the plus side, I can confidently say I am not kinesiophobic, it's been a giggle... and here's a really curious thing - when you all describe shin splints I think "Oh, that's the pain I used to have nearly all the time before I started running" and since very early on in the programme, that pain has GONE!

Vivwestie profile image
VivwestieGraduate in reply toGoogleMe

Wow - what an inspirational story! You can run for an hour!! Bloomin' heck. And you really showed that prof and that snotty nurse!

thinnerandfitter profile image

Like so many others here I'm 49, will be 50 in December! Found the program by chance in Slimming World magazine. I've already lost 2 stone 10 pounds with SW (since January) but the weight loss had stalled so I wanted to kick start it. 4 weeks in and I haven't lost a single pound but I do feel better. I was already doing an aerobics class once a week so had already started to get into better shape.

I don't know how much further I'll get - never look further ahead than next week but so far I'm amazed. I wouldn't say I enjoy the running sessions but I look forward to going and am soooo proud of myself when I get back. Not so proud that I hit the chocolate biccies though ha ha.

It's so great meeting you all and I'm looking forward to reading more as we go on through this.

Deryn61 profile image

Great question, I was 50, I had lost 3.5 stone with weightwatchers and loads of online members were singing the praises of this programme.. I had avoided running (games in general) since developing extreme "curves" aged 11 so I never ever really thought I would enjoy this.

I JUST LOVE IT! I have managed to do 8 hrs work in 6.5 hrs so I could leave work a bit earlier, so I could get home, pick up my dog/change into my running kit and go run up and down a short hill for half hour before I go to my Welsh class lol!

I am, several sizes smaller, so much happier and more confident, have done several parkruns and 2 10k races and training for a 10 mile run!

Its so funny, I started as I thought it would help with weight loss, now I want to lose more weight so I can run faster and further lol!

I started in the snow in February on my 63rd birthday. Dog walking and swimming were maintaining my weight but no more than that. I completed in 9 weeks and now run 3 times a week across the fields behind my house. I found out about C25K because someone else in the village had done it the summer before. It took me 6 months to decide to do it. I am so glad I did.

Burstcouch profile image

Hi I was 52 ( now 53).

If you look under the polls done in July 2012, it will show you a pie chart with the average ages then.

Why ...........various reasons............ but to get me out of the house

mabelfelix profile image

I was 49 but 50 now and I feel fabulous. All my clothes are too big but have been buying smaller ones when funds allow. I started eating healthily and was losing weight but wanted to get back to where I was 4 years back, C25K is ideal way to start exercising again, I used to run. I've gone from a size 16 down to a 10. Have booked a girlie holiday for May so good incentive to get toned and into a bikini. Just did the Week 9 Run 1. Loving it!

Chewy profile image

Great question. I'm 51 both now and when I started. Two reasons that I started, firstly to lose some weight and secondly to get fitter. I'm not at all interested in the way that I look, I want to live long enough to see my daughters graduate, get married (if that's what they do) and be happy.

Vivwestie profile image

By the looks of things there are a lot of us around the 50 mark!

I turned 50 last December and instead of it feeling like a celebration, it was a low point. Very reduced financial circumstances, overweight and a whole raft of other issues around beliefs, lifestyle, purpose etc., etc. Sooooo, I had started work at a medical centre and had questioned my diet and general lifestyle. Cos of the financial circs, I was forced to sell my (sob!) Eunos Roadster (sob, sob...) and had to walk to work. Started off feeling very sorry for myself, but after a while I realised that I was enjoying the bracing 2 mile walk to work and back. Also, at work I got a free lunch and one of the options is a fresh, and varied salad bar and home-made veg soup option. So, slowly.... the healthy option was becoming a way of life. Around the time I turned 50 I gave up meat and fish and limited my dairy intake and tried to eat as much raw food as poss and added in juicing. Due to the reduced financial thang, husband and I started going for long walks on a Sunday... cos it's free! Then a woman at work was talking about how she and her husband had started C25K (they didn't carry on) and I thought 'that sounds interesting' and two months on, I've graduated, bought a bike and have signed up for my first 5k (in a week) and 10k (in two months).

C25K has given me a challenge, the thrill of the outdoors, and the joy of watching the miraculous ability of the body to change and adapt. You are what you eat, but you're also what you do. I didn't want to be a diabetic, osteoarthritic, hypertensive shuffling, moaning, tired, overweight old woman. Put simply, I want to feel alive, not just exist.

caro8642 profile image
caro8642 in reply toVivwestie

Brilliant reply, as are so many. Thanks to all who responded. When I hit 49 (back in March), I was determined that I was not going to hit 50 being the same weight and feeling sorry for myself. April/May saw me in and out of hospital, finally having my Gal bladder removed. I think that was a bit of the kick I needed, when some one said, 'its your age, its all down hill from now!' So, 4 months now to my 50th and I hope to still be running and having a much more positive outlook on life. Getting there slowly and see no reason why I should not be able to do that. Wk8 r1 completed tonight, so not much further to go.

Vivwestie profile image
VivwestieGraduate in reply tocaro8642

All downhill? No way. It's your age? Age is no barrier, as you've proved. You are indeed nearly at the end of the beginning. You'll run full-pelt into your fifties, fitter than you've been for a long time. Sod the dissenters. Age has nothing to do with it, as so many people on this forum have proved.

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply toVivwestie

Age is just a number, its the way you interpret that number that counts. I'm 62 now and feel nearer 26!! I have turned my life around this past year, well it was take it and control it or it would be taken away from me, yes I mean my life. Food for thought eh,!

mattaitch profile image

Started in June after losing a couple of stone and wanting to get fit. Back then I was 41 and 16 stone . Now I'm 42 and weigh in at 13.5 stone and can't stop running.

ca66ie99 profile image

I am 34 and started the plan in August, I've just completed W8R1. I have long said that I wanted to be able to run.

I have two friends I compare myself to, one who couldn't run for a bus (like me !!) and can now run a marathon without stopping so I've always KNOWN it was possible.

The other friend loves running and has always said to me that its a great time to figure out things, she thinks through her problems. Me on the other hand has always said the only thing I've EVER managed to think about is how much pain I'm in !!

Half way through the year with my NY resolution being to run 5K without stopping I had done nothing towards it. I googled 5K plan and came up with Couch25K. It's been genius.

I enjoyed reading it but still didn't manage to kick myself in to gear until I mentioned it to another friend who said she was on W5. Now THAT managed to get me in gear as I knew if she could do it then so could I. Think I was also deep down afraid of failing so I thought if I didn't try then I couldn't be disappointed right ?

I've had some bad runs and thought I might not get back in to it this week as I was managing to run for 30mins in total but needed to stop several times but I'm back with a vengence. Hopefully I will be graduating in the next few weeks. Great Question !!

Vivwestie profile image
VivwestieGraduate in reply toca66ie99

There's no 'hopefully' about it. You WILL be graduating in the next few weeks.

daystogo profile image

Loved reading everyone's stories so thought I better contribute too. My son ran the Brighton marathon in April this year and I was so proud of him. He encouraged me to start exercising and I promised him I would try to run 5K before the year was out. At about the same time as I made this promise to him, my sister told me about this programme and the rest is history.

I'm 58, not really overweight but was incredibly unfit. Realised I hadn't really done any exercise since high school – that's over 40 years! For most of my first runs I would go out thinking this is the day I'm going to die, this is the day I'm going to die with my heart feeling like it was going to pop right out of my chest! Slowly but surely, just as we all have here on this forum, I started to gain some stamina, some muscles I didn't even know I had, and a little more lung power. Next week I'll be running my first 5K charity run for the National Autistic Society as my nephew has Asperger's Syndrome and the charity helpline as been such a support to my sister and her family.

I have so enjoyed being part of this community and know that I never would have been able to do this on my own so thanks so much to everyone here. Long may our friendship, mutual encouragement and ongoing story sharing continue!

I love reading everybody's responses! I started at the end of August, just a couple weeks before my 48th birthday. I'm relatively fit, I enjoy walking and my job is fairly physical, but running has never appealed to me, though I flirted with it a little bit. Stamina has usually been the issue for me. I'm from the US and read about the programme from a friend on Facebook and followed the link. If you are familiar with 'Love Actually', I can tell you that some of us are definitely infatuated with an English accent--so the simplicity of the workouts was one draw, but Laura sealed the deal! 'Well done!' I got a proper pair of shoes and have been dedicated thus far, and am going to do w5r3 today!

I've already started looking into possible 5k runs for late fall or early spring.

This community has been really helpful, so thanks to all and thanks to Laura!

vikicats profile image

Wow so many inspirational people out there. Well done all of you. I was 41 when I started about 4 weeks ago, turned 42 today and if you can all do it, so can I. Thanks.

Chewy profile image
Chewy in reply tovikicats

Happy Birthday Viki :)

pingle profile image

I was about to turn 45 and realised how like my mum I was getting in every way including being exercise phobic. My weight had tipped over into the obese category and I felt like dying if I had to go to the top of our 3 story house in one go. I knew I had to do something as so many of my family suffer from diabetes and I did not want to limited by my unfitness.

On NHS choices there was a quiz that pointed you to the type of exercise that might suit and to my amazement it suggested running. When I thought about it it made sense though, you can do it on your own (the thought of team sports still makes me shudder), at your own pace, it's cheap and you don't have to go anywhere and can fit it in anytime and it's weight bearing so good to prevent osteoporosis. The link to C25k was there too and I downloaded the first 2 podcasts without telling anyone what I was up to. I just said I was going for a walk if any one asked and got to week 4 as a 'stealth runner'.

Today I just completed the stamina podcast for the first time, my weight has dropped to merely overweight and I am fitter than I have ever been in my life. For me the difference was the gradual way Laura builds you up, a little at a time and the realisation that for me at least I have to exercise at least 3 times a week for it to get easier. Previously I would start a once a week exercise class, fail to improve and eventually give up. I have also discovered what a great stress buster exercise can be and have even learned to love running in the rain!

All in all it's been a revelation. :-)

ceefin profile image

I'm 50 and I started running in May this year as an incentive to keep off the roll ups and help reduce any weight gain from stopping smoking. 6 months later and I'm still smoke free and I am also back to the same weight I was at the beginning of the year.

I was fortunate to have a fairly good level of fitness from power walking up to 14 miles a week but I really struggled with the change to running and after a 'run' of bad luck I finally managed this program after the 4th attempt. I'm so glad that I kept trying because this evening I went out for a 3 mile run just because I felt like it :)

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply toceefin

> and because you could ceefin. Congratulations on two counts, your running and stopping smoking, those two things will have added many years of healthy living to your life.

back_to_18 profile image

46 and "morbidly obese"!

Now still 46 and (according to the NHS BMI tracker) very close to the "Healthy Weight" category.

With healthy eating, running, cycling and the gym I've lost 5 stone and about 6 to 7 inches on my waist.

caro8642 profile image
caro8642 in reply toback_to_18

Fantastic! Well done. I am 12 lb down since starting in August, only 2 st 7lb to go! Don't know how many inches lost, but clothes are certainly fitting better and looser! Also, no longer 'obese' but 'overweight', so know things are heading in teh right direction. Again Well done!

bearpadi profile image

I was 63 and i did it to get healthier/fitter and i have - feel better - heart rate down to 65 - 70 after being at 80 for nearly 20 years - more toned - feeling good. Love it.

Fraz73 profile image

I'm 38 and started the C25K on 21st August. I'm currently on W8R2 and apart from one extra rest day for a cold, I've run every other day.

My reasons were many. The Olympics and Paralympics have definitely inspired me and I know of many people who've taken up exercise on the back of this which is great. I also wasn't happy with the direction my life was taking. I felt older than my years, constantly drained by my teaching work and seemed to be on a never ending downward spiral of gaining weight continuously. But the main reason is that my father died of a heart attack when I was 4 years old at the age of 39. I turn 39 in December and this has been looming ahead like a dark cloud for most of my 30's. I needed to do something to try and ensure that I didn't go the same way.

canuckgirl profile image
canuckgirlGraduate in reply toFraz73

Good for you Fraz, I admire the way that you faced your fear and did something about it! Good luck with the rest of your runs.

Just joined the healthunlocked community today but have been doing the C25K plan for 5 weeks now. Just completed W5R3 and never thought that 5 weeks ago I would be able to run for 20 minutes. I am 61 and so glad to see so many others in my age range, I thought I was being silly for starting at my age but reading all the other comments I now feel much better that I am not alone. I started the programme to get fitter as I have never done any serious exercise since my mid twenty’s even though I think I am reasonably fit as a walk a reasonable amount, walking the lake district for holidays etc., plenty of gardening but I sit most of the time at work, like most a slave to the computer, and didn’t do much in the evening apart from slump in front of the TV. Luckily I can work from home as well as the office so two days a week I run early morning before I fire up the laptop at home and I run Sunday mornings.

I have followed the healthunlocked chats and that has encouraged me to keep going to get to where I am today so thank you to all the contributors, I should weather permitting graduate at the end of October/early November.

EnVadrouille profile image

Love reading this!

I'm 33 and size 16.

Never been a sport enthusiastic but could get carried away sometimes and ended up a couple of times with knees the size of a football because of lactic acid!

I stumbled across the program by chance: on the NHS website, looking for a local dentist as we moved to a new area.

I took me 2 weeks to download the podcast and step out to the park. That was back in August and I am about to finish week5.

This doesn't add up I know, but I am struggling to find the time to go on my run. I'm up at 6am and back from work at 7pm with no energy left to go on a run.

I started running because I knew I need to exercise the lifestyle that comes with a desk job and London commute. I like food, not junk, but good food with wine, cheese, olive oil and puddings! My boyfriend had been nagging me about a physical activity for months... Now, I'm the one trying all I can to convince him to come with me - unsuccessfully :-(

Like most of you, I would have never thought I'd stick to the program, but I enjoy running so much...

One thing that strucked me reading your testimonies is that I found some people who did like me: not say anything to people around you when you started the program. I told my boyfriend after the first run, because I was soooo excited, but my plan was not to say anything for a couple of weeks, just to see if I could do it, if I would keep doing it. I guess my thought was "if i can't do it, nobody but me will know" and that is why I think this program is so brilliant: I haven't lost weight. My body has changed but the scale tells me the same thing then in August. What has really changed (and again I'm only on week5) is my confidence and my stamina.

That's not all thanks to the running, but also to this blogging community - Thank you everyone!

carolinew profile image

I was 51 when I started the program in July. Nine weeks on I've graduated and run about 4.2k in 30 mins (and am now 52). My dad died last Christmas and just after the funeral my step mum was rushed into hospital and was there for about 6 weeks. It hit me that I was about to become the eldest of the elder generation in my family and I didn't like what I saw in my future.

I joined WW at Easter and promised myself that when I'd lost 3 stone I'd add some additional activity to my life (I'm a self employed dog walker and walk for 5/6 hours a day). So the Monday following the 3 stone loss I started C25K. In the nine weeks I've lost another stone and a half and have now added Pilates class to my routine and bought an exercise bike.

I still have another four stone to lose, but am hopeful that I will get there.

At the moment I'm on holiday with my husband and our six dogs. Most days we've walked 4-6 miles along the Cornish coast or inland and amazingly I've found it easy. Even the steep climbs have been easy. I think that I'm finally feeling the benefits of my three years of being a dog walker, combined with my weight loss and the additional stamina gained from the running.

I'm loving the running and have two more targets to meet on my journey - at five stone I'm going to have a course of kayaking lessons and at six stone I'm going to get a personal trainer to help with the last two stone!

swanscot profile image

I was 52 when I started this programme in July. I've always been reasonably active and fit, with both working and playing in the outdoors. I've been involved in hillwalking, mountain biking, kayaking, and occasionally outdoor swimming and cross-country skiing for years. I'd never seriously considered running as a hobby though, but admit that when I'd taken our son to running events (10Ks, marathon, and hill races) I always felt a wee bit jealous of the thousands of runners and very unfit compared to them.

Why did I start now? One day I was sitting here reading a news article on the BBC news site (maybe about the forthcoming Olympics, I don't remember), but the picture they used to accompany the article showed a young woman running *effortlessly* through the woods. I suddenly wanted to do that!

So I got up out of my chair, put on my t-shirt and shorts and trail walking shoes and set off into the local woods. I tried a walk/run routine and *thought* I was running about one minute and walking for two - repeatedly. For some reason I thought I had to do 5K and I knew where the 2.5km point was from walking here. I think I only managed about 3 or 4 or these running intervals then walked the rest. However, I tired again this next day and this time I remembered my watch. I found my running '1 minute sessions' were in fact only 30 seconds! And it was painful the second day as I'd got awful groin strain from striding out in the 'classic' runners pose as seem in pictures in the media.

I mentioned my antics on Facebook and a friend said that sounds like Couch to 5K. After being a little upset that she considered me as starting from The Couch(!) I searched and found this programme. After two days of trying to recover my abductor muscles with gentle yoga stretches I started C25K. Nine weeks later I graduated.

I never intended for my running to be anything other than the ability to run effortlessly through the woods, or along a trail. However, I seem to have been suckered into wanting to run 'race' distances - 5K and 10K and now see some of my runs as 'training sessions' aimed at improving my speed and stamina.

vengadriver profile image

I was 41yrs (now 42) and was watching the fantastic weight loss one of The Biggest Loser contestants had achieved after being advised to run by one of the trainers.She had been running 5-10 km a day.

I had been going to the gym 3 times per week for many years to primarily lose weight but had lost none.I was much fitter and toned however.

A "friend" at the gym told me about the C25K app which I started on the treadmill then moved outside after a few weeks and never looked back.Running really pushes me unlike anything I do at the gym.My stamina has much improved.As for the weight loss,I am too scared to get on the scales!

I graduated in May and try to run twice weekly (at least 5km) then I do a spin and body pump class at the gym once a week.

oona profile image

I am 51, and followed a link on the Zest magazine website to find C25k and I'm so glad I did! I've always been fairly active - tennis, Aquafit, Zumba, cycling, walking - not all at the same time! However, I wanted something that would give me a sustained fitness level and help control my weight. Like many more of us on this programme health was a big decider on getting started, there's a history of cancer in my family and one way of reducing the odds of getting it is a healthy diet and exercise. So it was a bit of a no-brainier really. Loved reading everyone's replies!

psarapsych profile image

Hi Caro, I have always loved swimming and having lived in Oz for 9 years with an olympic pool down the road (and an indoor one for winter) I swam 1k 3 times a week. Having moved to Austria I've done nothing!! Now 4 years after our arrival I had this strange 'organic' feeling like there was a runner in me trying to get out. Having always said joggers were mad I was a bit taken aback at my body's desire to run!!! I researched jogging like mad (re joints and running posture etc.) until I felt able to go out with Laura. Here I am having completed W4R1 and I feel newborn. Really am nonplussed to be honest at this bizarre turn of events!!!

Dizzygee profile image

Ok so I'm 43, family history of heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol etc, also got PCOS which can mean a tendency towards diabetes, am overweight and unfit and generally needed to sort myself out! Am starting a new job soon (after retraining and getting a first class degree!!) so decided if I can do it in my professional life I can do it for my health... I have always loved dancing but hurt myself badly last time I went to a ceilidh due to being so unfit.... really really peed off! A friend told me about C25K and here I am ... W4 R1 completed, feeing good and so positive!!

AliB1 profile image

Have loved reading everyone's stories, what a fab question!!!!!

I started in January as my resolution was to get fit and at the same time cancelled my gym membership coz yet again I found myself in the position where I had joned a gym gone for a coupe of months and then paid the membership fee for months without going, Also wanted to just be able to get up and go straight from my front door. graduated in March and since then have got my 5k to 34 mins (although a lot slower today!), joined a running club a, done park runs and have my first 10k next sunday (yikes!!!) and have made new friends!!!!

I have lost about 16lbs and have at least the same to go but need to find that switch in my head (comes and goes). Not only domi Feel so much fitter I am much calmer at work don't get stressed as much etc, this has been incredible journey and the support I have had has been amazing...both on here and friends & colleagues coz I told everyone what I was doing s. couldn't back out .

Next year is the year I get looking forward to the running journey continuing!!!!!!

AliB1 profile image
AliB1Graduate in reply toAliB1

Forgotntonout my ag.. Dur! 43 when I started, 44 now

I'm 47 and am due to complete week 4 today. I started the programme after having a very difficult year, both in my private and professional life, which resulted in me being struck down with anxiety and depression. I ended up on three different types of medication just to get me through the day and for most of the year have felt that I was hanging onto my sanity by my fingernails, I have had the podcast on my phone for six months but have only recently felt up to starting the programme.

I can't believe how much C25K has helped to speed up my recovery - the endorphins produced by running are much more powerful than any anti depressant or anti anxiety medication!

caro8642 profile image
caro8642 in reply to

I was really down last sunday after not completing my run as planned. I have had depression before and my hubby was worried that I was heading down hill again. However, think it was just 'one of those days'. This mornings run went well and have felt on top of the world (apart from nursing a poorly knee) Keep going, it is well worth the effort.

Vitty profile image

I started aged 37 and by coincidence graduated on my 38th birthday.

Like many here I've always hated running. The only sport I enjoyed at school was rowing, probably because you can do it sitting down. So when I decided to get my weight under control I took up swimming. In a year through swimming and diet I got my BMI down to 'healthy'.

Then in July my sister died. She used to run 10ks & half marathons. The last day I saw her I got caught up in the British 10k. I started C25K for my sister with a view to running in the British 10k for charity next year. I've found running great for giving me the headspace to work through some of what's gone in in the last year, and exercise endorphins are wonderful things.

I haven't lost much weight since starting to run (in fact my weight loss has slowed - but I have lost 2.5 stone so perhaps that's to be expected) but I think I've lost a few inches. I wouldn't say I love running, and getting out the door still takes effort, but I am healthier for it and am now working towards being able to run 5k in 30 mins (currently at 34:33) and then building up to 10k.

JHunt2 profile image

I started aged 57yrs 5mths because I wanted to get fit and loose some weight. I also wanted to do some charity runs and needed to be fit to complete them.

My friend started C25K about 6 weeks before I started so I can't wait to graduate and join her on her runs.

Gizelelezig profile image

Hi guys,

Oh, non! I'm a "youngster". Yikes!

I'm 27, but sadly far from the super fit with ideal BMI...heum heum...rather over weight and just plain out of shape.

I come from the land of cheese, baguettes, wine, and just plain old "bon vivants".

Recently moved to the UK, I discovered this program while surfing on the NHS website.

I quite my horrible desk job, left Paris and now live in London. Being far from my friends, family and everything has proved being harder than planned. Luckily, what I do have, is a fantastic person I share my life with.

A couple years ago, while in Rome on a father/daughter weekend, we accidentally witnessed the marathon. For some odd reason we where totally seduced by what we saw. Since then we have both been thinking about taking up running.

Now, after all these years of struggling with my body, I feel the need to take care of myself.

What better time than to start running right?

This forum is so inspiring, encouraging and supportive, it's unbelievable and fabulous!

caro8642 profile image
caro8642 in reply toGizelelezig

The beauty of this is that ALL ages can take part as this question has highlighted. I am amazed at some of replies and the variety of reasons and the range of ages that we are all starting this quest at. Good luck with your quest, and welcome to England!

emmam profile image

I started this spring at 25, overweight and not getting what I wanted out of weightwatchers, mainly because of an uninspiring leader. I got to W8 R2 and I was so proud of myself and the fitness I had achieved. Then came 13 weeks in America, managed 2 or 3 runs even in the heat until my colleague broke her foot, my workload doubled and I had no time for runs (sad face). Came home and decided to restart the programme from the beginning. I am now happily back on week 5 and confident I'll manage to complete it this time around. I have nearly 3stone to lose for my dream goal weight and an incentive of a wedding next year. I am determined to get my fitness back up again. I never thought I'd be the sort of person to miss going for a run!

Keep up the good work everyone, from one of those youngsters! :)

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply toemmam

Well done on your re-run of the programme. I've done it twice, I finished it last December and was running 5K 3 times a week and loving every minute of those runs. Then Sciatica struck and I was crippled for about 3 months. April saw me back out jogging very slowly, June I graduated and now I'm running 3/4 times a week, 5K & any distance in between up to 10K. Its a wonderful way to spend some 'ME' time also getting fit too. Keep up the good work, will look forward to seeing and hearing about your graduation, not that long off now. :)

caro8642 profile image
caro8642 in reply toOldgirl

Wow Oldgirl..... I am currently wondering if I can get to the end, as can't really walk at the moment, let alone run! Worried that if I do stop now, I will never get back to it...... Hope when the time comes, I can get back into it injury free.

DebsieB profile image

Totally inspirational stories, amazing how weve all been bought together through this program...Thought id add my reasons;

Am 43 and after having a hysterectomy in April feel like I've got a life to live again and intend to try and live it happily and healthily. I had years of extreme fatigue due to Endometriosis, some days even pulling the wet washing out of the machine had me in I really feel like I'm making progress having just completed Week 2 this evening...!

happierswimming profile image

I'm 61 and although I swim regularly I felt I needed some weight bearing exercise apart from dog walking. I was already quite fit and liked the idea of being able to run 5k in just 10 weeks. It seemed quite a challenge and I'm still amazed it works! The improved stamina and lung function has also had a good effect on my swimming so I'm really enjoying making the one activity work for the other too :)

DeliaItaly profile image

I was 58 when I started in July and am now 59. I did because both my parents are in dementia and I don't want to go down that road. I was totally unfit and despite stopping for 6 weeks because of a broken wrist, plaster etc. (grrrrrrr) I have stll managed to lose over a stone, have kept my fitness and am looking and feeling great. I hated it when I wasn't running :-)

shazhaz profile image

I am 51 and have just completed week 8 run 2. After years of dieting or as I like to put it healthy eating I found C25K as I was browsing the internet and thought I would give it ago. I've tried alsorts of excersise but got bored easily I am very fickle. Started this in August and cannot believe how it works. Loving it and like to think of myself now as a runner!! My new moto is fat at 50 and fit at 51 lol. Feeling fitter physically and mentally now definatley will keep on going.

caro8642 profile image
caro8642 in reply toshazhaz

I am at exactly the same stage as you.....but have an injury, so not sure when I will finish week 8. I am 50 next birthday, and want to be fit at 50! I have also stated many things, and let them slip, this is the first where I am annoyed that I can't go on with!!! Have lost 13lb since starting in August, but fear it will creep on again if I am not running...... Hope your run 3 goes well.

halokkon profile image

I'm pretty new to the program, in w2r3. I'm not a sociable person so after heart surgery in my early teens I found it hard to get back into sport and felt really unfit. I'm 19 now and needed to find motivation as when I joined a gym at 18 I got bored stiff!

I've taken up rock climbing and dance instead which are great toning exercises but running seemed like a good way to fill my cardio quota. The podcast is great since I'm unable to judge how long I should be running on my own. I feel a lot better about running even at this early stage knowing I've got a guide.

PhilE profile image

56. And mainly because I have a host ailments stemming from a pituitary disorder and because I smoked for years when younger although never been badly overweight. So far so good with W4R1 completed today without any problems and considerable enjoyment!

My goal is to now to be as fit as I can, get my blood pressure to 120/80 instead of 140/90 and to reduce my BMI to 24 or better.

I'm not fond of all of the music but it generally works, I think and anyway, who could possibly put together a play list to satisfy we lot.

caro8642 profile image
caro8642 in reply toPhilE

Good luck with the 'journey' its amazing how we can find something so easy to enjoy after years of getting by. Well done and I hope you continue to enjoy it.

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